Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 CCM Friends Of Zach Wamp Tenn. Aug. 23, 2007 $2,500.00 Candidate Contribution
# SB23 CCM Tiahrt For Congress Kan. Aug. 23, 2007 $2,000.00 Candidate Contribution
# SB23 CCM Steve Cohen For Congress Tenn. Aug. 7, 2007 $2,000.00 Candidate Contribution
# SB23 CCM Thelma Drake For Congress Va. Aug. 23, 2007 $2,000.00 Candidate Contribution
# SB21b ORG Bank of America Mo. Aug. 1, 2007 $1,237.54 Bank of America Fee 08/01/2007
# SB23 CCM Hoosiers Supporting Buyer For Congress Ind. Aug. 7, 2007 $1,000.00 Candidate Contribution
# SB23 CCM Tim Ryan For Congress Ohio Aug. 7, 2007 $1,000.00 Candidate Contribution
# SB21b ORG Wachovia Federal Va. Aug. 9, 2007 $971.26 Wachovia Federal Service Fee 08/09/2007
# SB28a IND Sass, Gray W Ga. Aug. 1, 2007 $500.00 Contribution Refund
# SB23 ORG National Democratic Club D.C. Aug. 29, 2007 $295.80 Inkind Contribution Food Michael Arcuri
# SB23 ORG American Optometric Association Mo. Aug. 29, 2007 $295.80 Inkind Contribution
# SB21b ORG Bank of America Mo. Aug. 6, 2007 $216.92 American Express Fee 8/06//07
# SB21b ORG Bank of America Mo. Aug. 15, 2007 $80.13 Bank of America Fee 08/15/2007
# SB21b ORG Bank of America Mo. Aug. 2, 2007 $14.05 Discover Service Fee 08/02/07
# SB21b ORG Bank of America Mo. Aug. 1, 2007 $0.01 Bank of America Fee 08/01/2007