Itemized Expenditures for Filing 976170

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB21B ORG Air Spark Tenn. Oct. 27, 2014 $1,000.00 website development
# SB21B ORG Marmak Designs Tex. Oct. 16, 2014 $988.00 printing educational materials
# SB21B ORG Marmak Designs Tex. Oct. 27, 2014 $903.07 postage for educational materials
# SB21B ORG Frank York Consulting Tenn. Nov. 13, 2014 $600.00 consulting fees
# SB21B ORG Frank York Consulting Tenn. Oct. 16, 2014 $600.00 consulting fees
# SB23 CCM DR CHARLES 'TREY' THOMAS III FOR CONGRESS La. Oct. 27, 2014 $500.00 political donation
# SB23 CCM COAKLEY FOR CONGRESS ELECTION COMMITTEE N.C. Oct. 27, 2014 $500.00 political donation
# SB23 CCM FRIENDS OF MIA LOVE Utah Oct. 27, 2014 $500.00 political donation
# SB23 CCM SOUTHERLAND FOR CONGRESS Fla. Oct. 27, 2014 $500.00 political donation
# SB23 CCM BELL FOR SENATE N.J. Oct. 16, 2014 $500.00 political donation
# SB23 CCM COAKLEY FOR CONGRESS ELECTION COMMITTEE N.C. Oct. 16, 2014 $500.00 political donation
# SB23 CCM TILLIS VICTORY COMMITTEE Va. Oct. 27, 2014 $500.00 political donation
# SB23 CCM MOONEY FOR CONGRESS W.Va. Oct. 27, 2014 $500.00 political donation
# SB21B IND Murray, William Va. Nov. 13, 2014 $266.00 travel expenses
# SB21B ORG United States Post Office D.C. Oct. 16, 2014 $220.00 business reply account fees
# SB21B IND Murray, William Va. Oct. 16, 2014 $199.50 travel expenses
# SB21B ORG Verizon Md. Oct. 16, 2014 $125.82 phone service
# SB21B ORG Verizon Md. Oct. 27, 2014 $125.00 PHONE service
# SB21B ORG Constant Contact Mass. Oct. 20, 2014 $40.00 email distribution
# SB21B ORG Verizon Md. Oct. 20, 2014 $29.40 phone service