Itemized Expenditures for Filing 850876

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB17 ORG OnMessage Inc Md. Aug. 27, 2012 $515,825.00 Other: advertising
# SB17 ORG OnMessage Inc Md. Aug. 8, 2012 $84,423.00 Other: advertising
# SB17 ORG OnMessage Inc Md. July 8, 2012 $83,043.00 Advertising: Television Advertising
# SB17 ORG OnMessage Inc Md. Sept. 10, 2012 $59,344.00 Advertising: Broadcast TV 9/12-10/9
# SB17 ORG OnMessage Inc Md. Aug. 25, 2012 $28,442.79 Other: advertising
# SB17 ORG New Century Solutions Ohio Aug. 13, 2012 $16,622.25 Fundraising Retainer
# SB17 ORG OnMessage Inc Md. July 2, 2012 $16,107.84 Other: Polling
# SB17 ORG Oxford Communications Va. July 2, 2012 $15,445.68 Direct Mail Fundraising Letter
# SB17 ORG Oxford Communications Va. Aug. 14, 2012 $12,784.45 Fundraising: Direct Mail Services
# SB17 ORG Bogart Associates Va. Aug. 14, 2012 $10,569.70 Fundraising Consulting-commiss
# SB17 ORG FLS Connect Minn. July 17, 2012 $10,066.28 Advertising: Phone Banking
# SB17 ORG Majority Strategies Fla. Aug. 25, 2012 $9,799.80 Advertising: promotional
# SB17 ORG Patton Boggs LLP D.C. July 24, 2012 $9,052.51 legal consulting
# SB17 ORG OnMessage Inc Md. Aug. 2, 2012 $8,959.98 Other: advertising
# SB17 ORG Brookside Country Club Ohio Sept. 17, 2012 $8,623.07 Facility rental and catering
# SB17 ORG Influential Data Calif. Aug. 2, 2012 $6,975.00 Other: utilities
# SB17 ORG Bogart Associates Va. July 2, 2012 $5,899.23 consulting fee DC Pac fundrais
# SB17 ORG Majority Strategies Fla. July 2, 2012 $5,783.75 Paraphernalia: Campaign Literature
# SB17 ORG Bogart Associates Va. July 24, 2012 $4,547.18 Other: Fundraising consultant
# SB17 ORG Majority Strategies Fla. July 24, 2012 $4,115.00 Advertising: promotional
# SB17 ORG New Century Solutions Ohio July 2, 2012 $4,000.00 Fundraising Retainer
# SB17 ORG New Century Solutions Ohio Aug. 25, 2012 $4,000.00 Fundraising Retainer
# SB17 ORG New Century Solutions Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $4,000.00 Fundraising Retainer
# SB17 ORG Southwest Publishing Kan. July 17, 2012 $3,745.99 Fundraising Letter Printing
# SB17 IND Novotny, Bill Wyo. Aug. 30, 2012 $3,461.54 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Novotny, Bill Wyo. Sept. 28, 2012 $3,461.54 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Novotny, Bill Wyo. Aug. 16, 2012 $3,461.54 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Novotny, Bill Wyo. July 19, 2012 $3,461.54 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Novotny, Bill Wyo. Sept. 14, 2012 $3,461.54 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Novotny, Bill Wyo. July 5, 2012 $3,461.54 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Novotny, Bill Wyo. Aug. 2, 2012 $3,461.54 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG Bogart Associates Va. Aug. 25, 2012 $3,203.00 Fundraising-commissions and fe
# SB17 IND Renacci, Jim Ohio Aug. 14, 2012 $3,132.00 Travel: travel
# SB17 ORG Influential Data Calif. Aug. 25, 2012 $2,975.00 Other: utilities
# SB17 PTY NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE D.C. Aug. 2, 2012 $2,953.36 Travel: Reimbursement for Speaker Boeh
# SB17 ORG Bogart Associates Va. Aug. 2, 2012 $2,729.94 Other: meals and entertainment
# SB20a IND Whitacre, Stephanie Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Refund of Campaign Contributio
# SB20a IND Whitacre, Stephanie Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Whitacre, John Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Suarez, Sharon Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB17 ORG Stark County Republican Party Ohio Aug. 31, 2012 $2,500.00 Advertising: advertising
# SB20a IND Suarez, Nancy Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Suarez, Benjamin Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Klingaman, Toni Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Klingaman, Paul Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Housos, Barbara Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Heck, Susan Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Heck, Douglas Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Giorgio, Michael Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Giorgio, Becky Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Fernandez, Antonio Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Ditty, Timothy Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Ditty, Michele Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Cook, Eugene Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Collins, Mark Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Collins, Jill Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: contribution refund
# SB20a IND Blubaugh, Michael Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB20a IND Blubaugh, Donna Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB20a IND