Compare filing 1351516 to 1330731 by Roel Garcia for Congress

There are changes in 29 summary figures for this filing. The combined difference amounts to $239,453.

city Houston HOUSTON Houston
col_a_cash_beginning_reporting_period $2,088.98 $0.00 $2,088.98
col_a_cash_on_hand_close $1,996.98 -$92.00 $2,088.98
col_a_cash_on_hand_close_of_period $1,996.98 -$92.00 $2,088.98
col_a_debts_by $27,683.76 $0.00 $27,683.76
col_a_net_operating_expenditures $102.65 $91.00 $11.65
col_a_operating_expenditures $102.65 $91.00 $11.65
col_a_other_disbursements $0.00 $11.65 -$11.65
col_a_subtotals $2,099.63 $10.65 $2,088.98
col_a_total_operating_expenditures $102.65 $91.00 $11.65
col_b_candidate_contributions $266.93 $0.00 $266.93
col_b_candidate_loans $27,683.76 $0.00 $27,683.76
col_b_individual_contributions_itemized $10,150.00 $0.00 $10,150.00
col_b_individual_contributions_unitemized $3,014.00 $0.00 $3,014.00
col_b_net_contributions $13,430.93 $0.00 $13,430.93
col_b_net_operating_expenditures $10,004.97 $0.00 $10,004.97
col_b_operating_expenditures $10,004.97 $0.00 $10,004.97
col_b_total_contributions $13,430.93 $0.00 $13,430.93
col_b_total_contributions_no_loans $13,430.93 $0.00 $13,430.93
col_b_total_disbursements $10,004.97 $0.00 $10,004.97
col_b_total_individual_contributions $13,164.00 $0.00 $13,164.00
col_b_total_loans $27,683.76 $0.00 $27,683.76
col_b_total_operating_expenditures $10,004.97 $0.00 $10,004.97
col_b_total_receipts $41,114.69 $0.00 $41,114.69
committee_name Roel Garcia for Congress ROEL GARCIA FOR CONGRESS Roel Garcia for Congress
street_1 4212 San Felipe 4212 SAN FELIPE ST., #235 4212 San Felipe
street_2 #235 #235
treasurer_first_name Roel Rocio Roel
treasurer_suffix Jr. Jr.