Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB21B ORG NexusDirect Va. Sept. 26, 2012 $106,793.11 Fundraising Expense - Direct Mail
# SB21B ORG NexusDirect Va. Sept. 7, 2012 $57,950.00 Fundraising Expense - Direct Mail
# SB21B ORG Trilogy Interactive LLC Calif. Sept. 24, 2012 $15,699.56 Consulting - Online and Email Management
# SB21B ORG Trilogy Interactive LLC Calif. Sept. 4, 2012 $13,815.75 Consulting - Email and Online Management
# SB21B ORG Integral Resources, Inc. Mass. Sept. 24, 2012 $9,481.70 Fundraising Expense - Telemarketing
# SB21B ORG QuickBooks Payroll Service Calif. Sept. 13, 2012 $7,079.52 941 Tax Expense
# SB21B ORG QuickBooks Payroll Service Calif. Sept. 27, 2012 $7,067.86 941 Tax Expense
# SB21B ORG New Organizing Institute D.C. Sept. 4, 2012 $5,000.00 Event Sponsorship Fees
# SB23 PTY Democratic Party of Arkansas Ark. Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 PTY Arizona State Democratic Central Executive Committee Ariz. Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 PTY Nevada State Democratic Party Nev. Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 PTY New Hampshire Democratic Party N.H. Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 PTY Ohio Democratic Party Ohio Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 PTY Montana Democratic Party D.C. Sept. 12, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 PTY Democratic Party of Virginia Va. Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 PTY Democratic Executive Committee of Florida Fla. Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 PTY Iowa Democratic Party Iowa Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 PTY North Dakota Democratic-Nonpartisan League Party N.D. Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 PTY Colorado Democratic Party Colo. Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 PTY State Democratic Executive Committee of Alabama Ala. Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 CCM Kaine for Virginia Va. Sept. 27, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Federal Candidate
# SB23 CCM Wall for Congress Wis. Sept. 27, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Federal Candidate
# SB23 PTY North Carolina Democratic Party N.C. Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB23 CCM Mark Pocan for Congress Wis. Sept. 13, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Federal Candidate
# SB23 PTY Texas Democratic Party Tex. Sept. 28, 2012 $5,000.00 Contribution to Party Committee
# SB21B IND Irvine, Mary Va. Sept. 27, 2012 $4,369.00 Payroll
# SB21B IND Irvine, Mary Va. Sept. 13, 2012 $4,369.00 Payroll
# SB21B ORG NexusDirect Va. Sept. 26, 2012 $4,261.25 Fundraising Expense - Direct Mail
# SB21B ORG Prime Plan Solutions Mo. Sept. 4, 2012 $3,877.66 401k - Contribution
# SB21B ORG Integral Resources, Inc. Mass. Sept. 4, 2012 $3,219.00 Fundraising Expense - Telemarketing
# SB23 CCM Citizens to Elect Sue Thorn Congress 2012 W.Va. Sept. 4, 2012 $2,500.00 Contribution to Federal Candidate
# SB21B IND Orton, Joshua M Wis. Sept. 13, 2012 $2,343.71 Payroll
# SB21B IND Orton, Joshua M Wis. Sept. 27, 2012 $2,343.70 Payroll
# SB21B IND Ballweg, Nancy J. Wis. Sept. 27, 2012 $2,333.12 Payroll
# SB21B IND Ballweg, Nancy J. Wis. Sept. 13, 2012 $2,333.12 Payroll
# SB21B ORG Deming GV LLC Wis. Sept. 4, 2012 $2,332.37 Office Rent
# SB21B IND Slichter, Sumner P Va. Sept. 13, 2012 $2,248.10 Payroll
# SB21B IND Slichter, Sumner P Va. Sept. 27, 2012 $2,248.09 Payroll
# SB21B ORG Integral Resources, Inc. Mass. Sept. 4, 2012 $2,137.30 Fundraising Expense - Telemarketing
# SB21B IND Leystra, Cole F. Wis. Sept. 27, 2012 $2,078.45 Payroll
# SB21B IND Leystra, Cole F. Wis. Sept. 13, 2012 $2,078.45 Payroll
# SB21B IND Tollefson, Jeremy T Wis. Sept. 27, 