Itemized Expenditures for Filing 1105894

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB21 PTY National Republican Congressional Committee D.C. Aug. 23, 2016 $31,750.00 Dues
# SB17 ORG Winfrey & Company Va. Aug. 25, 2016 $18,590.95 Fundraising
# SB21 PTY Nebraska Republican Party Neb. July 1, 2016 $10,000.00 Organizational Support
# SB17 ORG Capitol Hill Club D.C. June 15, 2016 $5,497.87 Catering
# SB17 ORG CP Stratagies, LLC Neb. Aug. 23, 2016 $5,097.93 General Campaign Consulting
# SB17 ORG CP Stratagies, LLC Neb. Sept. 12, 2016 $3,538.40 General Campaign Consulting
# SB17 ORG Grand Valley Consulting, LLC Va. Aug. 6, 2016 $3,120.01 Fundraising
# SB17 ORG Grand Valley Consulting, LLC Va. Sept. 12, 2016 $3,090.01 Fundraising
# SB17 ORG Grand Valley Consulting, LLC Va. July 5, 2016 $3,022.20 Fundraising
# SB17 ORG The Liaison Capitol Hill D.C. July 12, 2016 $2,128.00 Food Beverage
# SB21 CCM Kansans For Marshall Kan. Aug. 23, 2016 $2,000.00 Contribution
# SB21 COM STEFANIK FOR CONGRESS N.Y. July 28, 2016 $2,000.00 Contribution
# SB17 ORG Acqua Al 2 D.C. July 8, 2016 $1,804.90 Food Beverage
# SB17 ORG Crown Plaza Independence Hotel Ohio July 12, 2016 $1,333.95 Hotel
# SB17 IND Schumacher, Hannah Neb. Aug. 25, 2016 $1,000.00 Fundraising
# SB21 CCM Friends Of Stewart Mills Minn. July 28, 2016 $1,000.00 Contribution
# SB21 CCM Tarkanian For Congress Nev. July 28, 2016 $1,000.00 Contribution
# SB21 CCM Friends Of Todd Young Ind. Sept. 21, 2016 $1,000.00 Contribution
# SB21 PTY Nebraska Republican Party Neb. July 13, 2016 $1,000.00 Organizational Support
# SB21 CCM Mike Gallagher For Wisconsin Wis. Sept. 21, 2016 $1,000.00 Contribution
# SB17 IND Schumacher, Hannah Neb. July 5, 2016 $1,000.00 Fundraising
# SB17 IND Schumacher, Hannah Neb. Sept. 12, 2016 $1,000.00 Fundraising
# SB21 CCM Friends Of Erik Paulsen Minn. Sept. 21, 2016 $1,000.00 Contribution
# SB21 CCM Poliquin For Congress Me. July 5, 2016 $1,000.00 Contribution
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. Sept. 30, 2016 $845.00 Electronic Processing Fees
# SB17 ORG Sonoma Restaurant D.C. July 14, 2016 $741.00 Food Beverage
# SB17 ORG Wash. June 21, 2016 $653.62 Laptop
# SB17 PTY Nebraska Republican Party Neb. July 13, 2016 $600.00 Event Rally
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. Sept. 1, 2016 $500.00 Database
# SB21 COM Scotts Bluff County Republican Party Neb. July 5, 2016 $500.00 Forum Table
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. July 1, 2016 $500.00 Database
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. Aug. 1, 2016 $500.00 Database
# SB17 ORG Amway D.C. Sept. 12, 2016 $400.00 Room Rental
# SB17 ORG State Farm Insurance Neb. July 5, 2016 $383.94 Business Insurance
# SB17 CAN Smith, Adrian Neb. Aug. 11, 2016 $369.86 Travel and Mileage
# SB17 ORG Corcoran Caterers Md. June 24, 2016 $348.48 Catering
# SB17 ORG Takorean D.C. June 20, 2016 $286.00 Catering
# SB17 ORG Southwest Airlines Tex. June 6, 2016 $257.99 Airfare
# SB17 ORG Southwest Airlines Tex. May 12, 2016 $257.99 Airfare
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Neb. July 26, 2016 $251.58 Cell Phone
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. Aug. 31, 2016 $250.00 Field Work
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. Sept. 30, 2016 $250.00 Field Work
