Itemized Expenditures for Filing 1114604
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Itemized Expenditures
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Line number | Entity type | Payee name | Payee state | Date | Amount | Purpose | |
# | SB29 | ORG | Doug Burgum For North Dakota | N.D. | Oct. 17, 2016 | $2,500.00 | |
# | SB29 | ORG | Friends Of Kathy Lamberg | Ore. | Oct. 11, 2016 | $1,500.00 | |
# | SB23 | ORG | Zinke For Congress | Mont. | Oct. 4, 2016 | $1,000.00 | |
# | SB29 | ORG | Knute Buehler Campaign | Ore. | Oct. 5, 2016 | $1,000.00 | |
# | SB29 | ORG | Caddy McKeown Campaign | Ore. | Oct. 5, 2016 | $1,000.00 | |
# | SB29 | ORG | Alan DeBoer For Senate | Ore. | Oct. 5, 2016 | $1,000.00 | |
# | SB29 | ORG | North Dakota Senate Republican Caucus | N.D. | Oct. 12, 2016 | $500.00 | |
# | SB29 | ORG | Timothy L. Flakoll Campaign | N.D. | Oct. 16, 2016 | $250.00 | |
# | SB29 | ORG | Blair B. Thoreson Campaign | N.D. | Oct. 16, 2016 | $250.00 | |
# | SB29 | ORG | Mike Schatz Campaign | N.D. | Oct. 16, 2016 | $250.00 |