Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB21 PTY Democratic Congressional Campaign Comm. D.C. Sept. 2, 2016 $50,000.00 Unlimited Transfer
# SB21 PTY Democratic Party Of Oregon Ore. Aug. 18, 2016 $25,000.00 Unlimited Transfer
# SB17 IND Wilson, Elizabeth D.C. July 29, 2016 $5,526.95 Payroll
# SB17 IND Wilson, Elizabeth D.C. Aug. 31, 2016 $5,526.95 Payroll
# SB17 IND Wilson, Elizabeth D.C. Sept. 30, 2016 $5,526.95 Payroll
# SB17 ORG Stickmup, LLC Calif. Aug. 21, 2016 $5,225.96 Lapel Pins
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. July 29, 2016 $4,574.15 Payroll Taxes
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. Sept. 30, 2016 $4,573.20 Payroll Taxes
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. Aug. 31, 2016 $4,508.17 Payroll Taxes
# SB17 ORG Simpatica Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $3,980.00 Catering and Room Rental
# SB17 ORG Hacienda Ore. Sept. 1, 2016 $3,337.20 Catering
# SB17 IND Smith, William D. Ore. Sept. 30, 2016 $2,800.90 Payroll
# SB17 IND Smith, William D. Ore. Aug. 31, 2016 $2,800.90 Payroll
# SB17 IND Smith, William D. Ore. July 29, 2016 $2,800.90 Payroll
# SB20C PAC Nike Inc. Federal PAC Ore. Sept. 13, 2016 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund
# SB17 ORG Oregon Secretary Of State Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $2,500.00 Voter Pamphlet Statement Fee
# SB17 ORG Crowne Plaza King of Prussia Pa. Aug. 21, 2016 $2,467.99 Travel
# SB17 ORG NGP VAN, Inc. D.C. Aug. 5, 2016 $2,250.00 Database Software
# SB17 ORG Beltway Catering DBA Bon Vivant Catering Va. Sept. 20, 2016 $2,164.80 Catering
# SB17 ORG Morel, Ink Ore. July 8, 2016 $1,693.94 Printing and Reproduction
# SB17 ORG A Thyme and Place Catering Va. July 29, 2016 $1,580.00 Catering
# SB17 PTY Democratic Party Of Oregon Ore. Aug. 16, 2016 $1,500.00 Catering
# SB17 ORG Whitney Wyatt Burns Va. Sept. 13, 2016 $1,375.00 FEC Compliance
# SB17 ORG BusBank Ill. July 15, 2016 $1,336.50 Transportation for Event
# SB17 ORG Robert Wilson Ore. July 8, 2016 $1,080.00 Office Rent
# SB17 ORG Robert Wilson Ore. Sept. 15, 2016 $1,080.00 Office Rent
# SB17 ORG Robert Wilson Ore. Aug. 15, 2016 $1,080.00 Office Rent
# SB17 ORG Lavagna D.C. Aug. 21, 2016 $1,029.60 Catering
# SB17 ORG Parc Riverside D.C. Sept. 1, 2016 $1,000.00 Office Rent
# SB17 ORG Parc Riverside D.C. Aug. 1, 2016 $1,000.00 Office Rent
# SB17 ORG Parc Riverside D.C. July 1, 2016 $1,000.00 Office Rent
# SB17 ORG SunTrust Merchant Services Md. July 15, 2016 $914.24 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG Paris Las Vegas Hotel Nev. Aug. 21, 2016 $859.80 Travel
# SB17 ORG Portland Timbers Ore. Sept. 1, 2016 $840.00 Tickets
# SB17 ORG Morel, Ink Ore. Sept. 6, 2016 $839.00 Printing & Reproduction
# SB17 IND L'Esperance, Nicole A. D.C. Aug. 31, 2016 $832.62 Payroll
# SB17 IND L'Esperance, Nicole A. D.C. July 29, 2016 $832.61 Payroll
# SB17 IND L'Esperance, Nicole A. D.C. Sept. 30, 2016 $832.61 Payroll
# SB17 ORG The 201 Bar D.C. July 29, 2016 $831.00 Catering
# SB17 ORG Bank Of America (Visa) Del. Aug. 21, 2016 $797.03 Credit Card Payment
# SB17 ORG Fred Meyer Stores Ore. July 29, 2016 $769.77 Catering
# SB17 ORG Alaska Airlines Wash. July 29, 2016 $687.20 Travel
# SB17 ORG Heathman Hotel & Restaurant Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $681.26 Hotel Accomdations
# SB17 IND Tell, Katherine A. Eastman Ore. Sept. 30, 2016 $629.54 Payroll
# SB17 ORG Alaska Airlines Wash. Sept. 1, 2016 $625.31 Travel
# SB17 ORG Bank Of America (Visa) Del. Sept. 20, 2016 $542.96 Credit Card Payment
# SB17 ORG SunTrust Merchant Services Md. Sept. 13, 2016 $525.41 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG Urban League Of Portland Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $500.00 Event Tickets
# SB17 ORG A Thyme and Place Catering Va. Aug. 21, 2016 $500.00 Catering
# SB21 ORG Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) Ore. Sept. 13, 2016 $500.00 Donation
# SB21 CCM Friends of Karen Power Ore. Aug. 23, 2016 $500.00 Campaign Contribution
# SB17 ORG Apple Calif. Aug. 21, 2016 $499.00 Computer
# SB17 ORG Au Bon Pain D.C. July 29, 2016 $462.88 Catering
# SB17 ORG Alamo Rent-A-Car D.C. Aug. 21, 2016 $446.86 Travel
# SB17 ORG Schneider's of Capitol Hill D.C. Aug. 21, 2016 $435.51 Refreshments
# SB17 ORG Bank of America Tex. Sept. 1, 2016 $418.85 Credit Card Payment
# SB17 ORG Alaska Airlines Wash. Sept. 20, 2016 $402.60 Travel
# SB17 ORG Lucky Limo & Towncar Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $383.60 Transportation for Event
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. Sept. 30, 2016 $374.82 Payroll Taxes
