Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 PAC Orrinpac Utah Sept. 23, 2009 $5,000.00 2009 Contribution
# SB23 CCM David Vitter for Us Senate La. Sept. 28, 2009 $5,000.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Barbara Boxer Calif. Sept. 8, 2009 $5,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Marsha Blackburn for Congress Inc. Tenn. Sept. 28, 2009 $4,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Gillibrand for Senate D.C. Sept. 25, 2009 $4,000.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB23 CCM People for Patty Murray U S Senate Campaign Wash. Sept. 8, 2009 $4,000.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB23 CCM Childers for Congress Miss. Sept. 8, 2009 $3,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB29 COM Fraser for Texas Senate Tex. Sept. 17, 2009 $3,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Markey Committee, the Mass. Sept. 8, 2009 $3,000.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB29 COM Election Fund of Alex DeCroce N.J. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,600.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 PAC Wolverine Pac D.C. Sept. 29, 2009 $2,500.00 2009 Contribution
# SB29 COM Texans for Joe Straus Tex. Sept. 17, 2009 $2,500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Kathy Dahlkemper for Congress Pa. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Conyers for Congress D.C. Sept. 23, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB23 CCM Conyers for Congress D.C. Sept. 28, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB23 PAC Leadership of Today and Tomorrow D.C. Sept. 28, 2009 $2,500.00 2009 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Lee Terry for Congress Neb. Sept. 23, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Cathy McMorris Rodgers for Congress Wash. Sept. 23, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Evan Bayh Committee Ind. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Evan Bayh Committee Ind. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Kent Williams Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $2,500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 PAC National Leadership Pac N.Y. Sept. 29, 2009 $2,500.00 2009 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Richard Burr Committee; the N.C. Sept. 28, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB23 CCM Richard E Neal for Congress Committee Mass. Sept. 28, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Griffith for Congress Ala. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Boyd for Congress Fla. Sept. 23, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 PAC Follow the North Star Fund Minn. Sept. 29, 2009 $2,500.00 2009 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Stupak for Congress Mich. Sept. 29, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Texans for Lamar Smith Tex. Sept. 23, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Upton for All of Us Mich. Sept. 28, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 PAC We the People Pac Pa. Sept. 28, 2009 $2,500.00 2009 Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Sylvester Turner Tex. Sept. 17, 2009 $2,500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Bright for Congress.Com Ala. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB29 COM Webber for Assembly N.J. Sept. 29, 2009 $2,300.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Glenn Nye Va. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM McCotter Congressional Committee Mich. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Frank Kratovil for Congress Md. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Markey Committee, the Mass. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Minnick for Congress Idaho Sept. 8, 2009 $2,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Volunteers for Shimkus Ill. Sept. 23, 2009 $2,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Hall for Congress Committee (RALPH HALL - ROCKWALL, TEXAS) Tex. Sept. 28, 2009 $2,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Lungren for Congress Calif. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Judy Biggert for Congress Ill. Sept. 8, 2009 $2,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM John Sullivan for Congress Inc Okla. Sept. 28, 2009 $2,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Steve McManus Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Republicans Achieving A Majority PAC (RAAMPAC) Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $1,500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Gingrey for Congress Ga. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Mary Bono Mack Committee Calif. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Georgians for Isakson Ga. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Larson for Congress Conn. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,500.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB23 CCM Olson for Congress Committee Tex. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB29 COM Election Fund of Senator Raymond Lesniak Sept. 17, 2009 $1,250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Steve Austria for Congress Ohio Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Steve Cohen for Congress Tenn. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 PAC Victory Now Pac Md. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2009 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Welch for Congress Vt. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Whitfield for Congress Committee Ky. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Lois Capps Calif. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Adler for Congress N.J. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 PAC America's Leadership Pac D.C. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2009 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Andre Carson for Congress Ind. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Andrews for Congress Committee N.J. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Blumenauer for Congress Ore. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Brady for Congress Tex. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Buck McKeon for Congress Calif. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Citizens To Elect Rick Larsen Wash. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Committee To Re-Elect Henry Hank Johnson Ga. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Committee To Re-Elect Linda Sanchez Calif. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Congressman Bart Gordon Committee Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Doyle for Congress Committee Pa. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Feingold Senate Committee Wis. Sept. 8, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Feingold Senate Committee Wis. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Forbes for Congress Va. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Frank Kratovil for Congress Md. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Barbara Boxer Calif. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Chris Dodd Conn. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Connie Mack Fla. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Corrine Brown Md. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Dave Reichert Wash. Sept. 8, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Erik Paulsen Minn. Sept. 8, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Frank Wolf Va. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Glenn Thompson Pa. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of John Thune S.D. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Schumer N.Y. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Guthrie for Congress Ky. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Harry Mitchell for Congress Ariz. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Harry Teague for Congress N.M. