Miseducation | Montgomery County Public Schools | ProPublica

This database was last updated in October 2018, and its latest data is from the 2015-16 school year. Researchers can find more recent data at the U.S. Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection site.

Miseducation » Maryland

Montgomery County Public Schools

850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, MD 20850

157K Students | 11K Teachers | 203 Schools

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with higher/lower poverty rates

with more/fewer nonwhite students

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Albert Einstein High
Alternative Programs
A. Mario Loiederman Middle
Arcola Elementary
Argyle Middle
Ashburton Elementary
Bannockburn Elementary
Beall Elementary
Bells Mill Elementary
Belmont Elementary
Bel Pre Elementary
Benjamin Banneker Middle
Bethesda-Chevy Chase High
Bethesda Elementary
Beverly Farms Elementary
Bradley Hills Elementary
Briggs Chaney Middle
Broad Acres Elementary
Brooke Grove Elementary
Brookhaven Elementary
Brown Station Elementary
Burning Tree Elementary
Burnt Mills Elementary
Burtonsville Elementary
Cabin John Middle School
Candlewood Elementary
Cannon Road Elementary
Captain James E. Daly Elementary
Carderock Springs Elementary
Carl Sandburg Center
Cashell Elementary
Cedar Grove Elementary
Chevy Chase Elementary
Clarksburg Elementary
Clarksburg High
Clearspring Elementary
Clopper Mill Elementary
Cloverly Elementary
Cold Spring Elementary
Col. E. Brooke Lee Middle
College Gardens Elementary
Col. Zadok Magruder High
Cresthaven Elementary
Damascus Elementary
Damascus High
Darnestown Elementary
Diamond Elementary
Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary
Dr. Sally K. Ride Elementary
DuFief Elementary
Earle B. Wood Middle
Eastern Middle School
East Silver Spring Elementary
Fairland Elementary
Fallsmead Elementary
Farmland Elementary
Fields Road Elementary
Flora M. Singer Elementary School
Flower Hill Elementary
Flower Valley Elementary
Forest Knolls Elementary
Forest Oak Middle
Fox Chapel Elementary
Francis Scott Key Middle
Gaithersburg Elementary
Gaithersburg High
Gaithersburg Middle
Galway Elementary
Garrett Park Elementary
Georgian Forest Elementary
Germantown Elementary
Glenallan Elementary
Glen Haven Elementary
Goshen Elementary
Great Seneca Creek Elementary
Greencastle Elementary
Greenwood Elementary
Harmony Hills Elementary
Herbert Hoover Middle
Highland Elementary
Highland View Elementary
Jackson Road Elementary
James Hubert Blake High
John F. Kennedy High
John H. Poole Middle
John T. Baker Middle School
Jones Lane Elementary
Judith A. Resnik Elementary
Julius West Middle
Kemp Mill Elementary
Kensington Parkwood Elementary
Kingsview Middle
Lakelands Park Middle
Lake Seneca Elementary
Lakewood Elementary
Laytonsville Elementary
Little Bennett Elementary
Lois P. Rockwell Elementary
Longview School
Lucy V. Barnsley Elementary
Luxmanor Elementary
Martin Luther King Jr. Middle
Maryvale Elementary
MCPS Transitions School
Meadow Hall Elementary
Mill Creek Towne Elementary
Monocacy Elementary
Montgomery Blair High
Montgomery Knolls Elementary
Montgomery Village Middle School
Neelsville Middle
New Hampshire Estates Elem
Newport Mill Middle
North Bethesda Middle
North Chevy Chase Elementary
Northwest High
Northwood High School
Oakland Terrace Elementary
Oak View Elementary
Olney Elementary
Paint Branch High
Parkland Middle
Pine Crest Elementary
Piney Branch Elementary
Poolesville Elementary
Poolesville High
Potomac Elementary
Quince Orchard High
Rachel Carson Elementary
Redland Middle
Regional Institute for Children & Adolescents
Richard Montgomery High
Ridgeview Middle
Ritchie Park Elementary
Robert Frost Middle School
Roberto W. Clemente Middle
Rock Creek Forest Elementary
Rock Creek Valley Elementary
Rock Terrace School
Rock View Elementary
Rockville High
Rocky Hill Middle
Rolling Terrace Elementary
Ronald A. McNair Elementary
Rosa M. Parks Middle
Roscoe R Nix Elementary
Rosemary Hills Elementary
Rosemont Elementary
Sargent Shriver Elementary
S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Seneca Valley High
Sequoyah Elementary
Seven Locks Elementary
Shady Grove Middle
Sherwood Elementary
Sherwood High
Silver Spring International Middle
Sligo Creek Elementary
Sligo Middle
Somerset Elementary
South Lake Elementary
Spark M. Matsunaga Elementary School
Springbrook High
Stedwick Elementary
Stephen Knolls School
Stonegate Elementary
Stone Mill Elementary
Strathmore Elementary
Strawberry Knoll Elementary
Summit Hall Elementary
Takoma Park Elementary
Takoma Park Middle School
Thomas S. Wootton High
Thomas W. Pyle Middle School
Thurgood Marshall Elementary
Tilden Middle School
Travilah Elementary
Twinbrook Elementary
Viers Mill Elementary
Walter Johnson High
Walt Whitman High
Washington Grove Elementary
Waters Landing Elementary
Watkins Mill Elementary
Watkins Mill High
Wayside Elementary
Weller Road Elementary
Westbrook Elementary
Westland Middle
Westover Elementary
Wheaton High
Wheaton Woods Elementary
Whetstone Elementary
White Oak Middle
William B. Gibbs Jr.
William H. Farquhar Middle
William Tyler Page Elementary
Wilson Wims Elementary School
Winston Churchill High
Wood Acres Elementary
Woodfield Elementary
Woodlin Elementary
Wyngate Elementary
District Composition
The Racial Divide

ProPublica has found that in school districts across the country, Black and Hispanic students are, on average, less likely to be selected for gifted programs and take AP courses than their white peers. They are also more likely, on average, to be suspended and expelled. Another measure of disparities is how segregated schools are in a district. Explore if disparities exist at this school across all racial groups. The first scores shown below are for racial groups with the highest disparities.



