Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 PTY National Republican Congressional Committee D.C. Jan. 4, 2011 $15,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PTY National Republican Senatorial Committee D.C. Jan. 4, 2011 $15,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PTY Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee D.C. Jan. 4, 2011 $15,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PTY Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee D.C. Jan. 4, 2011 $15,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Kevin Mccarthy For Congress Calif. Feb. 23, 2011 $5,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM John Carney For Congress Del. Feb. 2, 2011 $5,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 PTY Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fun Mass. April 1, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Hoyer For Congress D.C. Feb. 2, 2011 $5,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 PAC Building Relationships in Diverse Geographic Envir D.C. Feb. 2, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Blue Hen Pac D.C. April 28, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Blue Dog Political Action Committee Va. Feb. 23, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Upton For All Of Us Mich. April 1, 2011 $5,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Kurt Schrader For Congress Ore. Feb. 2, 2011 $5,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 PTY Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Commi Mass. April 1, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Tfp-Fojb Committee D.C. Feb. 23, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Searchlight Leadership Fund D.C. June 8, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America D.C. Feb. 23, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Pat Roberts Victory Committee, the Fla. April 28, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC New Democrat Coalition Political Action Committee D.C. Feb. 23, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Moderate Democrats Pac D.C. Feb. 23, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Massachusetts Biotechnology Council Federal Politi Mass. April 1, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB29 COM David Dewhurst Campaign Tex. Jan. 3, 2011 $5,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Carper For Senate Del. Jan. 4, 2011 $5,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 PAC Freedom Project; the D.C. Feb. 2, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Citizens For Altmire Pa. Feb. 2, 2011 $5,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 PAC First State Pac Del. June 8, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Every Republican Is Crucial (ERICPAC) Va. Feb. 2, 2011 $5,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Dave Camp For Congress Mich. April 1, 2011 $5,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Mchenry For Congress N.C. June 24, 2011 $4,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Friends Of Joe Pitts Pa. April 1, 2011 $4,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Joe Wilson For Congress Committee S.C. April 1, 2011 $4,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 PAC Next Century Fund Va. April 28, 2011 $4,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Allyson Schwartz For Congress Pa. April 28, 2011 $3,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Hatch Election Committee Inc Utah Feb. 2, 2011 $3,000.00 2012 General
# SB23 CCM Crowley For Congress N.Y. April 28, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Butterfield For Congress N.C. April 1, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Crowley For Congress N.Y. June 8, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Debbie Wasserman Schultz For Congress Fla. April 1, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Friends Of Jim Clyburn S.C. April 1, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Friends Of John Barrow Ga. April 28, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Heath Shuler For Congress N.C. June 8, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Jim Gerlach For Congress Committee Pa. April 1, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM John D. Dingell For Congress D.C. April 1, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Larson For Congress Conn. June 8, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Convention
# SB23 CCM Mcconnell Senate Committee '14 Ky. June 8, 2011 $2,500.00 2014 Primary
# SB23 CCM Pat Meehan For Congress Pa. April 28, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Roskam For Congress Committee Ill. April 1, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Scalise For Congress La. June 8, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Scott Brown For Us Senate Committee Inc Mass. Feb. 23, 2011 $2,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 PAC 21st Century Majority Fund Ga. Feb. 23, 2011 $2,500.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Heartland Values Pac S.D. June 8, 2011 $2,500.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Making Business Excel Political Action Committee Wyo. Feb. 23, 2011 $2,500.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 PTY Republican Party of Wisconsin Wis. Feb. 23, 2011 $2,500.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Ben Nelson 2012 Neb. March 16, 2011 $2,000.00 2012 General
# SB23 CCM Hatch Election Committee Inc Utah Feb. 2, 2011 $2,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Guthrie For Congress Ky. June 8, 2011 $2,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Gingrey For Congress, Inc. Ga. June 8, 2011 $2,000.00 2012 General
# SB23 CCM Rogers For Congress Mich. Feb. 23, 2011 $2,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Walden For Congress Ore. Feb. 2, 2011 $2,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB29 COM Friends of Scott Walker Wis. April 28, 2011 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Joseph Scarnati Pa. June 8, 2011 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Ryan For Congress Wis. April 28, 2011 $2,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Pete Sessions For Congress Tex. June 8, 2011 $2,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Latta For Congress Ohio April 28, 2011 $2,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Levin For Congress Mich. April 1, 2011 $1,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Devin Nunes Campaign Committee Calif. April 1, 2011 $1,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Bob Corker For Senate 2012 Tenn. April 28, 2011 $1,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Re-Elect Mcgovern Committee Mass. June 8, 2011 $1,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Gillibrand For Senate D.C. April 1, 2011 $1,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Lofgren For Congress Calif. April 1, 2011 $1,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB29 COM Republican Assembly Campaign Committee Wis. May 9, 2011 $1,500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Perlmutter For Congress Colo. April 28, 2011 $1,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Friends Of John Barrasso Wyo. April 1, 2011 $1,500.00 2012 Primary
# SB29 COM Senate Republican Campaign Committee Pa. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Schock For Congress Ill. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Jim Himes For Congress Conn. April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Convention
# SB23 CCM Stivers For Congress Ohio April 28, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Sue Myrick For Congress N.C. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Texans For Lamar Smith Tex. Feb. 23, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM The Bill Keating Committee Mass. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Tiberi For Congress Ohio June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Tim Murphy For Congress Pa. Feb. 23, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Frelinghuysen For Congress N.J. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB29 COM Pileggi for State Senator Pa. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 PAC Acton Pac Ga. June 24, 2011 $1,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Dreier For Congress Committee Calif. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Diane Black For Congress Tenn. