Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB17 ORG Epiphany Productions Va. June 16, 2009 $8,154.19 consultant: fundraising/blast
# SB17 ORG Bank of America Md. May 28, 2009 $6,970.01 food & beverage for events/lod
# SB17 ORG Epiphany Productions Va. April 1, 2009 $6,939.88 fundraising services/food & be
# SB17 ORG Tiffany Stark Ore. June 3, 2009 $5,178.39 cosultant - fundraising/postag
# SB17 ORG Pitney Bowes Ky. May 28, 2009 $5,020.46 mailing system equipment purch
# SB17 ORG Tiffany Stark Ore. May 5, 2009 $5,000.00 consultant - fundraising
# SB17 ORG Tiffany Stark Ore. April 3, 2009 $5,000.00 consultant - fundraising
# SB17 IND Simons, Marta A Ore. May 5, 2009 $3,471.94 salary
# SB17 IND Simons, Marta A Ore. June 5, 2009 $3,239.64 salary
# SB17 IND Simons, Marta A Ore. April 1, 2009 $3,193.76 salary
# SB17 ORG Bank of America Md. April 27, 2009 $3,158.08 airline baggage fees/car renta
# SB17 ORG Epiphany Productions Va. May 12, 2009 $3,104.09 consultant - fundraising/cater
# SB17 ORG Print It Ore. June 9, 2009 $2,440.00 printing and reproduction
# SB17 ORG Bank of America Md. June 17, 2009 $2,384.01 lodging/software support/print
# SB17 ORG Salem Conference Center Ore. May 5, 2009 $2,053.20 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG US Postal Service Ore. May 29, 2009 $2,000.00 postage for meter
# SB17 ORG Metro Print Ore. May 29, 2009 $1,796.08 postage
# SB17 ORG Levy Restaurants D.C. April 1, 2009 $1,463.94 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG Shilo Inn Seaside Ore. April 27, 2009 $1,404.59 lodging/food & beverage for ev
# SB17 ORG Internal Revenue Service Utah June 15, 2009 $1,108.68 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Bank Ore. June 15, 2009 $1,108.68 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG Internal Revenue Service Utah June 30, 2009 $1,099.90 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Bank Ore. June 30, 2009 $1,099.90 payroll tax
# SB21 COM Brian Bilbray for Congress Calif. June 20, 2009 $1,000.00 contribution
# SB21 COM Friends of Dave Reichert Wash. June 20, 2009 $1,000.00 contribution
# SB21 COM Friends Of Erik Paulsen Minn. June 20, 2009 $1,000.00 contribution
# SB21 COM McCotter Congressional Committee Mich. June 20, 2009 $1,000.00 contribution
# SB21 COM Lungren for Congress Calif. June 20, 2009 $1,000.00 contribution
# SB21 COM Chris Lee For Congress N.Y. June 20, 2009 $1,000.00 contribution
# SB21 COM Lance for Congress N.J. June 20, 2009 $1,000.00 contribution
# SB21 COM Joseph Cao for Congress La. June 20, 2009 $1,000.00 contribution
# SB21 COM Ken Calvert for Congress Calif. June 20, 2009 $1,000.00 contribution
# SB21 COM Judy Biggert for Congress Ill. June 20, 2009 $1,000.00 contribution
# SB17 IND Jory, David D.C. June 17, 2009 $955.42 Inkind: food & beverage for event/even
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Bank Ore. May 12, 2009 $932.40 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG Internal Revenue Service Utah May 12, 2009 $932.40 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG Heathman Hotel Ore. May 28, 2009 $882.90 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG Balyeat & Eager Ore. June 16, 2009 $855.00 legal services
# SB17 ORG Sonoma Restaurant D.C. June 17, 2009 $798.00 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG Capitol Hill Club D.C. April 27, 2009 $746.18 food & beverage
# SB17 ORG Taste Catering Va. May 5, 2009 $700.00 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG Sonoma Restaurant D.C. June 17, 2009 $691.60 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG Balyeat & Eager Ore. May 5, 2009 $665.00 legal services
# SB17 ORG Premiere Global Services Ill. June 16, 2009 $641.43 blast faxes
# SB17 ORG Capitol Hill Club D.C. May 28, 2009 $630.83 food & beverage
# SB17 IND Tabor, Danielle A Ore. May 5, 2009 $623.95 salary
# SB17 ORG Taste Catering Va. May 5, 