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. July 28, 2016 $374.76 Payroll Taxes
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. Aug. 30, 2016 $374.37 Payroll Taxes
# SB17 ORG Assets Consulting Services Va. Sept. 25, 2016 $350.00 Fundraising Services
# SB17 IND Tell, Katherine A. Eastman Ore. July 29, 2016 $335.63 Payroll
# SB17 ORG Menus Catering D.C. Sept. 25, 2016 $310.97 Catering
# SB17 IND Wilson, Elizabeth D.C. Sept. 1, 2016 $304.00 Health Insurance, Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG Wash. Sept. 20, 2016 $296.92 Technology
# SB17 ORG Comcast Wash. Sept. 2, 2016 $294.02 Telecommunications
# SB17 ORG Comcast Wash. Aug. 2, 2016 $293.96 Telecommunications
# SB17 ORG Comcast Wash. July 2, 2016 $293.84 Telecommunications
# SB17 IND Wildgen, Mariah Ore. July 29, 2016 $270.70 Payroll
# SB21 COM Kathleen Risch for State Rep. N.D. Sept. 20, 2016 $250.00 Donation
# SB17 ORG NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon Ore. Sept. 15, 2016 $250.00 Event Tickets
# SB17 IND Wilson, Elizabeth D.C. July 8, 2016 $250.00 Health Insurance
# SB17 IND Wilson, Elizabeth D.C. Aug. 11, 2016 $250.00 Health Insurance
# SB17 ORG Fluor D.C. July 8, 2016 $250.00 Room Rental
# SB17 ORG New Seasons Market Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $237.87 Catering
# SB17 IND Tell, Katherine A. Eastman Ore. Aug. 31, 2016 $235.35 Payroll
# SB17 ORG Uber Ride Calif. Sept. 20, 2016 $227.27 Travel
# SB17 ORG Uber Ride Calif. Aug. 21, 2016 $222.81 Travel
# SB17 ORG Cup and Bar Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $220.00 Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Tex. Sept. 29, 2016 $217.69 Telephone
# SB17 ORG SunTrust Merchant Services Md. July 15, 2016 $215.40 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG SunTrust Merchant Services Md. Sept. 13, 2016 $207.19 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG SunTrust Merchant Services Md. Aug. 15, 2016 $204.94 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. July 28, 2016 $186.04 Payroll Taxes
# SB17 IND Sulzen, Tara Lynn Ore. Aug. 31, 2016 $183.51 Payroll
# SB17 ORG Made In Oregon Store Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $163.87 Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Tex. Aug. 21, 2016 $152.08 Telephone
# SB17 ORG Paris Las Vegas Hotel Nev. Sept. 21, 2016 $151.37 Travel
# SB17 ORG Office Depot Ore. July 29, 2016 $151.17 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG NGP VAN, Inc. D.C. Sept. 25, 2016 $150.00 Web/Internet Services
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. Sept. 7, 2016 $149.43 Payroll Taxes
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. Aug. 5, 2016 $149.43 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Tex. July 29, 2016 $146.66 Telephone
# SB17 ORG Bank Of America (Visa) Del. Aug. 21, 2016 $142.80 Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Tex. Sept. 20, 2016 $139.33 Telephone
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. July 1, 2016 $138.81 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Tex. Aug. 31, 2016 $138.38 Telephone
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Tex. Sept. 14, 2016 $134.97 Telephone
# SB17 ORG The Capitol Lounge D.C. Sept. 1, 2016 $130.65 Catering
# SB17 ORG Fred Meyer Stores Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $130.02 Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Tex. July 29, 2016 $126.56 Telephone
# SB17 PTY Democratic Party Of Oregon Ore. July 29, 2016 $125.00 Event Tickets
# SB17 ORG AT&T Wireless Services Ill. Sept. 20, 2016 $112.50 Telephone
# SB17 ORG Ex Novo Brewing Company Ore. July 29, 2016 $100.00 Catering
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Service Ore. Aug. 21, 2016 $94.00 Postage