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Hastings for Congress Fla. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Hoosiers for Hill Ind. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Issa for Congress Calif. Sept. 8, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Jackie Speier for Congress Calif. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM John Shadeggs Friends Ariz. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Joseph Cao for Congress La. Sept. 8, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Kosmas for Congress Fla. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Lance for Congress N.J. Sept. 8, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Larson for Congress Conn. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Lungren for Congress Calif. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Lynn Jenkins for Congress Kan. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Markey for Congress Colo. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM McCotter Congressional Committee Mich. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM McNerney for Congress Calif. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Nadler for Congress N.Y. Sept. 8, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Pallone for Congress N.J. Sept. 8, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Perlmutter for Congress Colo. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Poe for Congress Tex. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Roskam for Congress Committee Ill. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Schiff for Congress Calif. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Schock for Congress Ill. Sept. 23, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Souder for Congress Inc. Ind. Sept. 28, 2009 $1,000.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB29 COM Citizens to Elect Randy McNally Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Committee to Elect Reginald Tate Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Diane Black for State Senate Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Curry Todd Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Doug Overbey Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Harry Tindell Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Jamie Woodson Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Jimmy Naifeh Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Lois DeBerry Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Mike Faulk Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Tim Burchett Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Mumpower Fund Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Patricia Harless Campaign Tex. Sept. 17, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Texans for Dan Patrick Tex. Sept. 17, 2009 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends to Elect Steve Southerland Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $750.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Election Fund of Pamela R Lampitt N.J. Sept. 8, 2009 $750.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Jack Johnson Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $750.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of David Shepard Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Dewayne Bunch Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Lundberg for House Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Gary Moore Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Glen Casada Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Bob Ramsey Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Craig Fitzhugh Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Gary Odom Legislative Committee Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Richard Montgomery Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Roy Herron Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Stacey Pickering Miss. Sept. 17, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of John Thune S.D. Sept. 28, 2009 $500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Frank Kratovil for Congress Md. Sept. 8, 2009 $500.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB23 CCM Doyle for Congress Committee Pa. Sept. 28, 2009 $500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Tim DeGeeter Ohio Sept. 8, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Vince Dean Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Citizens for Sayre Ohio Sept. 8, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends to Re-Elect Ulysses Jones Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Fund to Re-Elect David Hawk Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Rogers for Congress Mich. Sept. 8, 2009 $500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB23 CCM Rogers for Congress Mich. Sept. 8, 2009 $500.00 2010 General Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Beth Harwell Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Bill Harmon Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Charles Sargent Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Jim Hackworth Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Jim Kyle Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Jim Tracy Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Jimmy Eldridge Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM MPAC Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Joe Armstrong Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of John DeBerry Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Johnny Shaw Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Ken Yager Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Kent Coleman Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Larry Miller Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM A Whole Lot of People for Grijalva Congressional Committee Ariz. Sept. 23, 2009 $500.00 2010 Primary Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Lowe Finney Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Mark Maddox Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Matt Szollosi Ohio Sept. 8, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Mike Harrison Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Mike Turner Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Donna Rowland Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $350.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Mike Stewart Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $350.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Henry Fincher Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $350.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Charles Curtiss Campaign Fund Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $350.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Joe Towns Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $350.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Dennis Ferguson Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $350.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Barrett Rich Tenn. Sept. 30, 2009 $350.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Election Fund of Annette Quijano for Assembly N.J. Sept. 29, 2009 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Jim Coley Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Larry Turner Tenn. Sept. 29, 2009 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Moriarty and Collins for Assembly N.J. Sept. 29, 2009 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of David Holt 2010 Okla. Sept. 10, 2009 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB21B ORG Comcast Corporation Pa. Sept. 8, 2009 $210.00 Reimb. for Aug. 09 NJ Overhead Costs
# SB29 COM Collins for Assembly N.J. Sept. 29, 2009 $125.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Moriarty for Assembly N.J. Sept. 29, 2009 $125.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB21B ORG Comcast Corporation Pa. Sept. 8, 2009 $35.00 Reimb. for Aug. 09 TN Overhead Costs