2016-02-15T15:50:31-08:00 2015-06-30 BETHANY K HUFFMAN CPA 8370 HWY 51 N SUITE 112 MILLINGTON TN 38053 990 2014-07-01 620730545 Tipton-Rosemark Academy Inc TIPT 9018294221 8696 Rosemark Road Millington TN 38053 LISA COLE BUSINESS DIRECTOR 9018294221 2016-02-11 true BETHANY K HUFFMAN CPA 9018726830 2016-02-15 X 2014 2016-08-17 19:52:53Z Lisa Cole 8696 Rosemark Road Millington TN 38053 5778830 false X N/A X 1965 TN Education 10 10 147 1000 0 51106 158704 5497039 5620126 0 0 5548145 5778830 0 0 3371899 3428994 0 0 2365379 2305978 5737278 5734972 -189133 43858 13404047 13286992 10462058 10301145 2941989 2985847 Education false false 5515194 5620126 PROVIDE APPROXIMATELY 600 STUDENTS FROM PRE-KINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE 12 WITH A QUALITY EDUCATION TO PREPARE THEM FOR ENTRY INTO COLLEGE AND TO BE PRODUCTIVE U.S. CITIZENS 5515194 true false false false false false false false false false true false false true true false true false true false false false false false false false false false false false true false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false true 0 0 true 147 true false false false false false false false false false false false false false X 10 10 false false false false false true false true true false false true true true true false false true false false TN X LISA COLE 9018294221 8696 Rosemark Road Millington TN 380534805 JOHN W SCOTT Head of Schools 50.00 X X 121530 0 0 CHAD STEWART Chair 2.00 X 0 0 0 KEITH WILDER Vice Chair 2.00 X 0 0 0 EVERETT THORPE Secretary 1.00 X 0 0 0 KYLE MCLANE Treasurer 1.00 X 0 0 0 SHANNON GUIDRY Director 1.00 X 0 0 0 BRIAN RAMSEY Director 1.00 X 0 0 0 KIRK RICHARDSON Director 1.00 X 0 0 0 HARRIS SINIS Director 1.00 X 0 0 0 MELANIE SPRENKLE Director 1.00 X 0 0 0 VICTOR KELLEY Director 1.00 X 0 0 0 121530 1 false false false 158704 158704 5620126 5620126 5778830 5620126 2888871 2888871 0 0 326787 326787 0 0 213336 213336 0 0 0 0 0 0 9700 0 9700 0 3131 0 3131 0 35872 35872 0 0 397514 228097 169417 0 27947 0 27947 0 376138 376138 0 0 659671 659671 0 0 64656 64656 0 0 Bank and credit card fees 9583 0 9583 0 Bad debts 16038 16038 0 0 Discounts 346752 346752 0 0 Guidance, development & admissions 13643 13643 0 0 345333 345333 0 0 5734972 5515194 219778 0 2095617 2104283 231536 173898 22736 32088 2818 943 7303 8086 30255 33954 15715341 4840216 10942141 10875125 71641 58615 13404047 13286992 110316 117228 1428225 1201267 8767066 8841370 156451 141280 10462058 10301145 X 2941989 2985847 2941989 2985847 13404047 13286992 43858 X false true X true false X 0 0 0 0 0 0 2150050 2150050 11295102 4840216 6454886 443179 443179 1827010 1827010 10875125 Loan Costs 130257 Amortization of Loan Costs -71642 58615 Student group funds 141280 141280 5778830 5778830 5778830 5734972 5734972 5734972 true true true true true true true false false false false false false false false false false true Line 3 PUBLISHED MATERIALS INCLUDE POLICY LANGUAGE EXPLANATION INCLUDED WITH QUESTION. A HEH Facility Board of Shelby County TN 521283414 587968782 2010-03-01 8076000 Educational funding false false false A 8076000 130257 8025000 51000 2010 false false true true A false false false false false 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 true A false false false false false false Pt VI, Line 11b Form 990 is reviewed by the Executive Committee prior to filing Pt VI, Line 15a Independent Private School Association statistics are reviewed by the Board of Directors in determining compensation for CEO and key employees Pt VI, Line 19 Governing documents, conflict of interest policy and financial statements are made available upon request to the public Pt VI, Line 12c Conflict of interest statements signed annually and Board of Directors monitors compliance with the policy Pt VI, Line 7a Members of the Board of Directors are elected at the Annual Meeting by the voting families Form 990, Part IX, Line 24f SPECIAL EVENTS 5288. 