Itemized Expenditures for Filing 477255

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB21 CCM Kirk for Senate Ill. May 24, 2010 $1,000.00 contribution-IL(Sen)
# SB21 CCM Schock for Congress Ill. May 24, 2010 $1,000.00 contribution-IL18
# SB21 CCM Ken Calvert for Congress Committee Calif. May 24, 2010 $1,000.00 contribution-CA44
# SB21 CCM Vern Buchanan for Congress Fla. May 24, 2010 $1,000.00 contribution-FL13
# SB21 CCM Judy Biggert for Congress Ill. May 24, 2010 $1,000.00 contribution-IL13