Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB29 PTY Republican Governors Association D.C. Oct. 3, 2003 $15,000.00 O-2003 Association US
# SB29 ORG UPSPAC-New Jersey Ga. Oct. 7, 2003 $7,000.00 O-2003 Transfer to State PAC NJ
# SB29 ORG UPSPAC-California Ga. Oct. 1, 2003 $6,000.00 O-2003 Transfer to State PAC CA
# SB23 CCM Jim Turner for Congress Cmte Tex. Oct. 3, 2003 $5,000.00 G-2004 U.S. House 02 TX
# SB23 CCM M-PAC D.C. Oct. 15, 2003 $5,000.00 O-2003 Fed Multi-cand. PAC US
# SB29 ORG UPSPAC-New Jersey Ga. Oct. 15, 2003 $5,000.00 O-2003 Transfer to State PAC NJ
# SB29 PAC Dominion Leadership Trust Va. Oct. 31, 2003 $5,000.00 O-2003 State Multi-cand. PAC VA
# SB23 CCM Judge John Carter for Congress Cmte Tex. Oct. 3, 2003 $5,000.00 G-2004 U.S. House 31 TX
# SB23 CCM Chris John for Congress Cmte La. Oct. 9, 2003 $5,000.00 G-2004 U.S. House 07 LA
# SB29 CCM Tom Bolvin for Delegate Va. Oct. 31, 2003 $5,000.00 G-2003 State House 43 VA
# SB23 CCM Chet Edwards for Congress Tex. Oct. 3, 2003 $5,000.00 G-2004 U.S. House 11 TX
# SB29 CCM Deuell for State Senate Tex. Oct. 3, 2003 $5,000.00 P-2006 State Senate 02 TX
# SB23 CCM Judge John Carter for Congress Cmte Tex. Oct. 3, 2003 $4,500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 31 TX
# SB23 CCM Chet Edwards for Congress Tex. Oct. 3, 2003 $4,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 11 TX
# SB23 CCM Chris John for Congress Cmte La. Oct. 9, 2003 $4,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 07 LA
# SB23 CCM Cmte to Elect Artur Davis Ala. Oct. 10, 2003 $3,500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 07 AL
# SB23 CCM Pat Toomey for Senate Committee Pa. Oct. 10, 2003 $3,500.00 P-2004 U.S. Senate PA
# SB23 CCM Congressman Joe Barton Cmte Tex. Oct. 3, 2003 $3,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 06 TX
# SB23 CCM Judd Gregg Committee N.H. Oct. 15, 2003 $3,000.00 G-2004 U.S. Senate NH
# SB29 ORG UPSPAC - New York Ga. Oct. 3, 2003 $3,000.00 O-2003 Transfer to State PAC NY
# SB23 CCM Patty Murray for US Senate Wash. Oct. 3, 2003 $3,000.00 G-2004 U.S. Senate WA
# SB23 CCM Oxley for Congress Ohio Oct. 3, 2003 $3,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 04 OH
# SB23 CCM Cmte to Elect William Jefferson La. Oct. 10, 2003 $2,500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 02 LA
# SB23 CCM Max Sandlin for Congress D.C. Oct. 15, 2003 $2,500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 01 TX
# SB23 CCM Lee Terry for Congress Neb. Oct. 15, 2003 $2,500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 02 NE
# SB23 CCM Majette for Congress Inc. Ga. Oct. 10, 2003 $2,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 04 GA
# SB29 ORG UPSPAC - Missouri Mo. Oct. 7, 2003 $2,000.00 O-2003 Transfer to State PAC MO
# SB23 CCM Congressman Waxman Campaign Cmte Calif. Oct. 15, 2003 $2,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 30 CA
# SB23 CCM Gingrey for Congress Ga. Oct. 10, 2003 $2,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 11 GA
# SB23 CCM Don Payne for Congress N.J. Oct. 3, 2003 $1,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 10 NJ
# SB23 CCM Cooper for Congress Cmte Tenn. Oct. 10, 2003 $1,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 05 TN
# SB23 CCM Jesse Jackson Jr. for Congress Ill. Oct. 15, 2003 $1,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 02 IL
# SB23 CCM Porter for Congress Nev. Oct. 9, 2003 $1,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 03 NV
# SB23 CCM Baker for Congress Cmte La. Oct. 9, 2003 $1,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 06 LA
# SB29 ORG UPSPAC - New York Ga. Oct. 7, 2003 $1,000.00 O-2003 Transfer to State PAC NY
# SB23 PAC National Leadership PAC D.C. Oct. 15, 2003 $1,000.00 O-2003 Fed Multi-cand. PAC US
# SB29 CCM Harper-Brown for State Rep. Tex. Oct. 17, 2003 $1,000.00 P-2004 State House 105 TX
# SB23 CCM Stephen F. Lynch for Congress Cmte Mass. Oct. 15, 2003 $1,000.00 P-2004 U.S. House 09 MA
# SB23 CCM Bob