Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB17 ORG Gilliard, Blanning, Wysocki & Associates Calif. April 29, 2006 $30,654.25 mailing
# SB17 ORG Gilliard, Blanning, Wysocki & Associates Calif. May 3, 2006 $7,500.00 Political Consulting
# SB17 ORG Gilliard, Blanning, Wysocki & Associates Calif. April 3, 2006 $7,500.00 Political Consultant
# SB17 ORG California Voter Guide Calif. April 3, 2006 $5,000.00 Mailer
# SB17 ORG Chase Card Service Ill. April 21, 2006 $4,762.66 Credit card payment, see memo
# SB17 ORG Data + Imagination Calif. May 5, 2006 $4,186.39 Computer service
# SB17 ORG Colby Poster Printing Calif. April 21, 2006 $3,487.82 Signs
# SB17 IND Johnson, Shelley Calif. May 3, 2006 $3,415.00 Wages
# SB17 ORG Washington Mutual Bank Calif. May 5, 2006 $3,273.00 Taxes
# SB17 ORG Official Non-Partisan Voter Guide Calif. April 12, 2006 $3,100.00 Mailer
# SB17 ORG Parents' Ballot Guide Calif. April 3, 2006 $2,925.00 Mailer
# SB17 ORG Council of Concerned Women Voters Calif. April 3, 2006 $2,890.00 Mailer
# SB17 ORG Coalition for Senior Citizen Security Calif. April 3, 2006 $2,786.00 Mailer
# SB17 ORG The Early Voter Calif. April 3, 2006 $2,700.00 Mailer
# SB17 ORG CA Republican Taxpayer Assoc. Calif. April 13, 2006 $2,698.15 Mailer
# SB17 IND Gallegly, Janice Calif. May 3, 2006 $2,612.00 Wages
# SB17 ORG National Guard Assn of CA PAC Calif. April 13, 2006 $2,500.00 Mailer
# SB17 ORG COP's Voter Guide Calif. April 5, 2006 $2,500.00 Mailer
# SB17 ORG Aaron Thomas Printing Calif. May 5, 2006 $2,461.01 Printing
# SB17 IND Panossian, Natalie Calif. May 3, 2006 $2,380.00 Wages
# SB17 ORG Torres, Vince Calif. May 3, 2006 $2,075.00 Installation
# SB17 ORG CRA Voter Guide Calif. May 5, 2006 $1,882.80 Mailer
# SB17 ORG Citizens for Representative Government Calif. April 3, 2006 $1,560.00 Mailer
# SB17 ORG Gilliard, Blanning, Wysocki & Associates Calif. May 15, 2006 $1,295.00 Political Consulting
# SB21 CCM FRIENDS OF JOHN HOSTETTLER COMMITTEE Ind. April 12, 2006 $1,000.00 Donation
# SB17 IND Paltera, Stafano Calif. May 5, 2006 $1,000.00 Photo shoot
# SB17 ORG Data + Imagination Calif. May 15, 2006 $1,000.00 Computer Consulting
# SB17 IND Smith, Carrie Calif. May 3, 2006 $923.50 Wages
# SB17 ORG U. S. Postal Stamp service Mo. April 21, 2006 $781.00 stamps
# SB17 ORG Conejo Valley Days Calif. April 6, 2006 $685.00 Booth
# SB17 ORG Assets Management Calif. May 3, 2006 $650.00 Rent
# SB17 ORG Assets Management Calif. April 5, 2006 $650.00 rent
# SB17 IND Williams, Linda Calif. April 3, 2006 $559.94 Food & Beverage
# SB17 ORG Chase Card Service Ill. May 3, 2006 $549.50 Credit Card Payment
# SB17 ORG Cingular Wireless Ariz. May 3, 2006 $506.67 Telephone
# SB17 ORG Continuing the Republican Revolution Calif. May 9, 2006 $500.00 Mailer
# SB17 ORG Office Depot Iowa May 12, 2006 $495.98 Office supplies
# SB17 IND Pfeifer, Tom Va. May 11, 2006 $491.79 Car rental
# SB17 ORG Congressional Club D.C. April 21, 2006 $480.00 cookbooks for gifts
# SB17 IND Gallegly, Janice Calif. May 3, 2006 $423.79 Reimbursement, see Memo
# SB17 IND Addamo, David Calif. April 3, 2006 $400.00 In-kind - Beverage
# SB17 ORG Fence Factory Calif. May 3, 2006 $396.34 Posts
# SB17 ORG United Airlines Ill. May 3, 2006 $337.60 tickets
# SB17 ORG Chase Card Service Ill. April 4, 2006 $308.60 Credit card payment, see memo
# SB17 ORG United Airlines Ill. April 4, 2006 $308.60 ticket
# SB17 IND Gallegly, Janice Calif. April 23, 2006 $302.27 Reimbursement, sign supplies
# SB17 ORG A. T. & T. Fla. April 13, 2006 $294.65 Telephone
# SB17 ORG SBC Calif. April 4, 2006 $243.17 Telephone
# SB17 ORG American Express Calif. May 3, 2006 $235.36 Credit Card payment, see memo
# SB17 ORG Costco Calif. May 3, 2006 $214.87 Campaign food
# SB17 ORG Cingular Wireless Ariz. April 4, 2006 $211.83 Telephone
# SB17 IND Sheil, Tom Calif. May 9, 2006 $208.56 Reimbursement for post
# SB17 IND Pfeifer, Tom Va. May 11, 2006 $200.00 Meal expense
# SB21 ORG Simi Valley Police Foundation Calif. April 12, 2006 $150.00 Donation
# SB17 ORG Macaroni Grill Calif. May 3, 2006 $140.86 Staff meal
# SB17 ORG Simi Village Storage Calif. April 12, 2006 $100.00 Storage
# SB17 IND Estala, Sophie Calif. April 5, 2006 $100.00 Janitorial service
# SB17 IND Estala, Sophie Calif. May 3, 2006 $100.00 Janitorial service
# SB17 ORG Washington Mutual Bank Calif. April 3, 2006 $72.50 Deluxe checks
# SB17 ORG Department of Motor Vehicles Calif. April 23, 2006 $67.00 Fee
# SB17 ORG Adelphia Calif. April 23, 2006 $59.00 Internet
# SB17 ORG Adelphia Calif. April 4, 2006 $59.00 Internet
# SB17 ORG Adelphia Calif. May 11, 2006 $59.00 Internet service
# SB17 IND Mann, Leonard Calif. April 30, 2006 $47.50 In-kind - Storage
# SB17 IND Aiken, Kel Calif. April 30, 2006 $47.50 In-kind - Storage
# SB17 ORG Office Depot Iowa April 12, 2006 $43.68 Office supplies
# SB17 ORG Federal Express Tenn. April 12, 2006 $28.78 Shipping
# SB17 IND Paltera, Stafano Calif. May 9, 2006 $27.30 Mileage
# SB17 ORG Federal Express Tenn. May 11, 2006 $23.24 Shipping
# SB17 ORG Federal Express Tenn. April 13, 2006 $15.34 Shipping