Itemized Expenditures for Filing 481540

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB21 PTY Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee D.C. June 16, 2010 $15,000.00 Contribution
# SB17 ORG Kieloch Consulting D.C. May 28, 2010 $3,000.00 Fundraising Services
# SB17 ORG Kieloch Consulting D.C. June 30, 2010 $3,000.00 Fundraising Services
# SB17 ORG Durkee & Associates Calif. June 30, 2010 $2,000.00 Accounting
# SB17 ORG Durkee & Associates Calif. May 28, 2010 $2,000.00 Accounting
# SB17 IND Brand, Adam Md. June 30, 2010 $1,000.00 Salary
# SB17 ORG Rio Banquets Nev. June 6, 2010 $962.00 Catering for event
# SB17 IND Kadesh, Mark D.C. June 18, 2010 $551.15 In-Kind Food & Beverages for Event
# SB17 ORG Johnny's Half Shell D.C. May 27, 2010 $500.00 Catering for Event
# SB17 ORG Embassy Suites Battery Park N.Y. May 24, 2010 $440.41 Lodging
# SB17 ORG Verizon Calif. June 7, 2010 $391.75 Telephone
# SB17 IND Romero, Maritza Calif. May 28, 2010 $375.00 Salary
# SB17 IND Romero, Maritza Calif. June 10, 2010 $375.00 Salary
# SB17 IND Romero, Maritza Calif. June 30, 2010 $375.00 Salary
# SB17 ORG Bankcard Center Tex. June 16, 2010 $370.60 Meeting Ground Transportation Lodging Airfare Catering
# SB17 ORG W. Millar & Co. D.C. May 27, 2010 $367.12 Catrering for Event
# SB17 ORG Amtrak D.C. May 20, 2010 $293.00 Ground Transportation
# SB17 ORG Cerritos Management Calif. June 30, 2010 $193.07 Rent
# SB17 ORG Cerritos Management Calif. May 28, 2010 $193.07 Rent
# SB17 ORG Southwest Airlines Tex. June 3, 2010 $176.70 Airfare
# SB17 ORG Blue Moon Limousine Calif. June 7, 2010 $129.50 Ground Transportation
# SB17 ORG JetBlue Airways Utah June 3, 2010 $124.70 Airfare
# SB17 ORG Oyamel D.C. May 17, 2010 $101.00 Meeting
# SB17 ORG AT&T Calif. June 10, 2010 $97.35 Telephone
# SB17 ORG Durkee & Associates Calif. June 22, 2010 $54.43 Postage/Printing/Copies
# SB17 ORG Paychex Inc Calif. June 10, 2010 $31.94 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG Verizon Calif. June 21, 2010 $27.12 Telephone
# SB17 ORG Verizon Calif. May 20, 2010 $27.12 Telephone
# SB17 ORG Paradise Bar And Grille Calif. June 6, 2010 $16.92 Meeting
# SB17 ORG United Merchant Services Calif. June 1, 2010 $15.00 Credit Card Processing
# SB17 ORG American Express Calif. June 1, 2010 $4.95 Credit Card Processing
# SB17 ORG American Express Calif. June 7, 2010 $4.95 Credit Card Processing