Compare filing 1567106 to 1541627 by Missouri For Brandon Wilkinson

There are changes in 16 summary figures for this filing. The combined difference amounts to -$182,968.

city Fenton Cedar Hill Fenton
col_b_candidate_loans $0.00 $11,200.00 -$11,200.00
col_b_individual_contributions_itemized $480.00 $4,371.52 -$3,891.52
col_b_individual_contributions_unitemized $340.00 $6,966.00 -$6,626.00
col_b_net_contributions $820.00 $11,337.52 -$10,517.52
col_b_net_operating_expenditures $744.80 $22,308.13 -$21,563.33
col_b_operating_expenditures $744.80 $22,308.13 -$21,563.33
col_b_total_contributions $820.00 $11,337.52 -$10,517.52
col_b_total_contributions_no_loans $820.00 $11,337.52 -$10,517.52
col_b_total_disbursements $744.80 $22,308.13 -$21,563.33
col_b_total_individual_contributions $820.00 $11,337.52 -$10,517.52
col_b_total_loans $0.00 $11,200.00 -$11,200.00
col_b_total_operating_expenditures $744.80 $22,308.13 -$21,563.33
col_b_total_receipts $820.00 $22,537.52 -$21,717.52
street_1 10 Fenton Plaza 20 El Rancho Dr 10 Fenton Plaza
street_2 unit 1 unit 1