Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 CCM Coffman for Congress 2012 Colo. June 22, 2012 $5,000.00 2012 Primary - FH CO 006
# SB23 CCM Wilson for Senate N.M. June 22, 2012 $5,000.00 2012 General - FS NM 000
# SB23 CCM Randy Altschuler for Congress N.Y. June 22, 2012 $5,000.00 2012 General - FH NY 001
# SB23 CCM Gardner for Congress 2012 Colo. June 8, 2012 $5,000.00 2012 General - FH CO 004
# SB23 CCM George Allen for Us Senate Va. June 22, 2012 $5,000.00 2012 General - FS VA 000
# SB23 CCM Latham for Congress Iowa June 8, 2012 $5,000.00 2012 General - FH IA 003
# SB23 CCM Rothfus for Congress Pa. June 22, 2012 $5,000.00 2012 General - FH PA 012
# SB23 CCM Scott Rigell for Congress Va. June 8, 2012 $5,000.00 2012 Primary - FH VA 002
# SB23 CCM Berg for Senate N.D. June 22, 2012 $5,000.00 2012 General - FS ND 000
# SB23 CCM Tom Smith for Senate Inc Pa. June 22, 2012 $4,565.62 2012 General - FS PA 000
# SB23 CCM Richard Hanna for Congress Committee N.Y. June 22, 2012 $3,000.00 2012 Primary - FH NY 024
# SB23 CCM Patriots for Perry Pa. June 25, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General FH PA 004
# SB23 CCM Walorski for Congress Inc Ind. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FH IN 002
# SB23 CCM Valadao for Congress Calif. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FH CA 021
# SB23 CCM Abel Maldonado for Congress Calif. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FH CA 024
# SB23 CCM Strickland for Congress 2012 Calif. June 25, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General FH CA 026
# SB23 CCM Deb Fischer for Us Senate Inc Neb. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FS - NE - 000
# SB23 CCM Steve Daines for Montana Mont. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FH MT 001
# SB23 CCM Doheny for Congress N.Y. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FH NY 021
# SB23 CCM Friends of Gary Delong Calif. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FH CA 047
# SB23 CCM Scott Garrett for Congress N.J. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FH NJ 005
# SB23 CCM Janice Arnold-Jones for Congress N.M. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FH NM 001
# SB23 CCM Joe Kyrillos for Us Senate Inc N.J. June 25, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General FS NJ 000
# SB23 CCM John Tavaglione for Congress Calif. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FH CA 041
# SB23 CCM Kim Dolbow Vann for Congress Calif. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FH CA 003
# SB23 CCM Ricky Gill for Congress Calif. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FH CA 009
# SB23 CCM Raye for Congress Me. June 25, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General FH ME 002
# SB23 CCM Maggie Brooks for Congress N.Y. June 25, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General FH NY 025
# SB23 CCM Randy Altschuler for Congress N.Y. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 Primary - FH NY 001
# SB23 CCM Hoosiers for Richard Mourdock Inc Ind. June 22, 2012 $2,500.00 2012 General - FS IN 000
# SB23 CCM Graves for Congress Ga. June 22, 2012 $2,000.00 2012 Primary - FH GA 014
# SB23 CCM Price for Congress Ga. June 8, 2012 $2,000.00 2012 Primary - FH GA 006
# SB23 CCM Stutzman for Congress Ind. June 8, 2012 $2,000.00 2012 General - FH IN 003
# SB23 CCM Friends of Glenn Thompson Pa. June 8, 2012 $2,000.00 2012 General - FH PA 005
# SB23 CCM Robert Hurt for Congress Va. June 22, 2012 $2,000.00 2012 General - FH VA 005
# SB23 CCM Ann Marie Buerkle for Congress N.Y. June 22, 2012 $2,000.00 2012 Primary
# SB23 CCM Mulvaney for Congress S.C. June 22, 2012 $2,000.00 2012 General - FH SC 005
# SB23 CCM Tiberi for Congress Ohio June 22, 2012 $2,000.00 2012 General - FH OH 012
# SB23 CCM Benishek for Congress, Inc. Mich. June 22, 2012 $1,500.00 2012 Primary - FH MI 001
# SB28A IND Woody, John W.A. Mich. June 25, 2012 $1,500.00 Refund-Receipt 051712 June Montly 48/B
# SB23 CCM Mike McIntyre for Congress N.C. June 8, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 General - FH NC 007
# SB23 CCM Lynn Jenkins for Congress Kan. June 8, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 Primary - FH KS 002
# SB23 CCM Luke Messer for Congress Ind. June 22, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 General - FH IN 006
# SB23 CCM Lou Barletta for Congress Pa. June 8, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 General - FH PA 011
# SB23 CCM Kinzinger for Congress Ill. June 8, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 General - FH IL 016
# SB23 CCM Jim Gerlach for Congress Committee Pa. June 15, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 General FH PA 006
# SB23 CCM Friends of Susan Brooks Ind. June 22, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 General - FH IN 005
# SB23 CCM Friends of John Barrow Ga. June 8, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 Primary - FH GA 012
# SB23 CCM Steve Chabot for Congress Ohio June 8, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 General - FH OH 001
# SB23 CCM Diane Black for Congress Tenn. June 8, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 Primary - FH TN 006
# SB23 CCM Brady for Congress Tex. June 8, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 General - FH TX 008
# SB23 CCM Ann Marie Buerkle for Congress N.Y. June 22, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 General FH NY 025 (Redistributed from Buerkle Committee 2010)
# SB23 CCM Mike McIntyre for Congress N.C. June 15, 2012 $1,000.00 2012 General FH NC 007
# SB28A ORG D & V Storage Idaho June 22, 2012 $375.00 Receipt Itemized 012712 Feb Monthly 9/C
# SB28A IND James, Vea Idaho June 22, 2012 $375.00 Receipt Itemized 012712 Feb Monthly 9/C
# SB28A IND Kendall, Mike Ohio June 20, 2012 $350.00 Refund-Receipt 053112 Itemized June Monthly 15/C
# SB28A ORG Dalzell Carry-Out Ohio June 20, 2012 $350.00 Refund-Receipt 053112 Itemized June Monthly 15/C
# SB23 ORG W. Millar & Company Catering D.C. June 15, 2012 $334.38 2012 General FS PA 000
# SB28A ORG Tudor Wilson & Associates, CPAs, LLC Hawaii June 20, 2012 $250.00 Refund-Receipt 030912 April Monthly 94/A
# SB28A IND Tudor, Nancy Evans Hawaii June 20, 2012 $250.00 Refund-Receipt 030912 April Monthly 94/A
# SB28A ORG Lefeber Turf Farm LLC Wash. June 22, 2012 $150.00 Refun-Receipt Unitemized 5/4/12
# SB28A IND Lefeber, Daniel S. Wash. June 22, 2012 $150.00 Refun-Receipt Unitemized 5/4/12
# SB23 ORG NFIB Tenn. June 15, 2012 $100.00 2012 General FS PA 000
# SB23 CCM Jim Gerlach for Congress Committee Pa. June 13, 2012 -$1,000.00 2012 P FH PA 006 - VOID - LOST IN MAIL