Itemized Debts for Filing 1238421

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Line number Creditor Purpose Beginning Balance Amount Incurred Payments Ending Balance
# SD Belmond Charleston Place Catering $0.00 $14,143.47 $0.00 $14,143.47
# SD Belmond Charleston Place Accommodations $0.00 $13,021.18 $0.00 $13,021.18
# SD Kiawah Island Golf Resort Golf Packages and Catering $0.00 $9,278.00 $0.00 $9,278.00
# SD Planter's Inn Catering $0.00 $8,458.31 $0.00 $8,458.31
# SD Market Pavilion Hotel Accommodations $0.00 $2,894.32 $0.00 $2,894.32
# SD Marquee Limousine Transportation Expenses $0.00 $1,782.00 $0.00 $1,782.00