Itemized Receipts for Filing 1390393

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Line number Entity Type Donor name State Date Amount Employer/Memo
# SA17 COM Citizens for Pinsky Md. Feb. 5, 2020 $1,000.00
# SA11ai IND Reid, Carter M Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $745.39 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($745.39 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Blevins, Phillip Rodney S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $549.94 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($549.94 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Baine, Edward H Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $511.15 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($511.15 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Ruppert, Paul Edward Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $503.10 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($503.10 Monthly)
# SA17 COM Citizens for Pinsky Md. Feb. 5, 2020 $500.00
# SA11ai IND Chapman, James R Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $474.74 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($474.74 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Raikes, Donald Robert Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $468.75 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($468.75 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Cardiff, Michele Lynn Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $433.65 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($433.65 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Miles, Morenike K. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $417.63 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($417.63 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Vaught, Laura Elizabeth D.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $416.67 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($416.67 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Weekley, Daniel Arnold Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $416.67 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($416.67 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Webb, Mark O Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $416.67 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($416.67 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Stoddard, Daniel G. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $416.67 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($416.67 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Murray, William L. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $416.67 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($416.67 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Arnett, Corynne Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $416.67 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($416.67 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Farrell, Thomas F Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $416.67 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($416.67 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Blue, Robert M Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $416.67 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($416.67 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Leopold, Diane Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $416.67 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($416.67 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Hodges, Simon C Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $407.00 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($407.00 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Curtis, Katheryn Baucom Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $406.10 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($406.10 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Brown, Carlos M. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $404.89 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($404.89 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND McKay, Bruce C Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $402.88 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($402.88 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Bomar, Anne E Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $399.03 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($399.03 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Frederick, Michael Dosh Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $384.41 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($384.41 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Wooten, Steve C Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $382.34 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($382.34 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Eck, James Edward Ohio Feb. 29, 2020 $371.23 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($371.23 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Beamer, James William Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $371.19 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($371.19 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Miller, Scott C Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $366.09 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($366.09 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Lee, Adam Sidney Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $356.64 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($356.64 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Katz, Lee D Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $351.15 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($351.15 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Sheppard, Brian Charles W.Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $349.59 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($349.59 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Tornabene, Amanda Rose Beasley Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $334.73 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($334.73 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Windle, William Keith Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $329.70 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($329.70 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Mitchell, Mark Dennis Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $321.79 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($321.79 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Harris, Don Russell S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $319.46 Dominion Energy Southeast Serv/P/R Deduction ($159.73 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Wellener, Wendy T Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $318.59 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($318.59 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Kissam, W Keller S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $318.54 Dominion Energy Southeast Serv/P/R Deduction ($159.27 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Duman, Louis Wayne Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $317.69 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($317.69 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Curtis, James Kevin Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $310.16 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($310.16 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Bischof, Gerald T Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $303.94 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($303.94 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Neller, Cristie Darlene Utah Feb. 29, 2020 $303.59 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($303.59 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Avram, Emil G. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $295.92 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($295.92 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Whitfield, Charlene John Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $292.93 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($292.93 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Love, John Mark W.Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $292.10 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($292.10 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Woomer, Joseph A Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $291.95 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($291.95 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Lane, Nason Larry Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $281.73 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($281.73 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Showalter, Alma W Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $273.75 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($273.75 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Howard, Felicia Rhue S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $273.24 Dominion Energy South Carolina/P/R Deduction ($136.62 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Loomis, Ann W. D.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $272.63 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($272.63 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Sartain, Mark D Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $256.25 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($256.25 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Orndorff, Robert Clarence W.Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $253.75 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($253.75 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Griffin, Iris N S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $237.70 Dominion Energy Southeast Serv/P/R Deduction ($118.85 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Mladen, Freddy Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $233.64 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($233.64 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Landreth, James M S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $231.32 Dominion Energy South Carolina/P/R Deduction ($115.66 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Neal, James L Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $216.67 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($216.67 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Elbert, Regina Johnson Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $215.42 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($215.42 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Bond, Katharine M Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $211.19 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($211.19 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Bumgardner, Rudolph Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $208.19 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($208.19 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Regulinski, Michael C Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $205.06 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($205.06 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Jones, Lessie Milton Ohio Feb. 29, 2020 $200.88 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($200.88 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Crable, Brett Arthur Utah Feb. 29, 2020 $195.93 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($195.93 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Bennett, Joshua J. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $195.36 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($195.36 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Haislip, Karla J. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $192.93 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($192.93 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Workman, Gregory A. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $192.70 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($192.70 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Applewhite, Hunter A Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $192.17 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($192.17 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Ross, Tanya Johnson Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $191.75 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($191.75 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Wright, Brian Michael Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $191.30 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($191.30 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Larson, John Charles Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $188.80 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($188.80 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Johnson, Darius Alexander Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $184.54 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($184.54 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Wilson, Brian C Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $184.54 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($184.54 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Hicks-Thomas, Lisa Michelle Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $183.33 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($183.33 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Johnson, Deborah Tompkins Va. Feb. 21, 2020 $180.00 Dom Energy Services, Inc.