2009 $600.00 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG VISA Fla. June 5, 2009 $593.65 food & beverage for event/lodg
# SB17 ORG US Postal Service Ore. May 29, 2009 $500.00 postage
# SB17 ORG Dickstein Shapiro LLP D.C. May 5, 2009 $487.53 catering costs/event prep
# SB17 ORG The Hartford Tex. June 16, 2009 $479.00 workers comp insurance
# SB17 ORG Occasions Caterers D.C. May 12, 2009 $453.74 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG Seasons Culinery Services D.C. May 5, 2009 $390.61 catering for event
# SB17 ORG VISA Fla. June 5, 2009 $384.67 shipping/food & beverage for e
# SB17 ORG Johnny's Half Shell D.C. April 1, 2009 $370.50 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG Metro Print Ore. June 17, 2009 $361.00 printing & reproduction
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Bank Ore. April 9, 2009 $350.00 credit card processing termina
# SB17 ORG Oregon Department of Revenue Ore. June 30, 2009 $346.19 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Insurance Ore. April 1, 2009 $327.00 office rent
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Insurance Ore. June 1, 2009 $327.00 office rent
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Insurance Ore. May 1, 2009 $327.00 office rent
# SB17 ORG Hood River CPAs Ore. April 1, 2009 $320.00 accounting services
# SB17 IND Tabor, Danielle A Ore. April 1, 2009 $309.91 salary
# SB17 ORG Taste Catering Va. June 3, 2009 $308.09 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG VISA Fla. April 1, 2009 $300.00 conference fees/event room ren
# SB17 ORG Oregon Department of Revenue Ore. May 15, 2009 $290.00 corporate tax
# SB17 ORG Oregon Department of Revenue Ore. June 30, 2009 $287.00 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG Oregon Department of Revenue Ore. June 15, 2009 $278.00 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. May 28, 2009 $250.00 software support
# SB17 ORG DIRECTV D.C. May 5, 2009 $250.00 room rental for event
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. April 27, 2009 $250.00 software support
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. April 27, 2009 $250.00 software support
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. June 17, 2009 $250.00 software support
# SB17 IND Miller, Mark Ore. April 14, 2009 $250.00 Inkind: food and beverage
# SB17 ORG EZ Rent a Car Fla. April 27, 2009 $229.23 car rental
# SB17 ORG Oregon Department of Revenue Ore. May 12, 2009 $229.00 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG W. Millar & Co Catering D.C. June 5, 2009 $227.74 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG Harris Teeter Va. June 5, 2009 $210.74 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG AT&T Mobility Ill. June 3, 2009 $207.86 cell phone service
# SB17 ORG AT&T Mobility Ill. May 5, 2009 $205.89 cell phone service
# SB17 ORG AT&T Mobility Ill. April 1, 2009 $205.19 cell phone service
# SB17 ORG Oregon Department of Revenue Ore. April 30, 2009 $200.18 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG Dorchester Conference Ore. April 1, 2009 $200.00 conference registration fees
# SB17 ORG Seaside Vacation Homes Ore. June 17, 2009 $200.00 lodging
# SB17 ORG Capitol Hill Club D.C. April 27, 2009 $196.33 food & beverage
# SB17 ORG US Postal Service #2 Ore. June 3, 2009 $158.40 postage
# SB17 ORG Balyeat & Eager Ore. April 1, 2009 $152.00 legal services
# SB17 ORG Stafford Studios Ore. May 5, 2009 $150.00 web site maintenance
# SB17 ORG Johnny's Half Shell D.C. June 5, 2009 $150.00 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG VISA Fla. May 5, 2009 $147.77 food & beverage for events/par
# SB17 ORG Embarq Communications Tex. June 3, 2009 $143.50 dsl/fax line
# SB17 ORG Embarq Communications Tex. May 5, 2009 $143.50 dsl/fax line
# SB17 ORG Embarq Communications Tex. April 1, 2009 $143.05 dsl/fax lines
# SB17 ORG VISA Fla. April 