Beauprez for Congress Colo. Oct. 9, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 07 CO
# SB23 CCM Cummings for Congress Md. Oct. 9, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 07 MD
# SB23 CCM Karen McCarthy for Congress Mo. Oct. 9, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 05 MO
# SB23 CCM Clay Jr. for Congress Mo. Oct. 9, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 01 MO
# SB23 CCM Levin for Congress Cmte Mich. Oct. 3, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 12 MI
# SB23 CCM Todd Akin for Congress Mo. Oct. 9, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 02 MO
# SB23 CCM Barbara Lee for Congress Calif. Oct. 10, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 09 CA
# SB23 ORG Wayne Gilchrest Md. Oct. 15, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 01 MD
# SB23 CCM Anna Eshoo for Congress Calif. Oct. 9, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 14 CA
# SB23 CCM Jim Gerlach for Congress Committee Pa. Oct. 10, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 06 PA
# SB23 CCM John Tierney for Congress Mass. Oct. 9, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 06 MA
# SB23 CCM Chris Chocola for Congress Ind. Oct. 10, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 02 IN
# SB29 PAC UPSPAC-Tennessee Ga. Oct. 6, 2003 $500.00 O-2003 Transfer to State PAC TN
# SB28a IND Arthur Nwokeuku Md. Oct. 1, 2003 $500.00 O-2003 Employee Refund MD
# SB23 COM Keep Nick Rahall in Congress Cmte W.Va. Oct. 15, 2003 $500.00 G-2004 U.S. House 03 WV
# SB23 CCM Lofgren for Congress Calif. Oct. 9, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 16 CA
# SB23 CCM Bob Matsui for Congress Cmte Calif. Oct. 9, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 05 CA
# SB23 CCM Woolsey for Congress Calif. Oct. 9, 2003 $500.00 P-2004 U.S. House 06 CA
# SB23 CCM Susan Gage Catering Md. Oct. 15, 2003 $400.00 P-2004 U.S. House 01 TX
# SB23 CCM Gutierrez for Congress Ill. Oct. 16, 2003 $400.00 P-2004 U.S. House 04 IL
# SB21b ORG United Parcel Service of America Inc. Ga. Oct. 6, 2003 $282.00 O-2003 Admin expen-reimbursement TN
# SB28a IND Edward Shinoda Hawaii Oct. 1, 2003 $250.00 O-2003 Employee Refund HI
# SB28a IND James Tanaka Hawaii Oct. 1, 2003 $145.00 O-2003 Employee Refund HI
# SB28a IND Raymond Kashimoto Hawaii Oct. 1, 2003 $125.00 O-2003 Employee Refund HI
# SB28a IND Rodney Fujimoto Hawaii Oct. 1, 2003 $125.00 O-2003 Employee Refund HI
# SB28a IND David Ortone N.J. Oct. 1, 2003 $125.00 O-2003 Employee Refund NJ
# SB28a IND Lori Neeb Mich. Oct. 1, 2003 $125.00 O-2003 Employee Refund US
# SB28a IND Dennis Higa Hawaii Oct. 1, 2003 $125.00 O-2003 Employee Refund HI
# SB23 CCM United Parcel Service Townhouse Ga. Oct. 15, 2003 $100.00 P-2004 U.S. House 01 TX
# SB28a IND Edward Monaghan Ga. Oct. 20, 2003 $100.00 O-2003 Employee Refund GA
# SB28a IND Paul Mulvey Pa. Oct. 1, 2003 $75.00 O-2003 Employee Refund PA
# SB28a IND Nick Halper Ga. Oct. 1, 2003 $60.00 O-2003 Employee Refund GA
# SB21b ORG Wachovia Bank of Georgia Ga. Oct. 1, 2003 $59.05 O-2003 Admin expen-Tax Payment GA
# SB21b ORG United Parcel Service of America Inc. Ga. Oct. 15, 2003 $50.11 O-2003 Admin expen-reimbursement GA
# SB28a IND Thomas Kiyabu Hawaii Oct. 8, 2003 $45.83 O-2003 Employee Refund HI
# SB21b ORG United Parcel Service of America Inc. Ga. Oct. 1, 2003 $37.12 O-2003 Admin expen-reimbursement GA
# SB28a IND Warren Yagi Hawaii Oct. 8, 2003 $33.33 O-2003 Employee Refund HI
# SB28a IND Paul Biodrowski Neb. Oct. 1, 2003 $25.00 O-2003 Employee Refund NE
# SB29 CCM Egolf for State House Pa. Oct. 14, 2003 -$1,000.00 P-2004 State House 86 PA
# SB29 CCM Ingram for Delegate Va. Oct. 14, 2003 -$1,000.00 G-2003 State House 62 VA
# SB29 CCM Hershey for State Rep. Pa. Oct. 14, 2003 -$1,000.00 P-2004 State House 13 PA
# SB29 CCM Deuell for Texas Senate Tex. Oct. 3, 2003 -$5,000.00 P-2006 State Senate 02 TX
# SB29 PTY Republican Governors Association D.C. Oct. 3, 2003 -$15,000.00 O-2003 Association US