Itemized Expenditures for Filing 146204

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB17 ORG The Ranch Country Club Colo. Oct. 1, 2004 $6,170.00 EVENT RENTAL FEE
# SB17 ORG Centennial Communications Colo. Oct. 1, 2004 $4,200.00 PRINTING BROCHURES
# SB17 ORG Kimball Stroud and Associates D.C. Oct. 1, 2004 $3,515.77 FUNDRAISING CONSULTANT
# SB17 ORG Paychex Colo. Oct. 1, 2004 $2,368.25 PAYROLL TAXES
# SB17 ORG C&D Printing Colo. Oct. 12, 2004 $1,153.48 PRINTING, MAILHOUSE SERVICES
# SB21 PTY Chris John for Senate La. Oct. 11, 2004 $1,000.00 FED. CONTRIBUTION (LA/SENATE)
# SB21 ORG Melissa Bean for Congress Ill. Oct. 11, 2004 $1,000.00 FED. CONTRIBUTION (IL/08)
# SB21 ORG King for Congress N.M. Oct. 11, 2004 $1,000.00 FED. CONTRIBUTION (NM/02)
# SB17 ORG Hauptmen Investment Company Colo. Oct. 1, 2004 $994.91 RENT
# SB17 ORG USPS Colo. Oct. 7, 2004 $555.00 POSTAGE
# SB17 PTY Adams County Democratic Headquarters Colo. Oct. 8, 2004 $300.00 PRINTING BROCHURE
# SB17 IND Rokala, Jennifer Colo. Oct. 6, 2004 $194.34 REIMBURSEMENT, EVENT FOOD ITEMS
# SB17 ORG Colorado Press Colo. Oct. 1, 2004 $169.49 CLIPPING SERVICE
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Mo. Oct. 1, 2004 $103.36 CELL PHONE SERVICE
# SB17 ORG A-1 Storage Colo. Oct. 1, 2004 $91.00 STORAGE UNIT RENTAL
# SB17 ORG Nova Info. Systems Tenn. Oct. 4, 2004 $86.33 CREDIT CARD PROCESSING FEE
# SB17 ORG Paychex Colo. Oct. 12, 2004 $74.68 PAYROLL SERVICE FEE
# SB17 ORG Federal Express Tenn. Oct. 1, 2004 $67.84 EXPRESS MAIL
# SB17 ORG Aristotle Publishing D.C. Oct. 13, 2004 $44.00 ONLINE SERVICE FEE
# SB17 ORG AT&T Ariz. Oct. 1, 2004 $23.27 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE
# SB17 ORG American Express Ariz. Oct. 1, 2004 $4.50 AMEX PROCESSING FEE