Itemized Expenditures for Filing 1061606

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB21 PTY Georgia Republican Party Ga. March 10, 2016 $5,220.00 filing fees
# SB17 ORG HomeLink Computer Services Ga. April 16, 2015 $750.88 web development, graphics, layout of website, business card graphic and design, contribution handler
# SB17 CAN BELL, DOUGLAS ANTHONY Ga. April 16, 2015 $750.88 In-kind - web development, graphics, business card graphic and design, contribution form handler
# SB17 ORG HomeLink Computer Services Ga. Jan. 6, 2015 $660.00 web development, domain name registration, web hosting, photo shoot for website
# SB17 CAN BELL, DOUGLAS ANTHONY Ga. Jan. 6, 2015 $660.00 In-kind - payment for website development, domain name registration, website hosting, photo shoot
# SB17 ORG HomeLink Computer Services Ga. Feb. 1, 2016 $350.79 website edits/development, print media
# SB17 CAN BELL, DOUGLAS ANTHONY Ga. Oct. 16, 2015 $200.00 In-kind - payment for hosting service
# SB17 ORG HomeLink Computer Services Ga. Oct. 16, 2015 $200.00 hosting service
# SB17 ORG Vista Print Mass. Jan. 20, 2016 $185.20 printing fundraising materials (doorhangers, postcards)
# SB17 CAN BELL, DOUGLAS ANTHONY Ga. Jan. 20, 2016 $185.20 In-kind - printing fundraising materials (doorhangers, postcards)
# SB17 ORG HomeLink Computer Services Ga. Jan. 19, 2016 $145.26 domain name registration, web edits
# SB17 CAN BELL, DOUGLAS ANTHONY Ga. Jan. 19, 2016 $145.26 In-kind - domain name registration, web edits
# SB17 ORG HomeLink Computer Services Ga. March 1, 2016 $113.14 website edits
# SB17 CAN BELL, DOUGLAS ANTHONY Ga. March 17, 2015 $41.25 In-kind - web domain name registration
# SB17 ORG HomeLink Computer Services Ga. March 17, 2015 $41.25 domain name registration, web development
# SB17 CAN BELL, DOUGLAS ANTHONY Ga. May 16, 2015 $35.75 In-kind- web development
# SB17 ORG HomeLink Computer Services Ga. May 16, 2015 $35.75 web development
# SB17 ORG HomeLink Computer Services Ga. Sept. 16, 2015 $35.00 domain name registration
# SB17 CAN BELL, DOUGLAS ANTHONY Ga. Sept. 16, 2015 $35.00 In-kind - domain name registration
# SB17 CAN BELL, DOUGLAS ANTHONY Ga. March 23, 2015 $30.98 In-kind - printing business cards
# SB17 ORG Vista Print Mass. March 23, 2015 $30.98 business cards