# SB17 IND Hascall, Karen Neb. Sept. 30, 2016 $250.00 Field Work
# SB17 IND Hascall, Karen Neb. Aug. 31, 2016 $250.00 Field Work
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. July 29, 2016 $250.00 Field Work
# SB17 IND Hascall, Karen Neb. July 28, 2016 $250.00 Field Work
# SB17 ORG Chase Credit Del. July 11, 2016 $247.96 Credit Card
# SB17 IND Schumacher, Hannah Neb. Sept. 15, 2016 $241.20 Reimburse Stamps
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Neb. June 26, 2016 $218.72 Cell Phone
# SB17 ORG Ariz. May 10, 2016 $215.76 Domain Fees
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. July 14, 2016 $200.87 Report Preparation
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. July 29, 2016 $200.87 Report Preparation
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. Aug. 15, 2016 $200.87 Report Preparation
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. Aug. 31, 2016 $200.87 Report Preparation
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. Sept. 30, 2016 $200.87 Report Preparation
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. Sept. 15, 2016 $200.87 Report Preparation
# SB17 ORG OH-K Fast Print Neb. Sept. 12, 2016 $200.35 Printing
# SB17 ORG Crown Plaza Independence Hotel Ohio July 22, 2016 $191.90 Sub-Vendor
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Neb. May 26, 2016 $171.14 Cell Phone
# SB17 CAN Smith, Adrian Neb. Aug. 11, 2016 $169.93 Mileage Reimbursement
# SB17 ORG American Airlines Tex. June 14, 2016 $164.10 Airfare
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Service Neb. May 26, 2016 $138.75 Postage
# SB17 ORG Capitol Hill Club D.C. July 15, 2016 $124.11 Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG Chase Credit Del. Aug. 11, 2016 $120.44 Credit Card
# SB17 ORG Internal Revenue Service Utah July 15, 2016 $116.50 Taxes
# SB17 ORG Citi Cards Iowa Sept. 2, 2016 $104.36 Credit Card
# SB17 ORG Chase Credit Del. Sept. 12, 2016 $97.68 Credit Card
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Service Neb. July 15, 2016 $94.00 Postage
# SB17 ORG Capitol Hill Club D.C. May 16, 2016 $69.50 Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG Nebraska Department of Revenue Neb. July 29, 2016 $60.00 Taxes
# SB17 ORG Allo Communications/Self Neb. July 5, 2016 $57.00 Telephone
# SB17 ORG Allo Communications/Self Neb. Sept. 12, 2016 $55.00 Telephone
# SB17 ORG Allo Communications/Self Neb. Aug. 8, 2016 $53.00 Telephone
# SB17 ORG United Parcel Service Tex. July 2, 2016 $50.49 Shipping
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. July 29, 2016 $50.00 Cell Phone
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. Sept. 30, 2016 $50.00 Cell Phone
# SB17 IND Gompert, Lenora S Neb. Aug. 31, 2016 $50.00 Cell Phone
# SB17 ORG United Parcel Service Tex. July 3, 2016 $46.72 Shipping
# SB17 ORG United Parcel Service Tex. June 29, 2016 $38.93 Shipping
# SB17 ORG United Parcel Service Tex. June 23, 2016 $18.14 Shipping
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Neb. June 6, 2016 $15.00 Cell Phone
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Neb. July 6, 2016 $15.00 Cell Phone
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Neb. Aug. 2, 2016 $15.00 Cell Phone
# SB17 ORG United Parcel Service Tex. June 2, 2016 $13.83 Shipping
# SB17 ORG United Parcel Service Tex. July 16, 2016 $10.43 Shipping
# SB17 ORG United Parcel Service Tex. May 15, 2016 $5.16 Shipping
# SB17 ORG United Parcel Service Tex. July 17, 2016 $2.02 Shipping