# SA11ai IND Johnson, Deborah Tompkins Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $180.00 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($180.00 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Dozier, Samuel L S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $178.84 Dominion Energy Southeast Serv/P/R Deduction ($89.42 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Mcguire, Bobby E Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $177.72 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($177.72 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Scott, Kelly Stephen Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $177.48 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($177.48 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Standley, Billy E Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $176.99 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($176.99 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Burgin, Gina Michelle Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $176.89 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($176.89 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Hennessy, Kevin R Conn. Feb. 29, 2020 $175.98 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($90.63 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND O'Connor, Michael J Conn. Feb. 29, 2020 $172.64 Dom En Nuclear CT, Inc./P/R Deduction ($89.09 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Hupp, Michael S Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $169.72 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($169.72 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Provencher, Shelby Louise S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $169.36 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($169.36 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Thomas, Robert Gerard Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $168.58 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($168.58 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND DuRocher, Edward J Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $166.82 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($166.82 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Doggett, Karen W Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $165.45 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($165.45 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Arruda, Thomas J Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $165.23 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($165.23 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Brayton, Frank Md. Feb. 29, 2020 $164.30 Dom En Cove Point LNG, LP/P/R Deduction ($84.62 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Dibble, Christopher D Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $163.06 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($163.06 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Locke, Robert H Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $162.36 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($162.36 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND McNutt, Timothy C Ohio Feb. 29, 2020 $161.79 The East Ohio Gas Company/P/R Deduction ($161.79 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Reed, William F Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $160.48 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($160.48 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Bartholomew, Curtis M Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $160.06 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($160.06 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Moerner, Lisa C Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $159.91 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($159.91 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Gaskill, James Scott Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $159.83 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($159.83 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Engleman, Robert Michael Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $159.38 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($159.38 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Pischulla, Julie Vermillion Ohio Feb. 29, 2020 $158.83 The East Ohio Gas Company/P/R Deduction ($158.83 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Conway, Kelly Kehoe Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $158.52 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($158.52 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Humberson, Karl E Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $157.78 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($157.78 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Seech, Raymond Alan W.Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $157.60 Dom En Transmission, Inc/P/R Deduction ($157.60 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Hinckle, Franklin M Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $156.68 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($156.68 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Kelliher, Donna G Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $155.48 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($155.48 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Allen, Mark Steven Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $155.43 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($155.43 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND McAfee, Charlotte Preston Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $153.33 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($153.33 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Briggs, Paul Raymond Ohio Feb. 29, 2020 $152.17 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($152.17 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Teets, Samuel L Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $151.24 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($151.24 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Houser, Donald E Pa. Feb. 29, 2020 $151.07 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($151.07 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Garg, Noopur NEHA Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $150.93 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($150.93 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Botkins, David B Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $150.51 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($150.51 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Grimsley, Stacey H Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $150.00 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($150.00 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Turner, Neil S Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $148.09 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($148.09 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Holloway, James E Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $147.99 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($147.99 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Wright, Robert S Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $147.75 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($147.75 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Fearnow, George N Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $146.92 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($146.92 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Jones, Steven K Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $146.77 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($146.77 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Frost, Nathan J. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $145.83 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($145.83 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Haynes, Paul B Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $145.74 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($145.74 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Crenshaw, Walter C Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $145.06 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($145.06 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Newman, Kristopher L Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $143.94 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($143.94 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Kurz, William J Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $143.63 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($143.63 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Tannery, Joseph Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $142.51 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($142.51 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Kinslow, Karen M. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $141.67 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($141.67 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Carroll, Bradley R Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $141.21 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($141.21 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Williams, Jason Edward Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $140.52 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($140.52 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Simon, Diane M Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $139.82 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($139.82 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Everette, Teirra Millrene Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $139.69 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($139.69 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Harris, Andrew Christopher Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $139.69 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($139.69 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Price, Scott Alfred Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $137.50 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($137.50 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Gee, Christopher Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $136.94 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($136.94 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Yarborough, Jonathan Wolfe S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $136.62 Dominion Energy Southeast Serv/P/R Deduction ($76.51 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Perry, Carolyn D.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $135.68 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($135.68 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Kostyniuk, Jennifer R. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $133.86 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($133.86 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Parker, Mary Alexander Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $131.22 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($131.22 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Siepka, Richard Carl Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $130.00 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($130.00 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Sargeant, Timothy J Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $128.65 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($128.65 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Elliott, Antonio S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $125.60 Dominion Energy Southeast Serv/P/R Deduction ($62.80 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND McMillan, Charles E Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $124.22 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($124.22 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Simon, Carl V Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $123.34 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($123.34 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Kenny, Kevin S. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $123.33 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($123.33 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Compton, Shane Tyson Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $122.71 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($122.71 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Vitiello, Jacqueline R Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $121.97 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($121.97 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Anas, George Konstintine Md. Feb. 29, 2020 $121.88 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($121.88 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Luu, Sam Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $120.40 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($120.40 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Sye, Gregory E Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $118.75 Dom En Tech Solutions Inc/P/R Deduction ($118.75 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Stewart, Elijah E. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $115.83 Va Electric & Power Co./P/R Deduction ($115.83 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Blizman, Joseph Aaron Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $114.61 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($114.61 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Frazier, Christopher Ryan Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $113.36 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($113.36 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Comstock, Laura A S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $112.77 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($112.77 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Turner III, William J S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $110.00 Dominion Energy South Carolina/P/R Deduction ($55.00 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Cadena, John A S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $103.88 Dominion Energy Southeast Serv/P/R Deduction ($56.61 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Sarfo-Kantanka, Felix Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $103.83 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($103.83 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Clements, Carol H S.C. Feb. 29, 2020 $103.54 Dominion Energy Southeast Serv/P/R Deduction ($56.43 Bi-Weekly)
# SA11ai IND Sauer, Robert W. Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $102.56 Dom Energy Services, Inc./P/R Deduction ($102.56 Monthly)
# SA11ai IND Davis, Jeremiah M Va. Feb. 29, 2020 $0.00 Dom Energy Services, Inc./Refund(s) on Schedule B Totaling $207.18 This changes the YTD Total to $-151.88
# SB28a IND Davis, Jeremiah M Va. Feb. 13, 2020 -$207.18