Itemized Expenditures for Filing 494156

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 CCM Minnick For Congress Idaho Aug. 3, 2010 $1,500.00
# SB23 CCM Denny Heck For Congress Wash. Aug. 16, 2010 $1,400.00
# SB23 CCM Jim Risch For U S Senate Committee Idaho Aug. 9, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Simpson For Congress Idaho Aug. 3, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Denny Heck For Congress Wash. Aug. 3, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Scott Murphy For Congress D.C. Aug. 3, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB23 CCM Lisa Murkowski For Us Senate Alaska Aug. 19, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB29 COM Region VII Republicans Idaho Aug. 16, 2010 $1,000.00
# SB29 ORG Central Republican Women Va. Aug. 17, 2010 $500.00
# SB23 CCM Jim Risch For U S Senate Committee Idaho Aug. 1, 2010 -$1,000.00 Void - Jim Risch For U S Senate Committee
# SB29 COM Opportunity Virginia PAC Va. Aug. 1, 2010 -$5,000.00 Void - Opportunity Virginia PAC