Itemized Expenditures for Filing 204061
Total Amount
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Itemized Expenditures
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Line number | Entity type | Payee name | Payee state | Date | Amount | Purpose | |
# | SB21 | PTY | Democratic Congressional Campaign Com. | D.C. | Feb. 18, 2005 | $25,000.00 | Contribution |
# | SB17 | ORG | Internal Revenue Service | Tex. | March 14, 2005 | $7,223.00 | Taxes |
# | SB17 | ORG | NGP Software | D.C. | March 22, 2005 | $1,500.00 | Software |
# | SB17 | IND | Shrader, Robert E | Tex. | Feb. 7, 2005 | $1,192.42 | Wages |
# | SB17 | ORG | Internal Revenue Service | Tex. | Jan. 2, 2005 | $1,045.60 | Taxes |
# | SB20C | PAC | Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers PAC | Ohio | March 23, 2005 | $1,000.00 | Refund of contribution of 10/22/04 |
# | SB21 | CAN | Matsui, Doris | Calif. | Feb. 14, 2005 | $1,000.00 | Contribution |
# | SB17 | ORG | Time Warner Cable | Tex. | Jan. 19, 2005 | $761.93 | Cable/internet services |
# | SB17 | IND | Shrader, Robert E | Tex. | Jan. 19, 2005 | $652.77 | Wages |
# | SB17 | ORG | Internal Revenue Service | Tex. | Jan. 2, 2005 | $504.99 | Taxes |
# | SB17 | ORG | Citi Cards | Nev. | Jan. 25, 2005 | $433.26 | Travel/meals/phone/office supplies |
# | SB17 | ORG | Continental Airlines | Tex. | Jan. 4, 2005 | $429.80 | Travel |
# | SB17 | ORG | American Airlines | Tex. | March 15, 2005 | $423.76 | Airfare |
# | SB17 | IND | Shrader, Robert E | Tex. | March 3, 2005 | $404.80 | Wages |
# | SB17 | ORG | American Airlines | Tex. | Jan. 26, 2005 | $389.30 | Airfare |
# | SB17 | ORG | American Airlines | Tex. | March 15, 2005 | $331.80 | Airfare |
# | SB17 | ORG | American Airlines | Tex. | March 6, 2005 | $311.80 | Airfare |
# | SB17 | ORG | American Airlines | Tex. | Jan. 26, 2005 | $300.79 | Airfare |
# | SB17 | ORG | American Airlines | Tex. | Feb. 10, 2005 | $296.30 | Airfare |
# | SB17 | ORG | Internal Revenue Service | Tex. | Feb. 7, 2005 | $279.16 | Taxes |
# | SB17 | ORG | Citi World Mastercard | S.D. | Feb. 15, 2005 | $257.16 | travel/meals/phone/gifts |
# | SB17 | ORG | McElroy, Sullivan & Miller | Tex. | Feb. 23, 2005 | $207.87 | postage/phone/misc expenses |
# | SB17 | ORG | Intuit | Ariz. | Jan. 7, 2005 | $164.52 | Office supplies |
# | SB17 | IND | Shrader, Robert E | Tex. | Feb. 7, 2005 | $126.61 | Reimbursement: Mileage/printing/copying |
# | SB17 | ORG | Internal Revenue Service | Tex. | Jan. 19, 2005 | $112.80 | Taxes |
# | SB17 | IND | Shrader, Robert E | Tex. | Jan. 7, 2005 | $74.00 | Reimbursement for postage |
# | SB17 | ORG | Citi World Mastercard | S.D. | March 23, 2005 | $72.78 | travel, meals w/ constituents |
# | SB17 | ORG | Internal Revenue Service | Tex. | March 3, 2005 | $67.06 | Taxes |
# | SB17 | IND | Shrader, Robert E | Tex. | March 3, 2005 | $65.54 | reimburse: postage, mileage, copies |
# | SB17 | IND | Shrader, Robert E | Tex. | Jan. 19, 2005 | $49.83 | Mileage and copying reimbursement |
# | SB17 | ORG | Louie's 106 | Tex. | March 22, 2005 | $46.24 | Meal w/ constituents |
# | SB17 | ORG | Louie's 106 | Tex. | Jan. 12, 2005 | $44.42 | Meal w/ constituents |
# | SB17 | ORG | Louie's 106 | Tex. | Jan. 10, 2005 | $39.56 | Meal w/ constituents |
# | SB17 | IND | Brigance, Lauren | Tex. | Jan. 15, 2005 | $37.00 | Reimbursement for postage |