Collins, Jill Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Refund of Political Contributi
# SB20a IND Cook, Eugene Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB20a IND Ditty, Timothy Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Refund of Campaign Contributio
# SB20a IND Ditty, Michele Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Refund of Political Contributi
# SB20a IND Fernandez, Antonio Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB20a IND Giorgio, Michael Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB20a IND Giorgio, Becky Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Refund of Political Contributi
# SB20a IND Klingaman, Paul Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB20a IND Blubaugh, Michael Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB20a IND Blubaugh, Donna Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB20a IND Whitacre, John Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Refund of Political Contributi
# SB20a IND Suarez, Nancy Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Refund of Campaign Contributio
# SB20a IND Suarez, Sharon Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB20a IND Suarez, Benjamin Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Refund of Political Contributi
# SB20a IND Klingaman, Toni Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Refund of Political Contributi
# SB20a IND Collins, Mark Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB20a IND Housos, Barbara Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Refund of Political Contributi
# SB20a IND Heck, Susan Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Refund of Political Contributi
# SB20a IND Heck, Douglas Ohio July 20, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB17 ORG Patton Boggs LLP D.C. July 2, 2012 $2,461.00 Legal Consulting
# SB17 IND Backiel, Stephen Ohio July 5, 2012 $2,307.69 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Backiel, Stephen Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $2,307.69 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Backiel, Stephen Ohio July 19, 2012 $2,307.69 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Backiel, Stephen Ohio Aug. 16, 2012 $2,307.69 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Ohio Aug. 13, 2012 $2,250.00 Fundraising: postage
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Ohio July 12, 2012 $2,250.00 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Postage
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Ohio Sept. 17, 2012 $2,250.00 Fundraising: Postage
# SB17 IND Kustron, Jack Ohio Aug. 25, 2012 $2,000.00 Advertising: promotional
# SB17 IND Renacci, Jim Ohio July 24, 2012 $1,982.62 Other: meals and entertainment
# SB17 IND Backiel, Stephen Ohio Sept. 6, 2012 $1,846.16 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG Aristotle International D.C. July 2, 2012 $1,800.00 Complete Campaign Software Ren
# SB17 ORG Aristotle International D.C. Aug. 2, 2012 $1,800.00 Other: dues and subscriptions
# SB17 ORG Cornerstone Innovations Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $1,631.53 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG Undo's Catering W.Va. Aug. 2, 2012 $1,523.37 Campaign Event: meals and entertainment
# SB17 ORG Evangelista Consulting LLC Ohio July 2, 2012 $1,500.00 Accounting consulting services
# SB17 IND Harding, Lauren Ohio July 19, 2012 $1,384.62 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Harding, Lauren Ohio July 5, 2012 $1,384.62 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG Cornerstone Innovations Ohio July 19, 2012 $1,384.00 Payroll Services
# SB17 IND Novotny, Bill Wyo. July 26, 2012 $1,368.68 reimbursement of office suppli
# SB17 ORG Cornerstone Innovations Ohio Aug. 16, 2012 $1,359.93 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG LTC Consulting Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $1,350.00 august rent
# SB17 ORG LTC Consulting Ohio July 2, 2012 $1,350.00 Office Rent
# SB17 ORG LTC Consulting Ohio July 12, 2012 $1,350.00 Office Rent
# SB17 ORG Cornerstone Innovations Ohio July 5, 2012 $1,308.15 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG Joe Derkin Ohio Aug. 16, 2012 $1,200.00 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG Joe Derkin Ohio Sept. 28, 2012 $1,200.00 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG Joe Derkin Ohio Sept. 14, 2012 $1,200.00 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG Joe Derkin Ohio Aug. 30, 2012 $1,200.00 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG Joe Derkin Ohio July 19, 2012 $1,200.00 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG Joe Derkin Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $1,200.00 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Kayser, Scott Ky. Aug. 2, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Cotey, J