California’s 53rd District House Race - 2018 cycle


Total Raised


Total Spent


Total Reported Outside Spending


Active Candidates

Candidate Party Raised Spent Cash As of
Susan Davis (I) DEM $416,937 $466,192 $206,729 Dec. 31, 2018
Morgan Murtaugh REP $94,571 $94,571 Dec. 31, 2018

Outside Spending

Committee Primary General Total As of
Planned Parenthood Votes $0 $36 $36 Oct. 8, 2018
Sierra Club Political Committee $10 $0 $10 Sept. 18, 2017

Candidates No Longer Running

Candidate Party Raised Spent Cash As of
Gino Kane REP $2,600 $2,600 April 16, 2018
Bryan Robert Kim NOP $36,343 $35,338 $999 May 16, 2018
Matt Mendoza REP $5,840 $280 $5,559 March 5, 2018