Itemized Expenditures for Filing 516345

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB18 PTY Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) D.C. Sept. 21, 2010 $25,716.00 Dues
# SB18 PTY Democratic Party of Wisconsin Federal Account Wis. Sept. 29, 2010 $25,000.00 dues
# SB17 ORG Feldman Group D.C. Sept. 15, 2010 $21,192.33 Research
# SB17 ORG Budget Signs and Specialties Wis. Aug. 30, 2010 $8,144.18 field materials
# SB17 IND Wachter, Matt Wis. Aug. 31, 2010 $3,096.74 payroll
# SB17 IND Wachter, Matt Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $3,024.70 payroll
# SB17 IND Wachter, Matt Wis. Sept. 30, 2010 $2,983.88 payroll
# SB17 IND Bhaerman, Stacey Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $2,529.78 payroll
# SB17 IND Bhaerman, Stacey Wis. Sept. 30, 2010 $2,529.78 payroll
# SB17 IND Bhaerman, Stacey Wis. Aug. 31, 2010 $2,529.77 payroll
# SB17 ORG Budget Signs and Specialties Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $2,135.06 field materials
# SB17 ORG Biagio Gargano Wis. Aug. 30, 2010 $1,900.00 rent
# SB17 ORG Wells Print and Digital Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $1,846.47 printing - literature
# SB17 IND Taylor, Robert Rawlings Wis. Aug. 31, 2010 $1,692.77 payroll
# SB17 IND Taylor, Robert Rawlings Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $1,690.44 payroll
# SB17 IND Taylor, Robert Rawlings Wis. Sept. 30, 2010 $1,690.43 payroll
# SB17 IND Hall, Amanda Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $1,615.12 payroll
# SB17 IND Hall, Amanda Wis. Sept. 30, 2010 $1,615.11 payroll
# SB17 IND Hall, Amanda Wis. Aug. 31, 2010 $1,606.97 payroll
# SB17 IND Bhaerman, Stacey Wis. Sept. 24, 2010 $1,383.30 payroll - health care stipend
# SB17 IND Nelson, Elise Wis. Sept. 30, 2010 $1,007.89 payroll
# SB17 ORG H & G Bauling Rental Company Wis. Sept. 21, 2010 $1,000.00 office rent
# SB17 IND Nelson, Elise Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $933.27 payroll
# SB17 ORG Budget Signs and Specialties Wis. Sept. 16, 2010 $815.01 field materials
# SB17 ORG AT&T Ill. Aug. 26, 2010 $735.13 phone
# SB17 ORG US Postmaster Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $528.00 postage
# SB17 ORG Insurance Building Assoc LP Wis. Sept. 24, 2010 $515.20 office rent
# SB17 ORG Insurance Building Assoc LP Wis. Aug. 26, 2010 $515.20 office rent
# SB17 ORG Wisconsin Copy & Business Equipment Wis. Sept. 16, 2010 $475.00 copier leasing
# SB17 ORG Applied Tech Solutions Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $422.00 tech support
# SB17 ORG QTI Human Resources Wis. Aug. 31, 2010 $384.53 management fees
# SB17 ORG QTI Human Resources Wis. Sept. 30, 2010 $360.78 management fees
# SB17 ORG UMOJA Wis. Sept. 24, 2010 $360.00 advertising
# SB17 ORG QTI Human Resources Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $358.33 management fees
# SB17 ORG Madison Jewish News Wis. Sept. 20, 2010 $310.00 print ads
# SB17 ORG Office Depot Wis. Aug. 26, 2010 $308.00 office supplies
# SB17 IND Nelson, Elise Wis. Aug. 31, 2010 $298.64 payroll
# SB17 ORG TDS Metrocom Wis. Sept. 24, 2010 $298.08 phone & Internet
# SB17 ORG Life in the Middle Publishing LLC Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $297.00 Advertisement
# SB17 ORG First Data Merchant Services N.Y. Sept. 2, 2010 $295.38 processing fees
# SB17 ORG TDS Metrocom Wis. Aug. 30, 2010 $288.51 phone/ internet
# SB17 ORG Insurance Building Assoc LP Wis. Aug. 26, 2010 $260.00 parking
# SB17 ORG Linemark Printing Md. Sept. 15, 2010 $212.00 printing
# SB17 ORG Office Depot Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $181.88 office supplies
# SB17 ORG Wells Print and Digital Wis. Sept. 24, 2010 $163.74 printing - business cards
# SB17 ORG Madison Gas and Electric Wis. Sept. 23, 2010 $151.95 utilities
# SB17 IND Taylor, Robert Rawlings Wis. Sept. 24, 2010 $138.00 payroll - health care stipend
# SB17 ORG Fighting Bob Inc Wis. Sept. 16, 2010 $100.00 table registration
# SB17 ORG Target Wis. Sept. 16, 2010 $93.01 office supplies
# SB17 ORG West Washington Self Storage LLC Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $83.00 storage
# SB17 ORG Culligan - Total Water Treatment Wis. Sept. 16, 2010 $77.87 volunteer refreshments
# SB17 IND Nelson, Elise Wis. Sept. 23, 2010 $77.50 Payroll - Health Care Stipend
# SB17 IND Wachter, Matt Wis. Sept. 16, 2010 $75.00 phone stipend
# SB17 ORG Target Wis. Sept. 16, 2010 $73.95 event food
# SB17 IND Lathrop, Angie Wis. Sept. 8, 2010 $64.00 volunteer incentive gift
# SB17 ORG Woodman's Wis. Sept. 16, 2010 $50.99 event food
# SB20A IND Lewis, Elizabeth Wis. Sept. 14, 2010 $50.00 contribution correction
# SB17 ORG UPS Nev. Sept. 15, 2010 $49.24 shipping
# SB17 ORG US Cellular Ill. Sept. 15, 2010 $48.68 cell phone
# SB17 ORG Copps Food Center Wis. Sept. 16, 2010 $45.07 event food
# SB17 ORG US Postmaster Wis. Sept. 15, 2010 $44.00 PO Box
# SB17 ORG Culligan - Total Water Treatment Wis. Sept. 16, 2010 $42.52 office supplies - water
# SB17 ORG Party City of Madison Wis. Sept. 24, 2010 $42.21 event supplies
# SB17 ORG National Bankcard N.Y. Sept. 2, 2010 $36.52 credit card processing
# SB17 ORG South Central Federation of Labor Wis. Sept. 16, 2010 $30.00 Table Registration Fee
# SB17 PAC JSTREETPAC D.C. Aug. 31, 2010 $24.02 Processing Fees
# SB17 ORG Office Max Wis. Sept. 24, 2010 $7.69 office supplies
# SB17 ORG National Bankcard N.Y. Sept. 3, 2010 $5.25 credit card processing
# SB17 PAC ACTBLUE Mass. Sept. 12, 2010 $0.99 processing fees
# SB17 PAC ACTBLUE Mass. Sept. 26, 2010 $0.80 processing fees
# SB17 PAC ACTBLUE Mass. Sept. 30, 2010 $0.79 processing fees
# SB17 PAC JSTREETPAC D.C. Sept. 27, 2010 $0.58 processing fees
# SB17 PAC ACTBLUE Mass. Sept. 21, 2010 $0.40 processing fees
# SB17 PAC ACTBLUE Mass. Sept. 6, 2010 $0.10 processing fees