1, 2009 $141.87 food & beverage for event
# SB17 ORG Secure Storage Ore. April 20, 2009 $123.00 storage unit rent
# SB17 ORG Secure Storage Ore. May 20, 2009 $123.00 storage unit rent
# SB17 ORG Secure Storage Ore. June 20, 2009 $123.00 storage unit rent
# SB17 ORG Allen's Press Clipping Bureau Ore. April 1, 2009 $114.27 press clipping service
# SB17 ORG Allen's Press Clipping Bureau Ore. May 5, 2009 $112.23 news clippings
# SB17 ORG Shilo Inn Seaside Ore. April 1, 2009 $100.00 event room rental fee
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Bank Ore. May 4, 2009 $87.10 credit card transaction fee
# SB17 ORG Allen's Press Clipping Bureau Ore. June 5, 2009 $85.20 press clippings
# SB17 ORG Capitol Hill Club D.C. June 17, 2009 $83.41 food & beverage
# SB17 ORG Hilton Hotels Ore. May 28, 2009 $81.77 lodging
# SB17 ORG FedEx Calif. May 12, 2009 $78.48 shipping
# SB17 ORG Premiere Global Services Ill. May 12, 2009 $71.87 blast faxes
# SB17 ORG Embarq Communications Mo. June 3, 2009 $60.38 phone service
# SB17 ORG Embarq Communications Mo. May 5, 2009 $60.29 phone service
# SB17 ORG Embarq Communications Mo. April 1, 2009 $59.90 phone service
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Bank Ore. April 30, 2009 $57.15 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG Internal Revenue Service Utah April 30, 2009 $57.15 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG FedEx Calif. April 1, 2009 $51.75 shipping
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. April 23, 2009 $50.00 credit card processing fee
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. April 30, 2009 $50.00 credit card processing fee
# SB17 ORG Gorge Networks Ore. April 1, 2009 $49.00 internet services
# SB17 ORG VISA Fla. April 1, 2009 $49.00 internet services
# SB17 ORG Gorge Networks Ore. May 5, 2009 $49.00 internet service
# SB17 ORG VISA Fla. May 5, 2009 $49.00 internet service
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. June 22, 2009 $46.25 credit card processing fee
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. June 30, 2009 $45.00 credit card processing fee
# SB17 ORG Balyeat & Eager Ore. May 12, 2009 $38.00 legal services
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. May 11, 2009 $37.50 credit card processing fee
# SB17 ORG Spirit Airlines Fla. April 27, 2009 $37.00 baggage fees
# SB17 ORG Gorge Networks Ore. June 5, 2009 $36.90 internet service
# SB17 ORG VISA Fla. June 5, 2009 $36.90 internet service
# SB17 ORG Chase Card Services Ky. April 1, 2009 $33.40 travel expense: meal
# SB17 ORG Premiere Global Services Ill. April 1, 2009 $28.01 blast faxes
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. June 25, 2009 $27.50 credit card processing fee
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. June 29, 2009 $25.00 credit card processing fee
# SB17 ORG VISA Fla. April 1, 2009 $22.86 food for event
# SB17 ORG Harris Teeter Va. April 1, 2009 $22.86 food for event
# SB17 ORG Hilton Hotels Ore. May 5, 2009 $22.00 parking fee
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Bank Ore. April 3, 2009 $21.00 credit card transaction fee
# SB17 ORG American Airlines Tex. April 27, 2009 $21.00 baggage fees
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Bank Ore. June 3, 2009 $21.00 credit card processing fee
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. June 12, 2009 $17.50 credit card processing fee
# SB17 ORG Complete Campaigns Calif. June 18, 2009 $17.50 credit card processing fee
# SB17 ORG FedEx Calif. June 16, 2009 $12.76 shipping
# SB17 ORG VISA Fla. May 5, 2009 $8.62 shipping
# SB17 ORG Internal Revenue Service Utah June 30, 2009 $8.26 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG Columbia River Bank Ore. June 30, 2009 $8.26 payroll tax
# SB17 ORG US Postal Service Ore. May 13, 2009 $6.00 postage
# SB17 ORG Hilton Hotels Ore. May 28, 2009 $5.00 parking fee