Itemized Expenditures for Filing 405723

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB21B ORG Magellan Strategies BR La. Oct. 13, 2008 $5,425.21 Metairie Event-no candidate benefitted
# SB23 COM Texans For Senator John Cornyn Inc Tex. Oct. 15, 2008 $5,000.00 Political Contribution: PAC Contribution
# SB23 COM Wicker For Senate Miss. Oct. 15, 2008 $5,000.00 Political Contribution: Contribution
# SB23 COM Elizabeth Dole Committee Inc N.C. Oct. 10, 2008 $5,000.00 Political Contribution: PAC Contribution
# SB23 COM McConnell Senate Committee 2008 Ky. Oct. 15, 2008 $5,000.00 Political Contribution: Contribution
# SB23 COM Bill Cassidy For US Congress La. Oct. 10, 2008 $5,000.00 Political Contribution: PAC Contribution
# SB23 COM Coleman for Senate Minn. Oct. 15, 2008 $5,000.00 Political Contribution: PAC Contribution
# SB23 COM Sununu for Senate N.H. Oct. 15, 2008 $5,000.00 Political Contribution: PAC Contribution
# SB21B IND Guastella, Courtney La. Oct. 8, 2008 $2,500.00 Monthly retainer-no candidate benefitted
# SB21B ORG The LS Group, Inc. D.C. Oct. 13, 2008 $480.00 Commission-no candidate benefitted
# SB21B ORG Calif. Oct. 6, 2008 $350.00 Monthly Software Maint
# SB21B IND Schmidt, Monica La. Oct. 8, 2008 $250.00 Monthly Admin
# SB21B ORG Verizon D.C. Oct. 6, 2008 $110.94 Cell Phone Bill