Compare filing 1301696 to 1267191 by Community Oncology Alliance PAC

There are changes in 13 summary figures for this filing. The combined difference amounts to -$233.

col_a_net_operating_expenditures $38,515.85 $38,486.55 $29.30
col_a_other_disbursements $0.00 $29.30 -$29.30
col_a_other_federal_operating_expenditures $38,535.85 $38,506.55 $29.30
col_a_total_federal_operating_expenditures $38,535.85 $38,506.55 $29.30
col_a_total_operating_expenditures $38,535.85 $38,506.55 $29.30
col_b_net_operating_expenditures $51,531.37 $51,502.07 $29.30
col_b_other_disbursements $30,919.39 $30,948.69 -$29.30
col_b_other_federal_operating_expenditures $51,551.37 $51,522.07 $29.30
col_b_total_federal_operating_expenditures $51,551.37 $51,522.07 $29.30
col_b_total_operating_expenditures $51,551.37 $51,522.07 $29.30
committee_name Community Oncology Alliance COMMUNITY ONCOLOGY ALLIANCE PAC Community Oncology Alliance
street_1 1225 New York Avenue NW, Suite 600 1634 I Street NW 1225 New York Avenue NW, Suite 600
street_2 Suite 1200