Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB29 COM Texans for Greg Abbott Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $25,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Texans For Joe Straus Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $10,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Sullivan for US Senate Alaska Sept. 18, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Bluegrass Committee D.C. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PTY Republican Party of Wisconsin Wis. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Thoroughbred PAC D.C. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Culberson for Congress Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Charles Boustany Jr. MD for Congress, Inc. La. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Defending America's Values Everywhere (TEAM DAVE) Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PTY Kansas Republican Party Kan. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Continuing America's Strength and Security PAC La. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC CAVPAC Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Tomorrow Is Meaningful PAC-Tim PAC Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of David Schweikert Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM McFadden for Senate Minn. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Justin Amash for Congress Mich. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Freedom Project, The D.C. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB29 COM Sid Miller for Agriculture Commissioner Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 PAC Strategy PAC Wis. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Marlin PAC Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM WendyRogers.Org Ariz. Sept. 23, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Jobs Growth and Freedom Fund Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PTY Tennessee Republican Party Federal Election Account Tenn. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Carlos Curbelo Congress Fla. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PTY New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee N.Y. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Lank PAC Okla. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Marilinda Garcia for Congress N.H. Sept. 18, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Phil Berger Committee N.C. Sept. 30, 2014 $5,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 PTY West Virginia Republican Party, Inc. W.Va. Sept. 23, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Defend America PAC Ala. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Rob Woodall for Congress Ga. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Andy Tobin for Congress Ariz. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PTY California Republican Party Calif. Sept. 23, 2014 $5,000.00 JFC Contribution from the California Majority Fund 2014
# SB23 CCM Friends of Frank Guinta N.H. Sept. 18, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM People for Pearce N.M. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Friends of Stewart Mills, Inc. Minn. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Ryan Sitton Campaign Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 PTY Illinois Republican Party Ill. Sept. 23, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Louisiana Reform PAC La. Sept. 18, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Reinventing a New Direction - Randpac Ky. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Buck for Colorado Colo. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Save America PAC Idaho Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Truth Accountability and Courage Political Action Committee (TACPAC) Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC California Majority Fund 2014 Va. Sept. 23, 2014 $5,000.00 Funds Allocated to California Republican Party
# SB23 CCM Ben Sasse for US Senate Inc Neb. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Zeldin for Congress N.Y. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PTY Republican Party of Florida Fla. Sept. 23, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Freedom Matters PAC Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Jenkins for Congress W.Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Alamo PAC Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Glenn Grothman for Congress Wis. Sept. 23, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Voice for Freedom Ga. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Preserving America's Traditions (PATPAC) Fla. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM French Hill for Arkansas Ark. Sept. 30, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Project West Political Action Committee Colo. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Dave Brat Inc. Va. Sept. 18, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Diane Black for Congress Tenn. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC American Freedom PAC Kan. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Acton PAC Ga. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC The Senate Victory Fund PAC Miss. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Citizens for Cochran Miss. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Kelly PAC Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Votetipton.Com Colo. Sept. 9, 2014 $4,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC John S Fund Ill. Sept. 9, 2014 $4,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Westmoreland for Congress Ga. Sept. 9, 2014 $4,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Candice Miller for Congress Mich. Sept. 9, 2014 $4,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Elise for Congress N.Y. Sept. 9, 2014 $4,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Jim Jordan for Congress Ohio Sept. 9, 2014 $4,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Responsibility and Freedom Work PAC (RFWPAC) Miss. Sept. 9, 2014 $4,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB29 COM Todd Hunter Campaign Tex. Sept. 23, 2014 $3,500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Byron Cook for Texas House Campaign Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $3,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Guthrie for Congress Ky. Sept. 9, 2014 $3,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Dennis Bonnen Campaign Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $3,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Gibbs for Congress Ohio Sept. 9, 2014 $3,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Pat Meehan for Congress Pa. Sept. 18, 2014 $3,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Dr Brian Babin for Congress Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Buddy Carter for Congress Ga. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 Primary Debt Retirement
# SB23 CCM Trey Gowdy for Congress S.C. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Badlands PAC Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Carl Demaio for Congress Calif. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Taxpayers Incensed by Government Excess and Regulation PAC Fla. