Compare filing 909786 to 866201 by FRIENDS OF JASON CHAFFETZ
There are changes in 10 summary figures for this filing. The combined difference amounts to -$20,121,109.
change_of_address | X | X | |
city | ALPINE | Alpine | ALPINE |
committee_name | FRIENDS OF JASON CHAFFETZ | Friends of Jason Chaffetz | FRIENDS OF JASON CHAFFETZ |
election_code | P2014 | G2012 | P2014 |
election_date | 20121106 | ||
election_district | 03 | ||
election_state | UT | ||
street_1 | 315 WESTFIELD CIRCLE | 315 Westfield Circle | 315 WESTFIELD CIRCLE |
treasurer_first_name | Bruce | Corie | Bruce |
treasurer_last_name | Garfield | Chan | Garfield |