Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB29 COM Marin for 911 - Yes on A Calif. Oct. 28, 2014 $2,500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Citizens for a Safe and Successful Summit County Ohio Oct. 24, 2014 $2,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Pat Roberts for U.S. Senate, Inc. Kan. Oct. 29, 2014 $2,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Mark Hutchison for Lt. Governor Nev. Oct. 24, 2014 $1,500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Friends of Bennie Thompson Miss. Oct. 29, 2014 $1,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Florida Leadership Committee Fla. Oct. 29, 2014 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM The Conservative Fla. Oct. 29, 2014 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Ducey 2014 Ariz. Oct. 29, 2014 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of Hillary Schieve Nev. Oct. 29, 2014 $750.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB23 CCM Volunteers for Shimkus Ill. Oct. 24, 2014 $500.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Quinn for Assembly Wis. Oct. 29, 2014 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Committee to Elect Paul Anderson Nev. Oct. 29, 2014 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Friends of David Heaton Wis. Oct. 29, 2014 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Krug for Assembly Wis. Oct. 29, 2014 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB29 COM Nancy 4 Wisconsin Wis. Oct. 29, 2014 $500.00 Nonfederal Contribution