Itemized Independent Expenditures for Filing 828558

Total Amount

This filing has been superseded by a later report

Top Spending Categories

The top five categories of spending as reported by the committee (these are not standardized).

Persuasion phone calls $62,518.34
Printing and postage of mail pieces $29,111.44

Itemized Independent Expenditures

Click on the hash symbol (#) in the first column to get a permalink for that item.

Line number Candidate (Office) Position Payee name IE Date/Date Paid Amount Purpose
# SE Christopher Murphy (CT-Senate) Support Stones' Phones Oct. 25, 2012 / $25,591.42 Persuasion phone calls
# SE Linda McMahon (CT-Senate) Oppose Stones' Phones Oct. 25, 2012 / $25,591.42 Persuasion phone calls
# SE Mitt Romney Oppose MackCrounse Group Oct. 25, 2012 / $14,555.72 Printing and postage of mail pieces
# SE George Allen (VA-Senate) Oppose MackCrounse Group Oct. 25, 2012 / $14,555.72 Printing and postage of mail pieces
# SE Jon Tester (MT-Senate) Support Zata 3 Oct. 25, 2012 / $8,501.63 Persuasion phone calls
# SE Dennis Rehberg (MT-Senate) Oppose Zata 3 Oct. 25, 2012 / $2,833.87 Persuasion phone calls