Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 PAC Jobs, Freedom, and Security PAC Tex. May 13 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Common Values PAC Va. May 21 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Let's Get to Work PAC Fla. May 13 $5,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Westerman For Congress Ark. May 6 $2,500.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Schneider For Congress Ill. May 13 $2,500.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Vicente Gonzalez For Congress Tex. May 13 $2,500.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM LaHood For Congress Ill. May 6 $1,000.00 Contribution