5288. 0. 0. TEXTBOOKS 15349. 15349. 0. 0. CAFETERIA & VENDING EXPENSE 191798. 191798. 0. 0. GAS AND BUS REPAIRS 9392. 9392. 0. 0. DRUG TESTING (9-12) 4127. 4127. 0. 0. EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS 15442. 15442. 0. 0. SPORTS ACTIVITY EXPENSES 78783. 78783. 0. 0. STAFF DEVELOPMENT 11665. 11665. 0. 0. SUPPLIES 3437. 3437. 0. 0. DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 6137. 6137. 0. 0. LIBRARY 3373. 3373. 0. 0. MISCELLANEOUS 542. 542. 0. 0. MARKETING
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<AddressLine1Txt>8696 Rosemark Road</AddressLine1Txt>
<PersonNm>LISA COLE</PersonNm>
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<PersonNm>LISA COLE</PersonNm>
<AddressLine1Txt>8696 Rosemark Road</AddressLine1Txt>
<PersonNm>JOHN W SCOTT</PersonNm>
<TitleTxt>Head of Schools</TitleTxt>
<PersonNm>CHAD STEWART</PersonNm>
<PersonNm>KEITH WILDER</PersonNm>
<TitleTxt>Vice Chair</TitleTxt>
<PersonNm>EVERETT THORPE</PersonNm>
<PersonNm>KYLE MCLANE</PersonNm>
<PersonNm>SHANNON GUIDRY</PersonNm>
<PersonNm>BRIAN RAMSEY</PersonNm>
<PersonNm>KIRK RICHARDSON</PersonNm>
<PersonNm>HARRIS SINIS</PersonNm>
<PersonNm>VICTOR KELLEY</PersonNm>
<Desc>Bank and credit card fees</Desc>
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<Desc>Guidance, development & admissions</Desc>
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<FormAndLineReferenceDesc>Pt VI, Line 11b</FormAndLineReferenceDesc>
<ExplanationTxt>Form 990 is reviewed by the Executive Committee prior to filing</ExplanationTxt>
<FormAndLineReferenceDesc>Pt VI, Line 15a</FormAndLineReferenceDesc>
<ExplanationTxt>Independent Private School Association statistics are reviewed by the Board of Directors in determining compensation for CEO and key employees</ExplanationTxt>
<FormAndLineReferenceDesc>Pt VI, Line 19</FormAndLineReferenceDesc>
<ExplanationTxt>Governing documents, conflict of interest policy and financial statements are made available upon request to the public</ExplanationTxt>
<FormAndLineReferenceDesc>Pt VI, Line 12c</FormAndLineReferenceDesc>
<ExplanationTxt>Conflict of interest statements signed annually and Board of Directors monitors compliance with the policy</ExplanationTxt>
<FormAndLineReferenceDesc>Pt VI, Line 7a</FormAndLineReferenceDesc>
<ExplanationTxt>Members of the Board of Directors are elected at the Annual Meeting by the voting families</ExplanationTxt>
<FormAndLineReferenceDesc>Form 990, Part IX, Line 24f</FormAndLineReferenceDesc>
<ExplanationTxt>SPECIAL EVENTS 5288. 5288. 0. 0. TEXTBOOKS 15349. 15349. 0. 0. CAFETERIA & VENDING EXPENSE 191798. 191798. 0. 0. GAS AND BUS REPAIRS 9392. 9392. 0. 0. DRUG TESTING (9-12) 4127. 4127. 0. 0. EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS 15442. 15442. 0. 0. SPORTS ACTIVITY EXPENSES 78783. 78783. 0. 0. STAFF DEVELOPMENT 11665. 11665. 0. 0. SUPPLIES 3437. 3437. 0. 0. DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 6137. 6137. 0. 0. LIBRARY 3373. 3373. 0. 0. MISCELLANEOUS 542. 542. 0. 0. MARKETING</ExplanationTxt>