Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 CCM STEVE CHABOT FOR CONGRESS Ohio March 3, 2017 $2,000.00 Contribution to Committee
# SB23 CCM GRAVES FOR CONGRESS Ga. March 23, 2017 $1,000.00 Contribution to Committee
# SB23 CCM CULBERSON FOR CONGRESS Tex. March 16, 2017 $1,000.00 Contribution to Committee
# SB23 CCM JEFF FORTENBERRY FOR UNITED STATES CONGRESS Neb. March 23, 2017 $1,000.00 Contribution to Committee
# SB23 CCM HATCH ELECTION COMMITTEE INC D.C. March 3, 2017 $1,000.00 Contribution to Committee
# SB23 CCM ALASKANS FOR DAN SULLIVAN Alaska March 3, 2017 $1,000.00 Contribution to Committee
# SB23 CCM YODER FOR CONGRESS, INC Kan. March 3, 2017 $1,000.00 Contribution to Committee