Itemized Expenditures for Filing 1229891

Total Amount


Other Transactions in this Filing

Top Spending Categories

The top five categories of spending as reported by the committee (these are not standardized).

Refund per Co-op agreement $32,015.33
2016 Federal 1120-POL tax due $7,942.00
Refund for a transmission of funds inadvertently sent in error by the state agent $1,515.00
2016 IL-1120 Tax due $1,457.00

Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB21b ORG Department of the Treasury Utah Aug. 31, 2017 $7,942.00 2016 Federal 1120-POL tax due
# SB22 COM KENTUCKY RPAC Ky. Aug. 29, 2017 $5,442.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB23 CCM STRANGE FOR SENATE Ala. Aug. 18, 2017 $5,000.00
# SB23 PAC Common Sense Colorado PAC Colo. Aug. 18, 2017 $5,000.00
# SB22 COM MARYLAND RPAC Md. Aug. 22, 2017 $3,705.98 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM SC REALTORS Political Action Committee S.C. Aug. 22, 2017 $3,703.64 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB23 PAC BILL PAC Ga. Aug. 18, 2017 $2,500.00
# SB22 COM KENTUCKY RPAC Ky. Aug. 22, 2017 $2,432.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB23 ORG Brady For Congress Tex. Aug. 18, 2017 $2,000.00
# SB23 ORG Carper For Senate Del. Aug. 18, 2017 $2,000.00
# SB22 COM Indiana Realtors Political Action Committe Ind. Aug. 30, 2017 $1,900.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM Indiana Realtors Political Action Committe Ind. Aug. 22, 2017 $1,708.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB21b ORG Illinois Department of Revenue Ill. Aug. 31, 2017 $1,457.00 2016 IL-1120 Tax due
# SB22 COM GEORGIA RPAC Ga. Aug. 22, 2017 $1,344.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM MICHIGAN RPAC Mich. Aug. 30, 2017 $1,218.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB23 ORG BUDDY CARTER FOR CONGRESS Ga. Aug. 30, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG FRIENDS OF CHERI BUSTOS Ill. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG KINZINGER FOR CONGRESS Ill. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG ROBIN KELLY FOR CONGRESS Ill. Aug. 18, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Roskam For Congress Committee Ill. Aug. 25, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Richmond For Congress La. Aug. 30, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG RALPH ABRAHAM FOR CONGRESS La. Aug. 30, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG BILL KEATING COMMITTEE; THE Mass. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG KATHERINE CLARK FOR CONGRESS Mass. Aug. 18, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Richard E Neal For Congress Committee Mass. Aug. 18, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG POLIQUIN FOR CONGRESS Me. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Walberg For Congress Mich. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Graves For Congress Mo. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG JASON SMITH FOR CONGRESS Mo. Aug. 18, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Price For Congress Committee N.C. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Lobiondo For Congress N.J. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Jim Jordan For Congress Ohio Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Latta For Congress Ohio Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Kaptur For Congress Ohio Aug. 18, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG STEVE RUSSELL FOR CONGRESS Okla. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG MULLIN FOR CONGRESS Okla. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Lou Barletta For Congress Pa. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG ROTHFUS FOR CONGRESS Pa. Aug. 18, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG ROTHFUS FOR CONGRESS Pa. Aug. 18, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Bob Corker For Senate 2018 Tenn. Aug. 25, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG FRIENDS OF SCOTT DESJARLAIS Tenn. Aug. 25, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Marsha Blackburn For Congress Inc. Tenn. Aug. 25, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Thornberry For Congress Committee Tex. Aug. 18, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG WEBER FOR CONGRESS Tex. Aug. 18, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Mccaul For Congress Inc Tex. Aug. 18, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG MORGAN GRIFFITH FOR CONGRESS Va. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG COMSTOCK FOR CONGRESS Va. Aug. 30, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Sensenbrenner Committee Wis. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG MCCONNELL SENATE COMMITTEE Ky. Aug. 18, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG BYRNE FOR CONGRESS INC Ala. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG TERRI SEWELL FOR CONGRESS Ala. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG TONY CARDENAS FOR CONGRESS Calif. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG SWALWELL FOR CONGRESS Calif. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG ROYCE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Calif. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG TED LIEU FOR CONGRESS Calif. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Mcclintock For Congress Calif. Aug. 25, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Lamborn For Congress Colo. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Friends Of Scott Tipton Colo. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Coffman For Congress Colo. Aug. 25, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG ROB WOODALL FOR CONGRESS Ga. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG Sanford D. Bishop Jr. For Congress Ga. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG David Scott For Congress Ga. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 ORG JODY HICE FOR CONGRESS Ga. Aug. 25, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 PAC REPUBLICAN MAJORITY FUND D.C. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM HANDEL FOR CONGRESS, INC. Ga. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM LAHOOD FOR CONGRESS Ill. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM KANSANS FOR MARSHALL Kan. Aug. 3, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 PAC BATTLEGROUND PAC N.C. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM FRIENDS OF DAVE BRAT INC. Va. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM SCOTT TAYLOR FOR CONGRESS Va. Aug. 14, 2017 $1,000.00
# SB22 COM FLORIDA RPAC Fla. Aug. 22, 2017 $997.51 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB21b ORG Wells Fargo Merchant Services Calif. Aug. 31, 2017 $966.75 Merchant credit card fees
# SB22 COM FLORIDA RPAC Fla. Aug. 30, 2017 $932.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM NORTH CAROLINA RPAC N.C. Aug. 22, 2017 $752.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM GUAM RPAC GU Aug. 31, 2017 $700.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM REALTORS PAC OF RI R.I. Aug. 22, 2017 $700.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM DELAWARE RPAC Del. Aug. 30, 2017 $700.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM MA Assoc. of Realtors Pol Action Comm. - MA RPAC Mass. Aug. 22, 2017 $698.64 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM MICHIGAN RPAC Mich. Aug. 22, 2017 $689.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM MA Assoc. of Realtors Pol Action Comm. - MA RPAC Mass. Aug. 30, 2017 $675.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM NVRPAC Nev. Aug. 22, 2017 $553.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB23 ORG Diana Degette For Congress Inc. Colo. Aug. 14, 2017 $500.00
# SB23 ORG GLENN GROTHMAN FOR CONGRESS Wis. Aug. 3, 2017 $500.00
# SB23 ORG Pat Roberts For Senate Kan. Aug. 18, 2017 $500.00
# SB23 ORG SHAHEEN FOR SENATE N.H. Aug. 25, 2017 $500.00
# SB23 ORG Moore For Congress Wis. Aug. 3, 2017 $500.00
# SB22 COM Mississippi Association of Realtors Political Action Committee Miss. Aug. 15, 2017 $465.00 Refund for a transmission of funds inadvertently sent in error by the state agent
# SB22 COM NVRPAC Nev. Aug. 30, 2017 $445.45 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM WASHINGTON RPAC Wash. Aug. 22, 2017 $385.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM WASHINGTON DC RPAC Md. Aug. 3, 2017 $375.00 Refund for a transmission of funds inadvertently sent in error by the state agent
# SB22 COM MARYLAND RPAC Md. Aug. 3, 2017 $375.00 Refund for a transmission of funds inadvertently sent in error by the state agent
# SB22 COM ALABAMA RPAC Ala. Aug. 10, 2017 $300.00 Refund for a transmission of funds inadvertently sent in error by the state agent
# SB22 COM NEW JERSEY RPAC N.J. Aug. 22, 2017 $280.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM KENTUCKY RPAC Ky. Aug. 30, 2017 $280.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM NEW JERSEY RPAC N.J. Aug. 30, 2017 $210.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM LOUISIANA RPAC La. Aug. 30, 2017 $203.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM MINNESOTA RPAC Minn. Aug. 30, 2017 $175.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM Political Survival Fund Colo. Aug. 30, 2017 $175.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM GEORGIA RPAC Ga. Aug. 30, 2017 $175.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB21b ORG Northern Trust Company Ill. Aug. 31, 2017 $157.72 Custody Management Fee
# SB22 COM WY Realtors PAC Wyo. Aug. 22, 2017 $98.11 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM TEXAS RPAC Tex. Aug. 22, 2017 $94.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM ILLINOIS RPAC STATE Ill. Aug. 22, 2017 $87.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM PA REALTORS PAC Pa. Aug. 30, 2017 $80.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM WASHINGTON RPAC Wash. Aug. 31, 2017 $70.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM MISSOURI RPAC Mo. Aug. 22, 2017 $70.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM MARYLAND RPAC Md. Aug. 30, 2017 $70.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM ILLINOIS RPAC STATE Ill. Aug. 30, 2017 $70.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM WY Realtors PAC Wyo. Aug. 31, 2017 $56.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM REALTORS PAC Ohio Aug. 22, 2017 $35.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM Political Survival Fund Colo. Aug. 22, 2017 $35.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM MONTANA RPAC Mont. Aug. 30, 2017 $28.00 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM TENNESSEE RPAC Tenn. Aug. 22, 2017 $17.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM UTAH RPAC Utah Aug. 22, 2017 $10.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB22 COM ARKANSAS RPAC Ark. Aug. 21, 2017 $10.50 Refund per Co-op agreement
# SB23 PAC RANGERS LEAD THE WAY PAC Ark. Aug. 1, 2017 -$1,000.00 VOID-RANGERS LEAD THE WAY PAC;Original disb. date 6/13/17