# SB17 ORG Comcast D.C. Sept. 21, 2016 $92.95 Telecommunications
# SB17 ORG Comcast D.C. Aug. 22, 2016 $92.95 Telecommunications
# SB17 ORG Comcast D.C. July 21, 2016 $92.95 Telecommunications
# SB17 ORG U-Store Self Storage East Ore. Aug. 8, 2016 $85.00 Storage
# SB17 ORG U-Store Self Storage East Ore. July 6, 2016 $85.00 Storage
# SB17 ORG U-Store Self Storage East Ore. Sept. 7, 2016 $85.00 Storage
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Tex. Aug. 15, 2016 $84.97 Telephone
# SB17 ORG New Seasons Market Ore. Aug. 21, 2016 $76.61 Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG Bank Of America (Visa) Del. July 29, 2016 $68.90 Credit Card Payment
# SB17 ORG AT&T Wireless Services Ill. July 29, 2016 $67.50 Telephone
# SB17 ORG AT&T Wireless Services Ill. Aug. 21, 2016 $67.50 Telephone
# SB17 ORG Uber Ride Calif. July 29, 2016 $65.92 Travel
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Service Ore. July 29, 2016 $59.40 Postage
# SB17 ORG SunTrust Merchant Services Md. Aug. 15, 2016 $50.85 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG SunTrust Merchant Services Md. July 15, 2016 $50.12 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG Gogo Inflight Internet Ill. Aug. 21, 2016 $49.95 Web/Internet Services
# SB17 ORG Gogo Inflight Internet Ill. Sept. 20, 2016 $49.95 Web/Internet Services
# SB17 ORG Gogo Inflight Internet Ill. July 29, 2016 $49.95 Web/Internet Services
# SB17 ORG Wash. Sept. 20, 2016 $49.58 Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG SunTrust Merchant Services Md. Sept. 13, 2016 $45.65 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG SunTrust Merchant Services Md. Aug. 15, 2016 $45.17 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 IND Tell, Katherine A. Eastman Ore. Aug. 21, 2016 $43.96 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG Office Depot Ore. Aug. 21, 2016 $43.96 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG Shell Oil Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $39.95 Gas
# SB17 ORG Bank Of America (Visa) Del. Sept. 20, 2016 $35.00 Annual Membership Fee
# SB17 ORG Alamo Rent-A-Car D.C. Sept. 20, 2016 $34.19 Travel
# SB17 ORG Amtrak D.C. Sept. 21, 2016 $28.00 Travel
# SB17 ORG Alaska Airlines Wash. Aug. 21, 2016 $22.40 Travel
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Sept. 18, 2016 $19.75 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG Lyft Ride Calif. Aug. 21, 2016 $19.54 Travel
# SB17 ORG City of Portland Ore. July 29, 2016 $17.80 Parking
# SB17 ORG City of Portland Ore. Aug. 21, 2016 $16.70 Parking
# SB17 ORG United Airlines, Inc. Ill. Aug. 21, 2016 $15.09 Travel
# SB17 ORG Uber Ride Calif. Sept. 21, 2016 $13.33 Travel
# SB17 ORG QFC Market Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $12.00 Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG City of Portland Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $11.50 Parking
# SB17 ORG Zupan's Market Ore. Sept. 20, 2016 $10.73 Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG QFC Market Ore. July 29, 2016 $7.16 Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. Aug. 19, 2016 $7.00 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. July 22, 2016 $7.00 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG ADP Easypay Ore. Sept. 30, 2016 $7.00 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG Lyft Ride Calif. Sept. 20, 2016 $6.72 Travel
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Aug. 14, 2016 $1.98 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. July 24, 2016 $1.14 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. July 3, 2016 $0.84 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Aug. 7, 2016 $0.80 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Sept. 4, 2016 $0.65 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Aug. 28, 2016 $0.40 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Sept. 25, 2016 $0.40 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Sept. 30, 2016 $0.28 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. July 10, 2016 $0.25 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Sept. 11, 2016 $0.20 Credit Card Processing Fee
# SB17 ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. July 31, 2016 $0.15 Credit Card Processing Fee