Greg Ohio Sept. 28, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Kayser, Scott Ky. Sept. 14, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Cotey, J Greg Ohio July 5, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Cotey, J Greg Ohio July 19, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Kayser, Scott Ky. Aug. 16, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Cotey, J Greg Ohio Sept. 14, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Cotey, J Greg Ohio Aug. 16, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Kayser, Scott Ky. Sept. 28, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Kayser, Scott Ky. Aug. 30, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Cotey, J Greg Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 IND Cotey, J Greg Ohio Aug. 30, 2012 $1,153.85 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG Cornerstone Innovations Ohio Sept. 28, 2012 $1,140.56 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG Printing and Marketing Ohio July 2, 2012 $1,107.58 Paraphernalia: Event Invitations
# SB17 IND Novotny, Bill Wyo. July 6, 2012 $1,068.85 Reimbursement for Travel
# SB17 IND Novotny, Bill Wyo. Aug. 25, 2012 $1,036.27 Travel: mileage reimbursement
# SB17 ORG Cornerstone Innovations Ohio Aug. 30, 2012 $1,031.10 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG North Royalton Chamber of Commerce Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $1,000.00 advertising - parade sponsor
# SB17 ORG Front Porch Strategies Ohio July 24, 2012 $1,000.00 Other: Phone Bank Services
# SB17 ORG Cornerstone Innovations Ohio Sept. 14, 2012 $990.29 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG United Office Supply Ill. Aug. 14, 2012 $909.75 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: supplies
# SB17 IND Cotey, J Greg Ohio July 2, 2012 $907.96 Travel: Reimbursement for Mileage
# SB17 ORG Printing and Marketing Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $821.44 Paraphernalia: stationery and printing
# SB17 IND Barnd, Melissa Ohio July 6, 2012 $794.06 Travel: Reimbursement for Mileage
# SB17 ORG Eyedeal Graphics Ohio Aug. 14, 2012 $767.25 Paraphernalia: stationery and printing
# SB17 ORG Reflections Photography D.C. July 2, 2012 $750.00 Other: Event Photography
# SB17 ORG Reflections Photography D.C. July 24, 2012 $750.00 Other: Photography Services
# SB17 ORG Evangelista Consulting LLC Ohio July 6, 2012 $750.00 Other: Accounting Consulting Services
# SB17 ORG Rapid Marketplace Ohio Aug. 14, 2012 $720.00 website maintenance
# SB17 ORG Mal Network Engineering Ohio July 2, 2012 $717.81 Installation of Cable Modem
# SB17 ORG The Post Newspapers Ohio July 20, 2012 $706.50 Advertisement
# SB17 IND Novotny, Bill Wyo. July 12, 2012 $693.44 Reimbursement for Office Suppl
# SB17 ORG The Union Club Ohio July 12, 2012 $682.39 Facility Rental and Catering
# SB17 IND Backiel, Stephen Ohio July 2, 2012 $681.11 Travel: Reimbursement for Mileage
# SB17 ORG Copier Consultants Ohio Aug. 25, 2012 $670.42 Copier rental
# SB17 IND Murray, Robert Ohio July 17, 2012 $669.97 Inkind: Postage and Invitations
# SB17 COM Supporting Conservatives Of Today And Tomorrow (SCOTT PAC) N.J. July 30, 2012 $650.00 Inkind: fundraising costs
# SB17 IND Backiel, Stephen Ohio Aug. 25, 2012 $643.06 Travel: mileage reimbursement
# SB17 IND Baach, Jamie Ohio July 26, 2012 $600.56 Inkind: food & beverage
# SB17 ORG Joe Derkin Ohio July 5, 2012 $600.00 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG Baron Photography & Image Finders, Inc Ohio June 14, 2012 $538.75 Photography Services
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Pa. July 6, 2012 $521.56 Mobile Phone Bill
# SB17 ORG James Slepian Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $507.69 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG James Slepian Ohio Aug. 30, 2012 $507.69 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG James Slepian Ohio Sept. 14, 2012 $507.69 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG James Slepian Ohio Sept. 28, 2012 $507.69 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG James Slepian Ohio July 19, 2012 $507.69 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG James Slepian Ohio Aug. 16, 2012 $507.69 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: salary
# SB17 ORG James Slepian Ohio July 5, 2012 $507.69 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB20a IND Pogue, Richard Ohio Sept. 30, 2012 $500.00 Refund of Contribution
# SB17 ORG AG Ad Graphics Ohio July 24, 2012 $493.18 Advertising: Invitations
# SB17 ORG Copier Consultants Ohio July 2, 2012 $476.44 copier rental and supplies
# SB17 IND Swallen, Robert Ohio Sept. 28, 2012 $461.54 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Salary
# SB17 ORG The Union Club Ohio Aug. 25, 2012 $451.43 Other: meals and entertainment
# SB17 ORG Copier Consultants Ohio July 12, 2012 $449.43 Copier Rental
# SB17 IND Kayser, Scott Ky. Aug. 25, 2012 $431.98 Travel: mileage reimbursement
# SB20a IND Pryce, Richard Ohio Sept. 30, 2012 $400.00 Contribution Refund: Contribution Refund
# SB17 IND Cotey, J Greg Ohio Aug. 25, 2012 $383.01 Travel: mileage reimbursement
# SB17 ORG Touchtone Marketing Ohio Aug. 14, 2012 $369.75 phone bank
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Pa. Aug. 25, 2012 $365.56 Other: utilities
