Itemized Expenditures for Filing 354845
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Itemized Expenditures
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Line number | Entity type | Payee name | Payee state | Date | Amount | Purpose | |
# | SB23 | CCM | ALEXANDER FOR SENATE 2008 Inc. | Va. | June 29, 2007 | $5,000.00 | Contribution |
# | SB23 | CAN | PEOPLE FOR PETE DOMENICI, Domenici | N.M. | June 29, 2007 | $5,000.00 | Contribution |
# | SB23 | CCM | FRIENDS OF JIM INHOFE COMMITTEE | Okla. | June 29, 2007 | $5,000.00 | Contribution |
# | SB23 | CCM | FRIENDS OF JIM INHOFE COMMITTEE | Okla. | June 29, 2007 | $5,000.00 | Contribution |
# | SB23 | CCM | TEXANS FOR SENATOR JOHN CORNYN INC | Tex. | June 29, 2007 | $5,000.00 | Contribution |
# | SB23 | CCM | COLLINS FOR SENATOR | Me. | June 29, 2007 | $5,000.00 | Contribution |
# | SB23 | CCM | COLEMAN FOR SENATE 08 | Minn. | June 29, 2007 | $5,000.00 | Contribution |
# | SB23 | CCM | CHAMBLISS FOR SENATE | Ga. | June 29, 2007 | $5,000.00 | Contribution |
# | SB23 | ORG | Jefferson County Republican Committee | Ala. | May 3, 2007 | $500.00 | contribution |
# | SB29 | ORG | Eagle Forum of Alabama | Ala. | June 18, 2007 | $450.00 | Contribution-- Leadership Conference |
# | SB29 | ORG | FedEx Kinko's Office and Print Center | Ala. | June 29, 2007 | $259.44 | Disbursement--Administrative/Postage |
# | SB23 | CAN | TOM KEAN FOR US SENATE INC, Tom | N.J. | May 2, 2007 | -$5,000.00 | voided check |