Wisconsin’s Senate Race - 2012 cycle
Total Spent
Supporting Candidates
Opposing Candidates
Top Committees
- Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee: $5,684,530
- Majority Pac: $4,178,869
- National Republican Senatorial Committee: $4,028,400
Recent Independent Expenditures
Date | Position | Candidate | Committee | Payee | Purpose | Amount | |
# | Nov. 5, 2012 | Support | Tommy G Thompson (REP) | THE 60 PLUS ASSOCIATION | Victory Phones | Telephone Voter Contact | $5,514 |
# | Nov. 4, 2012 | Support | Tommy G Thompson (REP) | AMERICANS FOR RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP | Direct Response | Voter contact phones: system & personnel | $125 |
# | Nov. 3, 2012 | Support | Tommy G Thompson (REP) | AMERICANS FOR RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP | Direct Response | Voter contact phones: system & personnel | $14,633 |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Support | Tommy G Thompson (REP) | THE 60 PLUS ASSOCIATION | Victory Phones | Telephone Voter Contact | $6,525 |
# | Nov. 1, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | PUBLIC ADVOCATE OF THE UNITED STATES | Google Inc. | Internet ads | $1,755 |
# | Nov. 1, 2012 | Support | Tommy G Thompson (REP) | AMERICANS FOR RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP | Direct Response | Voter contact phones: system & personnel | $1,419 |
# | Oct. 31, 2012 | Support | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | PROGRESSIVE CHANGE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE | DSPolitical | Online ads | $11,999 |
# | Oct. 31, 2012 | Support | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | PROGRESSIVE CHANGE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE | GumSpirits Productions, Inc. | Production services | $11,248 |
# | Oct. 31, 2012 | Support | Tommy Thompson (REP) | WISCONSIN FAMILY ACTION INC | Images Plus of Wisconsin LLC | Print disclaimer on candidate guide before distribution | $91 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION INSTITUTE FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTION | Master Print | Printing of Postcards | $15,848 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | CROSSROADS GRASSROOTS POLICY STRATEGIES | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $37,265 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION INSTITUTE FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTION | Prolist, Inc. | Postage/Production for Postcards | $139,920 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Tommy Thompson (REP) | WISCONSIN FAMILY ACTION INC | Majority Strategies/Next Wave Communications | Candidate guide | $975 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | CROSSROADS GRASSROOTS POLICY STRATEGIES | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $37,265 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Tommy Thompson (REP) | AMERICAN CROSSROADS | WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $14,939 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Tommy Thompson (REP) | ENDING SPENDING ACTION FUND | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $550 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Tommy Thompson (REP) | WISCONSIN FAMILY ACTION INC | Majority Strategies/Next Wave Communications | Candidate guide | $975 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Tommy Thompson (REP) | AMERICAN CROSSROADS | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $1,330,255 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Tommy Thompson (REP) | MAJORITY PAC | Waterfront Strategies | Media Buy | $1,001,077 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION INSTITUTE FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTION | Federal Capital Communications Corp | Graphic Design | $750 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Support | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | WORKING AMERICA | Budget-West Allis | Rental Van | $11 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Support | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | WORKING AMERICA | Anthony Catalano | Salary and Benefits | $27 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Support | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | WORKING AMERICA | Budget-West Allis | Rental Van | $11 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Tommy G Thompson (REP) | WORKING AMERICA | Jessica Corroo | Salary and Benefits | $36 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Support | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | WORKING AMERICA | Jessica Corroo | Salary and Benefits | $36 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Support | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | WORKING AMERICA | Greg Collar | Salary and Benefits | $28 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Support | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | WORKING AMERICA | WI State AFL-CIO | Rent | $9 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Tommy G Thompson (REP) | WORKING AMERICA | WI State AFL-CIO | Rent | $9 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Tommy G Thompson (REP) | WORKING AMERICA | Anthony Catalano | Salary and Benefits | $27 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Support | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | WORKING AMERICA | Caura Fitten | Salary and Benefits | $27 |