# SB17 IND Barnd, Melissa Ohio Aug. 25, 2012 $324.79 Travel: mileage reimbursement
# SB17 ORG Time Warner Cable Ill. Aug. 25, 2012 $319.49 Other: utilities
# SB17 IND Harding, Lauren Ohio July 2, 2012 $316.76 Reimbursement for Office Suppl
# SB17 ORG Eyedeal Graphics Ohio July 2, 2012 $314.85 Paraphernalia: Event Invitations
# SB20a IND Deville, Donald Ohio Sept. 28, 2012 $313.48 Refund of Political Contributi
# SB17 ORG Giant Eagle Ohio July 26, 2012 $300.56 Food and Beverage
# SB17 ORG C Rose Catering Ohio July 26, 2012 $300.00 Food and Beverage
# SB17 ORG Sonnets Espresso Bar and Restaurant Ohio Aug. 7, 2012 $278.12 Food
# SB17 ORG Patton Boggs LLP D.C. Aug. 25, 2012 $272.34 legal consulting
# SB17 ORG Self Service Mini Storage Ohio July 8, 2012 $267.32 Storage Unit Rental
# SB17 ORG Self Service Mini Storage Ohio Sept. 17, 2012 $267.31 Storage Unit Rental
# SB17 ORG Self Service Mini Storage Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $267.31 Storage Unit Rental
# SB17 ORG Frontier Ariz. July 23, 2012 $261.27 Other: utilities
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 4, 2012 $259.26 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Printing and Marketing Ohio Aug. 25, 2012 $254.40 Paraphernalia: stationery and printing
# SB17 ORG Strongsville Chamber of Commerce Ohio July 8, 2012 $250.00 Advertising: Festival Sponsorship
# SB17 ORG Rapid Marketplace Ohio July 2, 2012 $250.00 Advertising: Website Maintenance
# SB17 IND Backiel, Stephen Ohio July 12, 2012 $249.59 Travel: Reimbursement for Mileage
# SB17 ORG July 19, 2012 $226.12 Office Supplies
# SB17 IND Cotey, J Greg Ohio July 24, 2012 $221.64 Travel: travel - mileage reimbursement
# SB17 ORG WAL MART Ohio Aug. 4, 2012 $213.76 Office Supplies
# SB17 COM Supporting Conservatives Of Today And Tomorrow (SCOTT PAC) N.J. July 30, 2012 $199.59 Inkind: catering
# SB17 ORG Eyedeal Graphics Ohio Sept. 17, 2012 $197.25 Paraphernalia: Envelopes and Letterhead
# SB17 ORG Joe Derkin Ohio July 2, 2012 $187.67 Travel: Reimbursement for Travel
# SB17 IND Cotey, J Greg Ohio July 12, 2012 $186.50 Travel: Reimbursement for Mileage
# SB17 ORG Cornerstone Innovations Ohio Sept. 6, 2012 $176.77 Payroll Services
# SB17 ORG Frontier Ariz. Aug. 14, 2012 $176.21 Other: utilities
# SB17 ORG Frontier Ariz. Sept. 17, 2012 $170.93 Telephone Lines
# SB17 IND Backiel, Stephen Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $161.68 Travel: mileage reimbursement
# SB17 ORG Printing and Marketing Ohio July 12, 2012 $159.38 Paraphernalia: Event Invitations
# SB17 ORG WarnerTech.Net Ohio July 12, 2012 $149.85 Website Hosting
# SB17 ORG Wadsworth Utilities Ohio July 2, 2012 $145.71 Water and Electricity
# SB17 ORG Wadsworth Utilities Ohio Sept. 17, 2012 $135.35 Monthly Water, Sewer and Elect
# SB17 ORG Fed Ex Kinko's Ohio July 23, 2012 $127.36 Other: freight and delivery
# SB17 ORG Verizon Wireless Pa. July 13, 2012 $125.00 Mobile Phone
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 19, 2012 $121.55 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Wadsworth Utilities Ohio Aug. 25, 2012 $119.32 Other: utilities
# SB17 IND Kayser, Scott Ky. Aug. 2, 2012 $102.85 Travel: mileage reimbursement
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 29, 2012 $99.88 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 11, 2012 $99.03 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 15, 2012 $93.52 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG First Merit Ohio July 31, 2012 $93.00 Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 3, 2012 $89.25 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG WAL MART Ohio June 23, 2012 $86.65 Canvassing Parade
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 1, 2012 $85.00 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG WAL MART Ohio July 3, 2012 $84.83 Canvassing-Parade Candy
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 4, 2012 $72.20 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 6, 2012 $72.20 Merchant Banks Fees
# SB17 ORG WAL MART Ohio June 14, 2012 $70.73 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG WAL MART Ohio Aug. 4, 2012 $65.22 Canvassing-Parade Candy
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 6, 2012 $65.03 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 24, 2012 $63.75 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Fed Ex Kinko's Ohio Aug. 2, 2012 $60.07 Other: freight and delivery