2012 $1,992.37 Payroll
# SB21B IND Tollefson, Jeremy T Wis. Sept. 13, 2012 $1,992.36 Payroll
# SB21B ORG Prime Plan Solutions Mo. Sept. 28, 2012 $1,938.83 401k - Contribution
# SB21B ORG Prime Plan Solutions Mo. Sept. 14, 2012 $1,938.83 401k - Contribution
# SB21B ORG Engage, LLC Md. Sept. 24, 2012 $1,517.14 Direct Mail Processing
# SB21B IND Schoenburg, Sam E D.C. Sept. 13, 2012 $1,355.98 Payroll
# SB21B IND Schoenburg, Sam E D.C. Sept. 27, 2012 $1,355.97 Payroll
# SB21B ORG Postmaster Wis. Sept. 18, 2012 $1,000.00 Postage
# SB21B IND Louderback, Christopher R Wis. Sept. 13, 2012 $907.25 Payroll
# SB21B IND Louderback, Christopher R Wis. Sept. 27, 2012 $907.25 Payroll
# SB21B ORG Verizon Wireless Md. Sept. 10, 2012 $898.54 Cell Phone Expense
# SB21B ORG Group Health Cooperative Wis. Sept. 17, 2012 $885.94 Insurance Premium
# SB21B ORG Wisconsin Department of Revenue Wis. Sept. 13, 2012 $831.75 Income Tax Withheld
# SB21B ORG Wisconsin Department of Revenue Wis. Sept. 27, 2012 $831.75 Income Tax Withheld
# SB21B ORG General Board of Church and Society Va. Sept. 4, 2012 $732.00 Office Rent
# SB21B ORG Godfrey & Kahn Wis. Sept. 24, 2012 $632.50 Legal Advice
# SB21B ORG Express Merchant Processing Services Colo. Sept. 7, 2012 $610.00 Banking Fees
# SB21B IND Ritter, Daniel K Wis. Sept. 13, 2012 $605.20 Payroll
# SB21B IND Ritter, Daniel K Wis. Sept. 27, 2012 $605.19 Payroll
# SB21B ORG Postmaster Wis. Sept. 11, 2012 $500.00 Postage
# SB21B ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Sept. 27, 2012 $482.92 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Virginia Department of Taxation Va. Sept. 27, 2012 $440.00 Income Tax Withheld
# SB21B ORG Virginia Department of Taxation Va. Sept. 13, 2012 $440.00 Income Tax Withheld
# SB21B IND Orton, Joshua M Wis. Sept. 18, 2012 $415.85 Reimbursement - See Memo Text
# SB21B ORG Elavon Merchant Services Tenn. Sept. 4, 2012 $387.33 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Social Imprints, LLC Calif. Sept. 24, 2012 $362.76 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Postmaster Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $320.00 Postage
# SB21B ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Sept. 20, 2012 $294.48 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Woodsboro Bank Md. Sept. 28, 2012 $269.90 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Cybersource Calif. Sept. 30, 2012 $268.67 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG TDS Telecom Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $253.89 Internet Expense
# SB21B IND Khan, Aruna M D.C. Sept. 13, 2012 $211.15 Payroll
# SB21B ORG Seybold Storage Center Wis. Sept. 4, 2012 $210.00 Storage Locker Rental
# SB21B ORG Critical Mention N.Y. Sept. 10, 2012 $187.50 Subscription Fee - Media Monitoring
# SB21B IND Khan, Aruna M D.C. Sept. 27, 2012 $162.36 Payroll
# SB21B ORG QuickBooks Payroll Service Calif. Sept. 13, 2012 $150.00 Payroll Processing Fee
# SB21B ORG Taxi Sept. 18, 2012 $141.00 Travel Expense - Taxi Fare
# SB21B ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Sept. 7, 2012 $138.88 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Madison Computer Works Wis. Sept. 18, 2012 $131.35 Computer Maintenance
# SB21B ORG First Data Merchant Services N.Y. Sept. 4, 2012 $129.11 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Programmed Cleaning Inc. Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $117.45 Cleaning Services
# SB21B IND Schoenburg, Sam E D.C. Sept. 18, 2012 $116.28 Reimbursement - See Memo Text
# SB21B ORG Cybersource Calif. Sept. 4, 2012 $100.86 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG First Data Merchant Services N.Y. Sept. 4, 2012 $100.06 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Kevin Brantley Md. Sept. 10, 2012 $100.00 Cleaning Services
# SB21B ORG First Data Merchant Services N.Y. Sept. 4, 2012 $96.80 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Department of Employment Services D.C. Sept. 13, 2012 $93.98 Unemployment Tax Withheld
# SB21B ORG Department of Employment Services D.C. Sept. 27, 2012 $91.82 Unemployment Tax Withheld
# SB21B ORG EZ Office Products Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $90.48 Office Supplies
# SB21B ORG Park Bank Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $87.91 Credit Card Payment - See Memo Entries and Text
# SB21B ORG Verizon Tex. Sept. 10, 2012 $87.69 Phone Expense
# SB21B ORG Park Bank Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $74.53 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Social Imprints, LLC Calif. Sept. 25, 2012 $72.84 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Charter Communications Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $65.83 Cable TV Expense
# SB21B ORG Department of Workforce Development Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $62.87 Unemployment Tax Withheld
# SB21B ORG Madison Computer Works Wis. Sept. 24, 2012 $59.61 Computer Maintenance
# SB21B ORG Calif. Sept. 4, 2012 $55.60 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Department of Workforce Development Wis. Sept. 13, 2012 $50.77 Unemployment Tax Withheld
# SB21B ORG Department of Workforce Development Wis. Sept. 27, 2012 $50.77 Unemployment Tax Withheld
# SB21B ORG ExxonMobil Tex. Sept. 10, 2012 $49.37 Travel Expense - Gas
# SB21B ORG Comcast Del. Sept. 10, 2012 $42.78 Cable TV Expense
# SB21B ORG VoiceText Tex. Sept. 10, 2012 $42.15 Conference Call Fees
# SB21B ORG Ballweg Chevrolet Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $40.67 Van Maintenance
# SB21B ORG American Express Ariz. Sept. 30, 2012 $38.73 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Cenex Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $36.91 Travel Expense - Gas
# SB21B ORG Cenex Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $33.01 Travel Expense - Gas
# SB21B ORG Integral Resources, Inc. Mass. Sept. 17, 2012 $31.90 Fundraising Expense - Telemarketing
# SB21B ORG New York Times N.Y. Sept. 10, 2012 $30.80 Subscription Fees
# SB21B ORG Charter Communications Wis. Sept. 4, 2012 $29.01 Internet Service Expense
# SB21B ORG Staples Wis. Sept. 24, 2012 $26.24 Office Supplies
# SB21B ORG Postmaster Wis. Sept. 18, 2012 $24.10 Postage
# SB21B ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Sept. 5, 2012 $23.91 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Gordon Flesch Company Inc Wis. Sept. 24, 2012 $22.17 Copier Usage Fee
# SB21B ORG Madison Computer Works Wis. Sept. 4, 2012 $19.79 Computer Maintenance
# SB21B ORG FedEx Wis. Sept. 18, 2012 $15.46 Shipping Expense
# SB21B ORG QuickBooks Payroll Service Calif. Sept. 27, 2012 $15.00 Payroll Processing Fee
# SB21B ORG Postmaster Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $13.50 Postage
# SB21B ORG Postmaster Wis. Sept. 10, 2012 $9.48 Postage
# SB21B ORG American Express Ariz. Sept. 1, 2012 $5.00 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG American Express Ariz. Sept. 30, 2012 $4.95 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG Office of Tax and Revenue D.C. Sept. 13, 2012 $4.10 Income Tax Withheld
# SB21B ORG ActBlue Technical Services Mass. Sept. 17, 2012 $3.85 Banking Fees
# SB21B ORG VoiceText Tex. Sept. 10, 2012 $3.29 Conference Call Fees
# SB21B ORG Office of Tax and Revenue D.C. Sept. 27, 2012 $3.13 Income Tax Withheld
# SB21B ORG US Airways Ariz. Sept. 24, 2012 $0.00 Travel Expense - Baggage Fee
# SB21B IND Orton, Joshua M Wis. Sept. 14, 2012 -$25.00 Uncashed Check
# SB21B ORG TDS Telecom Wis. Sept. 14, 2012 -$1,259.56 Uncashed Check