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Issa For Congress Calif. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Courtney For Congress Conn. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Convention
# SB23 PAC Freedom Fund D.C. April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Charles Boustany Jr. Md For Congress, Inc. La. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Gingrey For Congress, Inc. Ga. Feb. 23, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 PAC M-Pac D.C. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2011 Contribution
# SB29 COM Voters to Elect Patricia Vance Pa. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Brian Bilbray For Congress Calif. April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Bob Casey For Senate Inc Pa. Feb. 23, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Blumenauer For Congress Ore. Feb. 23, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Bill Cassidy For Congress La. April 28, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Ben Nelson 2012 Neb. Feb. 2, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 General
# SB23 CCM Anna Eshoo For Congress Calif. April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Adrian Smith For Congress Neb. April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Adam Smith For Congress Committee Wash. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Inslee For Congress Wash. April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Kevin Mccarthy For Congress Calif. June 24, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 General
# SB29 PTY House Republican Campaign Committee Pa. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Gingrey For Congress, Inc. Ga. April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB29 COM Keystone Leader's PAC Pa. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Jay Costa Jr. for State Senate Pa. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Mike Turzai Pa. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Jake Corman Pa. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Adolph Pa. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Committee to Elect Earl Ray Tomblin W.Va. April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Committee to Elect Republican Senate Wis. April 28, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends Of John Barrasso Wyo. Feb. 2, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Friends Of Erik Paulsen Minn. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Lance For Congress N.J. Feb. 23, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Lance For Congress N.J. April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Latham For Congress Iowa April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Levin For Congress Mich. Feb. 23, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Lofgren For Congress Calif. Feb. 2, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Matheson For Congress Utah Feb. 23, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Friends Of Dennis Ross Fla. June 24, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Menendez For Senate N.J. April 28, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 General
# SB23 CCM Paul Tonko For Congress N.Y. April 28, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Perlmutter For Congress Colo. April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Portman For Senate Committee Ohio June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Price For Congress N.C. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Quayle For Congress Ariz. April 1, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Re-Elect Tim Griffin For Congress Committee Ark. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Rehberg For Congress Mont. Jan. 24, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Richmond For Congress La. June 8, 2011 $1,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB29 COM Scott Fitzgerald for Senate Wis. Feb. 23, 2011 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB21b ORG Zeneca Inc. Del. Feb. 23, 2011 $940.00 TN Costs for State Candidate Contributions
# SB29 COM Friends of Leah Vukmir Wis. April 28, 2011 $750.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Rafferty for Senate Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Edwin Erickson for Senate Committee Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Citizens for Stewart Greenleaf Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Andy Dinniman Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM FRIENDS OF BARBARA BOYD Ohio Jan. 3, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Bob Mensch Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Don White Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Doug Reichely Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Citizens for Stan Saylor Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of John Pippy Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Citizens for Patrick Browne Pa. June 24, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Kim Ward Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Mike Brubaker Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Citizens for Jake Wheatley Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Nicholas Micozzie Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Citizens for Hughes Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Joseph Markosek for State Legislature Committee Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM People to Elect Matt Baker Pa. June 8, 2011 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Gingrey For Congress, Inc. Ga. June 8, 2011 $500.00 2012 Primary
# SB21b ORG Zeneca Inc. Del. Feb. 23, 2011 $440.00 WI Costs for State Candidate Contributions
# SB29 COM Friends of Dave Reed Pa. June 8, 2011 $400.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Scott Petri Pa. June 8, 2011 $400.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Thomas Killion Victory Committee Pa. June 8, 2011 $400.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Bryan Cutler Campaign Pa. June 8, 2011 $400.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Kerry Benninghoff for Rep Committee Pa. June 8, 2011 $350.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Mike Vereb Pa. June 8, 2011 $300.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Tim Hennessey Pa. June 8, 2011 $300.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Committee to Elect Chris Ross Pa. June 8, 2011 $300.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Jennifer Mann Pa. June 8, 2011 $300.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Committee to Elect Marc Gergely Pa. June 8, 2011 $300.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Mike Gerber Pa. June 8, 2011 $300.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Frank Dermody Pa. June 8, 2011 $300.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Anthony Deluca for Legislative Committee Pa. June 8, 2011 $300.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Committee to Elect Lynn Wachtmann Ohio Jan. 3, 2011 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM State Senate Democratic Committee Wis. April 28, 2011 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Terry Moulton Wis. Feb. 23, 2011 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Assembly Democratic Campaign Committee Wis. April 28, 2011 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM CITIZENS FOR GARDNER COMMITTEE Ohio Jan. 3, 2011 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Pam Galloway Wis. April 28, 2011 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Leibham Campaign Committee Wis. Feb. 23, 2011 $250.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Committee to Re-Elect Joe Preston Jr. Pa. June 8, 2011 $150.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB21b ORG Zeneca Inc. Del. April 11, 2011 -$40.00 WI Costs for State Candidate Contributions
# SB21b ORG Zeneca Inc. Del. April 11, 2011 -$40.00 TN Costs for State Candidate Contributions
# SB21b ORG Zeneca Inc. Del. April 11, 2011 -$40.00 WI Costs for State Candidate Contributions
# SB29 COM Susan Lynn Election Committee Tenn. Jan. 3, 2011 -$250.00 2010 Primary
# SB29 COM Roy Herron Campaign Tenn. Jan. 3, 2011 -$350.00 2012 Primary
# SB29 COM Friends of Dave Hansen Wis. Jan. 4, 2011 -$500.00 2012 Primary
# SB29 COM Ramsey for Governor Tenn. Jan. 3, 2011 -$500.00 2010 Primary
# SB29 COM Kent Williams Campaign Tenn. Jan. 3, 2011 -$750.00 2010 Primary