TY 2012 IRS 990 e-File Render
Commonweal Foundation Inc
EIN: 23-7000192
Description Revenue and Expenses per Books Net Investment Income Adjusted Net Income Disbursements for Charitable Purposes
Bank fees 18,588 18,588 18,588 0
Equipment and maintenance 21,239 0 0 26,744
Dues and subscription 36,271 0 0 72,146
Staff recruiting 51,202 0 0 52,391
Insurance 35,333 0 0 30,858
Office supplies 52,993 0 0 51,533
Postage and delivery 6,870 323 323 3,895
Student expenses 50,649 0 0 50,907
Telehpone 17,451 0 0 18,824
School Enhancement Contracts 33,097 0 0 551,001
Scholarships 2,386,642 0 0 2,565,763
Micellaneous 4,683 0 0 5,645
Allocated Corporate General and Admin. 0 107,818 107,818 -107,818