Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 CCM Boucher for Congress Committee D.C. Oct. 11, 2010 $2,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Committee to Elect Diane Denish N.M. Oct. 11, 2010 $1,000.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM House Republican Leadership Committee N.M. Oct. 11, 2010 $300.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Fischer for Legislature Neb. Oct. 4, 2010 $250.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Flood for Legislature Neb. Oct. 4, 2010 $250.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Charlie Janssen Neb. Oct. 4, 2010 $100.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Hadley for Legislature Neb. Oct. 4, 2010 $100.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Kathy Campbell for Legislature Neb. Oct. 4, 2010 $100.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Jerry Vap for PSC Neb. Oct. 1, 2010 $100.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Committee to Elect Colby Coash Neb. Oct. 4, 2010 $100.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Russ Karpisek for Legislature Committee Neb. Oct. 4, 2010 $100.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Adams for Legislature Neb. Oct. 4, 2010 $100.00 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Committee to Elect Lavon Heidemann Neb. Oct. 4, 2010 $100.00 Contribution