# SB17 ORG WAL MART Ohio June 29, 2012 $57.22 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG WAL MART Ohio Aug. 23, 2012 $50.80 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 27, 2012 $49.31 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Copier Consultants Ohio July 23, 2012 $48.90 Copier Rental
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 21, 2012 $46.75 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 5, 2012 $46.00 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Ohio Aug. 14, 2012 $45.00 Postage
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 18, 2012 $44.63 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG WAL MART Ohio June 19, 2012 $39.66 Canvassing for Parade
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 12, 2012 $38.25 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Fed Ex Kinko's Ohio Aug. 16, 2012 $37.82 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Shipping
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 17, 2012 $36.13 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 20, 2012 $36.13 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 13, 2012 $31.88 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG WAL MART Ohio Aug. 3, 2012 $31.39 Canvassing-Fair Candy
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 3, 2012 $30.20 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 31, 2012 $29.75 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 12, 2012 $29.75 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 5, 2012 $29.35 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 14, 2012 $29.34 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 18, 2012 $28.48 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG WAL MART Ohio July 2, 2012 $26.73 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 20, 2012 $25.50 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 26, 2012 $22.54 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 19, 2012 $22.54 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 6, 2012 $21.25 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 9, 2012 $19.13 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 23, 2012 $19.13 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 10, 2012 $17.00 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 14, 2012 $15.74 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 24, 2012 $14.88 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 22, 2012 $14.88 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG WAL MART Ohio July 16, 2012 $14.43 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG First Merit Ohio Aug. 31, 2012 $14.00 Annual Fee
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 25, 2012 $12.76 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 27, 2012 $12.76 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 17, 2012 $12.75 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Ohio June 23, 2012 $12.64 Postage
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 31, 2012 $10.63 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG First Merit Ohio Aug. 27, 2012 $10.00 returned ck fee
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 9, 2012 $9.00 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 25, 2012 $8.94 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 17, 2012 $8.50 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 8, 2012 $8.50 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 23, 2012 $8.50 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 28, 2012 $8.50 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 13, 2012 $8.50 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Ohio July 18, 2012 $8.10 Postage
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Ohio June 5, 2012 $7.62 Postage
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 24, 2012 $6.38 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 30, 2012 $5.96 Merchant bank fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 30, 2012 $4.26 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 28, 2012 $4.26 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 20, 2012 $4.25 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 7, 2012 $4.25 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 21, 2012 $4.25 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Ohio June 29, 2012 $3.10 Postage
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Ohio June 8, 2012 $2.70 Postage
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 2, 2012 $2.13 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG United States Postal Ohio June 21, 2012 $1.95 Postage
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Aug. 16, 2012 $0.43 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. July 5, 2012 $0.35 Merchant Bank Fees
# SB17 ORG Piryx Calif. Sept. 30, 2012 $0.30 credit card fee