Itemized Expenditures for Filing 1084762

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 PAC Leadership Connecticut PAC Conn. June 10, 2016 $1,000.00 Contribution
# SB29 PTY House Republican Campaign Committee Pa. June 10, 2016 $1,000.00 State Party Cmte
# SB29 CCM Committee to Elect Cliff Rosenberger Ohio June 10, 2016 $1,000.00 G-2016 State House 91 OH
# SB29 CCM Team Burke Ohio June 10, 2016 $1,000.00 G-2016 State Senate 26 OH
# SB29 CCM Richard Corcoran Campaign Fla. June 10, 2016 $1,000.00 P-2016 State House 37 FL
# SB23 CCM Latta for Congress Ohio May 27, 2016 $1,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Cramer For Congress N.D. June 10, 2016 $1,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Bilirakis for Congress Fla. May 27, 2016 $1,000.00 Contribution
# SB29 PAC DOC PAC Tenn. June 10, 2016 $1,000.00 State PAC
# SB29 CCM Sprague for State Representative Ohio June 10, 2016 $1,000.00 G-2016 State House 83 OH
# SB29 CCM Cmte to Elect Tim Brown Ind. June 10, 2016 $500.00 G-2016 State House 41 IN
# SB29 CCM Friends of Rob Nosse Ore. June 1, 2016 $500.00 G-2016 State House 42 OR
# SB29 CCM Committee to Elect Cindy Ind. June 10, 2016 $500.00 G-2016 State House 89 IN
# SB29 CCM Friends of Jennifer Williamson Ore. June 1, 2016 $500.00 G-2016 State House 36 OR
# SB29 CCM Citizens for Obhof Ohio June 10, 2016 $500.00 G-2016 State Senate 22 OH
# SB29 CCM Committee to Elect Hite Ohio June 10, 2016 $500.00 P-2018 State Senate 01 OH
# SB29 CCM Ind. June 10, 2016 $300.00 G-2016 State House 73 IN