Compare filing 893514 to 893278 by CONSOL ENERGY INC. PAC
There are changes in 8 summary figures for this filing. The combined difference amounts to -$1,000.
city | Detroit | Canonsburg | Detroit |
col_a_individuals_itemized | $18,945.00 | $10,450.06 | $8,494.94 |
col_a_individuals_unitemized | $1,182.05 | $9,676.99 | -$8,494.94 |
col_b_individuals_itemized | $148,278.35 | $139,783.41 | $8,494.94 |
col_b_individuals_unitemized | $39,129.28 | $47,624.22 | -$8,494.94 |
state | MI | PA | MI |
street_1 | c/o Comerica Bank, PAC Services | 1000 CONSOL Energy Drive | c/o Comerica Bank, PAC Services |
street_2 | P.O. Box 75000, MC2250 | P.O. Box 75000, MC2250 |