White students are 2.6 times as likely to be enrolled in at least one AP class as Hispanic students.

White students are 2 times as likely to be enrolled in at least one AP class as Black students.

White students are equally as likely to be enrolled in at least one AP class as Asian, Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian students.

White students are 1.4 times as likely to be enrolled in at least one AP class as students of Two or More Races.

White students are 2.4 times as likely to be enrolled in at least one AP class as Native American or Alaska Native students.



Black students are 5.2 times as likely to be suspended as White students.

Hispanic students are 2.6 times as likely to be suspended as White students.

White students are 1.5 times as likely to be suspended as Asian, Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian students.

students of Two or More Races are 3.1 times as likely to be suspended as White students.

A comparison between Native American or Alaska Native students and White student suspensions is not available.

Segregation Index


Segregation between Black students students and White students is High, indicating that the distribution of these two racial groups among schools in this district is very uneven

Segregation between White students and Hispanic students is High, indicating that the distribution of these two racial groups among schools in this district isvery uneven

Achievement Gap

3.2 grades

Hispanic students are, on average, academically 3.2 grades behind White students.

Black students are, on average, academically 3 grades behind White students.

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School districts offer a variety of curricula and enrichment programs. Explore what advanced courses and specialized staff members are available for students in this district.

AP Course Composition

Gifted & Talented Composition

This District



70% Nonwhite Students

35% Students Who Get Free/Reduced-Price Lunch

90% High School Graduation Rate

42% High School Students Taking at Least One AP Course

19.5K students

48% Students in a Gifted & Talented Program

75K students

28% Students Taking the SAT or ACT

12.7K students

11% Students Enrolled in Physics

4,972 students

25% Students Enrolled in Advanced Math

11.5K students

20% Students Enrolled in in Geometry

9,392 students

36% Students Enrolled in Biology

16.6K students

22% Students Enrolled in Chemistry

9,918 students

11% Students Enrolled in Calculus

5,100 students

3% Students Enrolled in 8th-Grade Algebra

5,089 students

Teachers & Resources

14.3 Students for Every Teacher

13% Inexperienced Teachers

19% Chronically Absent Teachers

(Missed more than 10 days in a 180-day school year)

21.5 Average Number of AP Courses per School

2.9 Social Workers, Psychologists & Counselors per 1000 students

27 Schools With Credit Recovery Programs

26 Schools With Dual Enrollment Programs

198 Schools With Gifted & Talented Programs

8 Schools With International Baccalaureates

This District



School districts differ in how they discipline students. Explore how often this district punishes its students with suspensions, expulsions and corporal punishment.

Out-of-School Suspension Composition

Expulsion Composition

This District



2,471 Total Out-of-School Suspended Students

2% of all students in this district

393 Total In-School Suspended Students

< 1% of all students in this district

15 Total Expelled Students

< 1% of all students in this district

Outcomes & Resources

53 Average Days Missed to Out-of-School Suspension, per School

3.6Average Number of Days of an Out-of-School Suspension

151 Total Arrests

810 Total Referrals to Law Enforcement

3 Average Referrals to Law Enforcement, per School

0 Average Transfers to Alternative Schools, per School

1.6 Security Guard or Law Enforcement Officer per 1000 students

This District


Civil Rights Coordinators

Districts are required to designate specific employees to ensure schools are in compliance with federal civil rights laws. Here are the designated civil rights coordinators for this district.

Civil Rights: All Forms of Discrimination
  • Lori-Christina Web
  • 301-279-3128
  • Email
All Schools

Explore the disparities in discipline and academic opportunities across all schools in this district.

Sources & Notes

Sources: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, Stanford University's Center for Education Policy Analysis, EDFacts, U.S. Department of Education’s Common Core of Data. Maps courtesy of Mapbox Community. Read our methodology

Notes: The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights occasionally updates the underlying dataset. ProPublica may update the interactive’s data in response.

Disparity scores are not available if there are too few students in a specific racial group to make a statistically significant calculation. They are also not available if data about a particular racial group was not reported. Some schools or districts reported an overcount of students in a disparity category (such as suspensions or AP courses) when compared with the total enrollment of that particular student group. In such cases, we also omit the disparity score.

Due to rounding, demographic breakdowns in composition charts may add up to more than 100 percent.

The racial categories we show data for are: Black, Hispanic, White, Asian/Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian, Two or More Races, and Native American or Alaska Native. In some cases, we abbreviate the last three of these racial groups to Asian, Two+ Races, and Native Am.

Due to a technical issue with the Office for Civil Rights’ collection of data on sworn law enforcement officers in schools, the data for security staff may be an undercount.

As with any self-reported data, there may be errors in the federal Civil Rights Data Collection. Though districts are required to ensure the accuracy of their data, some may still report incorrect figures. Additionally, for some variables, the CRDC rounds the number of students for privacy reasons. In these cases, groups of students may represent a slight undercount or overcount.

Find errors? Have tips? Email [email protected].

Data specific to high school testing or high school level courses (including geometry, biology, calculus, AP enrollment, SAT testing rates, etc.) is calculated out of total high school enrollment, while data for other classes (such as eighth-grade algebra) is calculated out of total student enrollment. Read more about our data in our methodology

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