Itemized Expenditures for Filing 298285

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 CCM Harry Mitchell for Congress Cmte. Ariz. June 12, 2007 $1,000.00 P-2008 U.S. House 5 AZ
# SB23 PAC American Forest & Paper Association PAC D.C. June 12, 2007 $1,000.00 O-2007 Federal PAC US
# SB23 CCM Charles A. Gonzalez Congressional Cmte. D.C. June 12, 2007 $1,000.00 P-2008 U.S. House 20 TX
# SB23 CCM Kevin Brady for Congress Va. June 18, 2007 $1,000.00 P-2008 U.S. House 08 TX