Itemized Expenditures for Filing 1421942

Total Amount


Other Transactions in this Filing

Top Spending Categories

The top five categories of spending as reported by the committee (these are not standardized).

Contribution $117,000.00
Fundraising Consulting Services $64,395.57
Catering/Events $26,132.50
Accounting/Compliance Services $12,000.00
Processing Fee $6,963.85

Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 PTY Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee D.C. June 30, 2020 $25,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 PAC BIDEN VICTORY FUND D.C. June 30, 2020 $25,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 PTY Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee D.C. April 21, 2020 $20,000.00 Contribution
# SB21B ORG Salamander Resort Va. April 4, 2020 $15,224.00 Catering/Events
# SB21B ORG TH Fundraising Consulting, LLC D.C. April 3, 2020 $8,632.32 Fundraising Consulting Services
# SB21B ORG Del Mar D.C. April 4, 2020 $8,564.79 Catering/Events
# SB21B ORG Funding Solutions, LLC Va. June 1, 2020 $8,520.00 Fundraising Consulting Services
# SB21B ORG Funding Solutions, LLC Va. May 1, 2020 $8,520.00 Fundraising Consulting Services
# SB21B ORG Funding Solutions, LLC Va. April 1, 2020 $8,520.00 Fundraising Consulting Services
# SB21B ORG MLT Strategic Fundraising, LLC Va. June 1, 2020 $7,227.75 Fundraising Consulting Services
# SB21B ORG MLT Strategic Fundraising, LLC Va. May 1, 2020 $7,227.75 Fundraising Consulting Services
# SB21B ORG MLT Strategic Fundraising, LLC Va. April 1, 2020 $7,227.75 Fundraising Consulting Services
# SB23 CCM RASHID FOR VA Va. June 30, 2020 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM SPANBERGER FOR CONGRESS Va. June 30, 2020 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM DR. CAMERON WEBB FOR CONGRESS Va. June 30, 2020 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 PAC CONNECTICUT DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE Conn. June 25, 2020 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM ELAINE FOR CONGRESS Va. June 30, 2020 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM JON OSSOFF FOR SENATE Ga. June 30, 2020 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM MCEACHIN FOR CONGRESS Va. June 11, 2020 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Chris Coons for Delaware Del. May 6, 2020 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 PAC PETERS VICTORY 2020 D.C. June 19, 2020 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB21B ORG TH Fundraising Consulting, LLC D.C. June 1, 2020 $4,260.00 Fundraising Consulting Services
# SB21B ORG TH Fundraising Consulting, LLC D.C. May 1, 2020 $4,260.00 Fundraising Consulting Services
# SB21B ORG Katherine Buchanan Va. April 1, 2020 $4,000.00 Accounting/Compliance Services
# SB21B ORG Katherine Buchanan Va. June 1, 2020 $4,000.00 Accounting/Compliance Services
# SB21B ORG Katherine Buchanan Va. May 1, 2020 $4,000.00 Accounting/Compliance Services
# SB23 PTY Democratic Party of Virginia Va. May 4, 2020 $2,000.00 Contribution
# SB21B ORG American Airlines Tex. April 4, 2020 $1,875.85 Airfare
# SB21B ORG Jefferson Hotel D.C. April 4, 2020 $1,807.22 Lodging
# SB21B PAC ActBlue Mass. May 10, 2020 $1,260.05 Processing Fee
# SB21B PAC ActBlue Mass. May 24, 2020 $1,106.00 Processing Fee
# SB21B ORG The Jefferson Hotel Va. April 13, 2020 $891.76 Catering/Events
# SB21B PAC ActBlue Mass. May 3, 2020 $861.10 Processing Fee
# SB21B ORG American Express N.J. April 4, 2020 $823.33 Credit Card Payment
# SB21B ORG Zoom Calif. June 7, 2020 $753.40 Telecommunications Subscription
# SB21B ORG Uber D.C. April 4, 2020 $709.59 Transportation Services
# SB21B PAC ActBlue Mass. May 17, 2020 $707.05 Processing Fee
# SB21B PAC ActBlue Mass. April 26, 2020 $679.40 Processing Fee
# SB21B PAC ActBlue Mass. June 21, 2020 $632.00 Processing Fee
# SB21B ORG Lyft Ride Calif. April 4, 2020 $628.80 Transportation Services
# SB21B ORG Hotel George D.C. April 4, 2020 $590.84 Lodging
# SB21B ORG American Airlines Tex. April 13, 2020 $588.40 Airfare
# SB21B ORG WeWork D.C. May 1, 2020 $550.00 Rent
# SB21B ORG WeWork D.C. April 1, 2020 $550.00 Rent
# SB21B ORG WeWork D.C. June 1, 2020 $550.00 Rent
# SB21B ORG Zoom Calif. April 4, 2020 $549.90 Telecommunications Subscription
# SB21B ORG Caviar Calif. April 4, 2020 $485.10 Catering/Events
# SB21B PAC ActBlue Mass. June 7, 2020 $474.00 Processing Fee
# SB21B ORG RDV Vineyards Va. June 7, 2020 $450.00 Catering/Events
# SB21B ORG Amazon Wash. June 7, 2020 $438.15 Office Supplies
# SB21B ORG Zoom Calif. April 13, 2020 $435.76 Telecommunications Subscription
# SB21B PAC ActBlue Mass. April 30, 2020 $434.50 Processing Fee
# SB21B ORG Amtrak D.C. April 4, 2020 $429.00 Transportation Services
# SB21B PAC ActBlue Mass. June 14, 2020 $414.75 Processing Fee
# SB21B PAC ActBlue Mass. May 31, 2020 $355.50 Processing Fee
# SB21B ORG Amazon Wash. April 13, 2020 $314.43 Office Supplies
# SB21B ORG Infinite Conferencing N.J. April 10, 2020 $312.35 Telephone
# SB21B ORG Hawaiian Airlines Hawaii April 4, 2020 $301.80 Airfare
# SB21B ORG Uber Conference Calif. June 7, 2020 $289.00 Telephone
# SB21B ORG Maydan D.C. April 4, 2020 $266.85 Catering/Events
# SB21B ORG RPM Italian D.C. April 4, 2020 $250.00 Catering/Events
# SB21B ORG Southwest Airlines Tex. April 4, 2020 $208.00 Airfare
# SB21B ORG American Express N.J. June 7, 2020 $159.50 Credit Card Payment
# SB21B ORG American Express N.J. April 13, 2020 $147.64 Credit Card Payment
# SB21B ORG Urban Stems D.C. April 13, 2020 $147.56 Flowers
# SB21B ORG Amazon Wash. April 4, 2020 $144.12 Office Supplies
# SB21B ORG Amtrak D.C. April 13, 2020 $137.50 Rail Travel
# SB21B ORG Wells Fargo Va. April 13, 2020 $93.67 Bank Service Charge
# SB21B ORG Urban Stems D.C. April 4, 2020 $91.91 Flowers
# SB21B ORG Bistro Bis D.C. April 4, 2020 $90.82 Meals
# SB21B ORG Ill. June 7, 2020 $59.95 Internet Services
# SB21B ORG Ill. April 4, 2020 $59.95 Internet Services
# SB21B ORG Ill. April 13, 2020 $59.95 Internet Services
# SB21B PAC ActBlue Mass. June 28, 2020 $39.50 Processing Fee
# SB21B ORG Wells Fargo Va. May 11, 2020 $32.97 Bank Service Charge