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 PAC 21st Century Majority Fund Ga. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Jason Chaffetz Utah Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Robert Hurt for Congress Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Ratcliffe for Congress Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Royce Campaign Committee Calif. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Huizenga for Congress Mich. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Zinke for Congress Mont. Sept. 23, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Raul Labrador for Idaho Idaho Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Byrne for Congress Inc Ala. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Texas Freedom Fund Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Mike Bishop for Congress Mich. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Chesapeake PAC Ga. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Steve Chabot for Congress Ohio Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Jason Smith for Congress Mo. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Funding Republicans Supporting Opportunity and Growth - Jump Political Action Committee Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Committee To Re-Elect Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Calif. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Tom Reed for Congress N.Y. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC ORRINPAC D.C. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Trott for Congress, Inc. Mich. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Liberty Project Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM McClintock for Congress Calif. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Bucshon for Congress Ind. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Bobby Schilling for Congress Ill. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Harry Brown for NC Senate N.C. Sept. 30, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Joe Pitts Pa. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Davis for NC House N.C. Sept. 30, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Jaime for Congress Wash. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Ron DeSantis for Congress Fla. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Dade Phelan Campaign Tex. Sept. 23, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Joan Huffman Campaign Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Bill Shuster for Congress Pa. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Drew Springer Jr. Campaign Tex. Sept. 23, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Myra Crownover Campaign Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Texans for Jason Villalba Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Patriots for Perry Pa. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Rabon for Senate N.C. Sept. 30, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Drew Darby Campaign Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Tim Moore N.C. Sept. 30, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM The Robert Nichols Campaign Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Campaign to Elect Mike Hager N.C. Sept. 30, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Jason Isaac Campaign Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Jim Murphy Tex. Sept. 23, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Jim Keffer Campaign Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Kenneth F. Sheets for State Representative Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Van Taylor Campaign Tex. Sept. 23, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 PAC Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB29 COM Committee to Elect Mike Lee N.C. Sept. 30, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Tim Kleinschmidt Campaign Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Wayne Smith Campaign Tex. Sept. 23, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Kel Seliger for State Senate Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Thomas Massie for Congress Ky. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Justin Burr for NC House N.C. Sept. 30, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Charlie Geren Campaign Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Don Huffines Campaign Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Apodaca for NC Senate Committee N.C. Sept. 30, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Catlin for NC House N.C. Sept. 30, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM John Bell Committee N.C. Sept. 30, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Brooks Landgraf Campaign Tex. Sept. 23, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM John Otto Campaign Tex. Sept. 18, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Paul Bettencourt Campaign Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Geanie Morrison Campaign Tex. Sept. 23, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM James White Campaign Tex. Sept. 23, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Andy Barr for Congress, Inc. Ky. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Virginia Foxx for Congress N.C. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Committee To Re-Elect Trent Franks To Congress Ariz. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Ted Yoho for Congress Fla. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Robert Aderholt for Congress Ala. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Marino for Congress Pa. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM David Rouzer for Congress N.C. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Help Unite Republicans Today Political Action Committee Va. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,500.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Kinzinger for Congress Ill. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 PAC Ax PAC Wis. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,500.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Brady for Congress Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Austin Scott for Congress Inc Ga. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Moolenaar for Congress Mich. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Stuart K. Spitzer Campaign Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Phil King Campaign Tex. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Gary Elkins Campaign Tex. Sept. 23, 2014 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Mullin for Congress Okla. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM John Raney Campaign Tex. Sept. 23, 2014 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Susan Brooks Ind. Sept. 9, 2014 $1,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Doug Lamalfa Committee Calif. Sept. 9, 2014 $500.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Jeff Duncan for Congress S.C. Sept. 9, 2014 $500.00 2014 General
# SB21B ORG American Express Ariz. Sept. 22, 2014 $213.75 Amex Processing Fee
# SB21B ORG InTrust Bank Kan. Sept. 10, 2014 $110.18 Bank Service Charge
# SB21B ORG InTrust Bank Kan. Sept. 30, 2014 $27.75 Bank Service Charge
# SB29 COM People for Beall Iowa Sept. 30, 2014 -$500.00 Voided 7/11/14 Disbursement