Texas’s 11th District House Race - 2020 cycle


Total Raised


Total Spent


Total Reported Outside Spending


Active Candidates

Candidate Party Raised Spent Cash As of
August Pfluger REP $2,598,806 $2,004,400 $594,406 Dec. 31, 2020
Jon Mark Hogg DEM $138,322 $135,733 $2,589 Dec. 31, 2020
Jeffery Cady IND N/A N/A N/A N/A
Wacey Alpha Cody LIB N/A N/A N/A N/A

Outside Spending

Committee Primary General Total As of
Fired Up Pac $976,149 $0 $976,149 Feb. 27, 2020
With Honor Fund, Inc. $428,741 $0 $428,741 Feb. 4, 2020
House Freedom Action $312,109 $0 $312,109 Feb. 4, 2020
Energy Security Pac $233,105 $0 $233,105 March 2, 2020
Keep Texas Great Pac $63,294 $0 $63,294 March 4, 2020
Future Leaders Fund $29,995 $0 $29,995 Feb. 26, 2020
House Freedom Fund $9,557 $0 $9,557 March 3, 2020
National Rifle Association Of America Political Victory Fund $0 $8,559 $8,559 Oct. 5, 2020
Restore Truth $8,000 $0 $8,000 Feb. 20, 2020
The Guardian Fund $0 $6,943 $6,943 Oct. 22, 2020
Jobs Opportunity And Freedom Political Action Committee Jofpac $2,340 $0 $2,340 Feb. 1, 2020

Candidates No Longer Running

Candidate Party Raised Spent Cash As of
Brandon Batch REP $235,493 $234,394 $1,099 Dec. 31, 2020
Jamie Berryhill REP $107,111 $73,773 $33,338 Feb. 12, 2020
JD Faircloth REP $130,495 $130,495 $0 March 31, 2020
Casey Gray REP
J. Ross Lacy REP $283,799 $283,799 $0 March 31, 2020
Ross Schumann REP
Robert Tucker REP $666 $626 $910 March 31, 2020
Wes Virdell REP $27,017 $26,085 $1,022 June 9, 2020