Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 COM Congressional Trust 2010 Va. May 26, 2010 $15,000.00
# SB23 PAC Mike R Fund D.C. May 26, 2010 $5,000.00
# SB23 PAC Synergy PAC Va. May 20, 2010 $5,000.00
# SB23 PAC AMERIPAC Va. May 20, 2010 $5,000.00
# SB23 PAC Democrats Win Seats D.C. May 20, 2010 $5,000.00
# SB23 PAC Mikulski Majority PAC Md. May 7, 2010 $3,500.00
# SB23 CCM Mark Critz For Congress Committee Pa. May 6, 2010 $3,000.00
# SB23 PAC SecurePAC D.C. May 20, 2010 $2,500.00
# SB23 CCM Costello For Congress Committee Ill. May 14, 2010 $2,500.00
# SB23 CCM Friends Of Jim Clyburn S.C. May 26, 2010 $2,500.00
# SB23 CCM Portman For Senate Committee Ohio May 14, 2010 $2,000.00
# SB23 CCM Moran For Congress Va. May 4, 2010 $2,000.00
# SB23 CCM Friends Of Roy Blunt Mo. May 14, 2010 $2,000.00
# SB23 CCM Wilson for Congress Va. May 14, 2010 $2,000.00
# SB23 CCM Susan Davis For Congress Calif. May 20, 2010 $2,000.00
# SB23 CCM Gene Taylor For Congress Committee Miss. May 14, 2010 $2,000.00
# SB23 CCM Lisa Murkowski For Us Senate Alaska May 26, 2010 $2,000.00
# SB23 CCM Friends Of John Thune S.D. May 7, 2010 $1,500.00
# SB23 CCM Moran For Congress Va. May 5, 2010 $1,500.00
# SB23 CCM Alan Mollohan For Congress Committee W.Va. May 4, 2010 $1,500.00
# SB23 CCM Barney Frank For Congress Committee Mass. May 20, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM The Reyes Committee Inc. Tex. May 20, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Brian Bilbray For Congress Calif. May 20, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Michaud For Congress Me. May 20, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Citizens For Turner Ohio May 20, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM McMorris for Congress Wash. May 20, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Rogers For Congress Mich. May 20, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Gingrey For Congress Ga. May 20, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Boswell For Congress Iowa May 14, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Frelinghuysen For Congress N.J. May 14, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Larson For Congress Conn. May 14, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Capuano For Congress Committee Mass. May 14, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Rush Holt For Congress N.J. May 26, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Perlmutter For Congress Colo. May 26, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Anna Eshoo For Congress Calif. May 26, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Friends Of Congressman Tim Holden Pa. May 4, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Committee To Re-Elect Trent Franks To Congress Ariz. May 20, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Butterfield For Congress N.C. May 20, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Brad Miller For United States Congress N.C. May 26, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Coffman For Congress Colo. May 7, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Thornberry For Congress Committee Tex. May 7, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Griffith For Congress Ala. May 7, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Friends Of Maurice Hinchey N.Y. May 7, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Bright For Congress Ala. May 27, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Alaskans For Begich 2014 Alaska May 6, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Committee to Re-elect Loretta Sanchez Calif. May 4, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Geoff Davis For Congress Ky. May 4, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Lobiondo For Congress N.J. May 4, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Steve Rothman For New Jersey Inc. N.J. May 27, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Connolly For Congress Va. May 4, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Bill Shuster for Congress D.C. May 4, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Richardson For Congress Calif. May 4, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Mike Rogers For Congress Ala. May 26, 2010 $500.00
# SB23 CCM Alan Mollohan For Congress Committee W.Va. May 4, 2010 $500.00
# SB21b ORG Bank (Wachovia) N.C. May 14, 2010 $54.82