Itemized Expenditures for Filing 851386

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 COM Shelley Moore Capito for Congress W.Va. Dec. 5, 2012 $2,500.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM Tim Knopp for State Senate Ore. Dec. 5, 2012 $1,500.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM Matt Wand for East County Ore. Dec. 5, 2012 $1,500.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM Committee to Elect Jason Conger Ore. Dec. 5, 2012 $1,500.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Bruce Hanna Ore. Dec. 5, 2012 $1,500.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Bill Hansell Ore. Dec. 5, 2012 $1,500.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Katie Erye Ore. Dec. 5, 2012 $1,500.00 Political Contribution
# SB23 COM LIBERTY PROJECT Md. Dec. 5, 2012 $1,500.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM John Davis for Oregon Ore. Dec. 5, 2012 $1,500.00 Political Contribution
# SB23 COM TOGETHER PAC INC Mass. Dec. 19, 2012 $1,000.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM John Carona Campaign Fund Tex. Nov. 27, 2012 $1,000.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM Committee to Elect Matt McCoy Iowa Dec. 5, 2012 $500.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM Clark Shultz Campaign Fund Kan. Nov. 27, 2012 $500.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM Senfronia Thompson Campaign Fund Tex. Nov. 27, 2012 $500.00 Political Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Dan Lederman S.D. Nov. 29, 2012 $250.00 Political Contribution
# SB21b ORG Chase Bank Ind. Dec. 30, 2012 $71.77 Bank Fee
# SB21b ORG Chase Bank Ind. Nov. 30, 2012 $52.10 Bank Fee
# SB21b ORG American Express Tex. Nov. 30, 2012 $11.48 Processing Fee
# SB21b ORG American Express Tex. Dec. 3, 2012 $7.95 Processing Fee
# SB21b ORG Aristotle D.C. Dec. 10, 2012 $2.50 Processing Fee
# SB21b ORG American Express Tex. Dec. 27, 2012 $1.73 Processing Fee
# SB29 COM Friends of Dan Lederman S.D. Nov. 29, 2012 -$250.00 VOID - Political Contribution