Maine’s 2nd District House Race - 2018 cycle

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Top Committees

Recent Independent Expenditures

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Date Position Candidate Committee Payee Purpose Amount
# Nov. 16, 2018 Oppose Bruce L Poliquin THE WILDERNESS SOCIETY ACTION FUND Michael Russo design ad content $33
# Nov. 16, 2018 Oppose Bruce L Poliquin THE WILDERNESS SOCIETY ACTION FUND Nicole Layman project management staff time $22
# Nov. 16, 2018 Oppose Bruce L Poliquin THE WILDERNESS SOCIETY ACTION FUND Jamie Clark development of ad $102
# Nov. 6, 2018 Oppose Bruce Poliquin (REP) Education Matters Political Action Committee Facebook ads $420
# Nov. 6, 2018 Support Jared Golden (DEM) Moveon.Org Political Action Twilio, Inc. Text Messages $45
# Nov. 5, 2018 Support Jared Golden Together We Thrive Facebook Inc. Advertising $20
# Nov. 5, 2018 Support Jared Golden (DEM) Moveon.Org Political Action Twilio, Inc. Text Messages $26
# Nov. 5, 2018 Support Jared Golden Together We Thrive Jaalin Harvey: PPWS Online Marketing $45
# Nov. 5, 2018 Support Bruce L Poliquin (REP) National Right To Life Victory Fund Tele-Town Hall IE-Poliquin, Bruce-Voter Calls $427
# Nov. 5, 2018 Oppose Jared Golden (DEM) National Rifle Association Of America Political Victory Fund Connection Strategy, LLC Phone Bank $210
# Nov. 5, 2018 Support Jared Golden Together We Thrive PinPoint WebSolutions Marketing: #VoteDemocrat Campaign $353
# Nov. 5, 2018 Support Bruce Poliquin (REP) National Rifle Association Of America Political Victory Fund Connection Strategy, LLC Phone Bank $210
# Nov. 3, 2018 Support Jared Golden (DEM) Build The Wave Resistance Labs 'Public Results' LLC Get Out the Vote Text Messages $1,938
# Nov. 3, 2018 Support Jared Golden (DEM) Build The Wave Politxt Purchase data - cell phone #'s for Maine voters $500
# Nov. 3, 2018 Support Jared Golden (DEM) Build The Wave Solidarity Company (GroundGame) Send 24000 Texts to Voters from 11/3/18 - 11/6/2018 $600
# Nov. 2, 2018 Oppose Bruce L Poliquin THE WILDERNESS SOCIETY ACTION FUND Jeremy Sheaffer staff time $549
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Jared Golden (DEM) Moveon.Org Political Action Solidarity Strategies LLC Phone Calls $303
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Jared Golden (DEM) Moveon.Org Political Action Columbia Road Media, LLC Ad Production $30
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Jared Golden (DEM) Moveon.Org Political Action Facebook Digital Advertising $9,243
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Bruce L Poliquin (REP) Change Now Stone's Phones Telephone Services; also supporting Jared Golden $12,201
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Jared Golden (DEM) Moveon.Org Political Action Ad Production $7
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Bruce Poliquin (REP) House Majority PAC Waterfront Strategies Television Advertising $199,950
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Bruce Poliquin (REP) House Majority PAC Priorities USA Action Online Advertising $19,209
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Bruce L Poliquin THE WILDERNESS SOCIETY ACTION FUND Fast G8 Billboard Ads $3,500
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Jared Golden Congressional Leadership Fund Nebo Media Media Placement $186,877
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Jared Golden Congressional Leadership Fund McCarthy Hennings Whalen Inc. Media production $4,902
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Bruce L Poliquin (REP) Change Now MVAR Media LLC Radio Advertisement Production $1,481
# Oct. 31, 2018 Support Bruce Poliquin (REP) Congressional Leadership Fund McCarthy Hennings Whalen Inc. Media production $4,902
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Bruce Poliquin (REP) Priorities Usa Action Bully Pulpit Interactive LLC Non-Contribution Account: Digital Ad Buy $15,313
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Bruce L Poliquin (REP) Change Now Targeted Platform Media, LLC Radio Advertisement Buy $52,956