Itemized Expenditures for Filing 978974

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 PAC Upton Victory Committee Va. Oct. 28, 2014 $5,000.00 2014 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Bill Cassidy for US Senate La. Nov. 19, 2014 $2,500.00 2014 Run-Off
# SB23 CCM Bilirakis for Congress Fla. Oct. 27, 2014 $1,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Renee Ellmers for Congress Committee N.C. Oct. 27, 2014 $1,000.00 2014 General
# SB23 CCM Marsha Blackburn for Congress, Inc. Tenn. Oct. 20, 2014 $1,000.00 2014 General
# SB29 COM Bera for Congress - Recount Fund Calif. Nov. 14, 2014 $1,000.00 Nonfederal Contribution
# SB21B ORG Citibank D.C. Nov. 3, 2014 $31.66 Merchant Bankcard Fees
# SB21B ORG Citibank D.C. Nov. 3, 2014 $7.00 Bank Fee