As one of Florida's largest community foundations, The Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties works for Palm Beach and Martin Counties in multiple ways, playing multiple roles: HELPING OUR DONORS MAKE A DIFFERENCE For donors, the Foundation offers many ways to manage their giving including providing philanthropic vehicles and services to meet their charitable goals. We help our donors fulfill their philanthropic vision and we honor their passions--whether it's responding to an urgent need, supporting a particular cause or organization, creating a family legacy or coinvesting in a Community Foundation initiative. Together, we address challenges, seek solutions and provide support to create resilient, vibrant communities where individuals and families flourish. Through the generosity of our donors, we have awarded millions in grants and scholarships each year that continue to build and strengthen the communitiies we live in and love. STRENGTHENING OUR COMMUNITIES For the community, the Foundation serves as a grant maker and a civic leader and award grants to the region's nonprofit organizations to help meet community needs, fulfill our donors' philanthropic wishes and strengthen the nonprofit sector. Using local knowledge, networks, influence and creativity, the Foundation brings people together to improve the community's quality of life now and in the future. We seek innovative ideas and proposals from our nonprofit partners, engage dialogue to discover new opportunities and provide ideas for collective solutions. PROVIDING COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP We are involved in our communities. We listen and we learn to better understand opportunities when the needs are great and the challenges are many. We encourage conversation, ask questions, bring community partners together and are willing to address tough issues affecting our children, families and neighborhoods. We forge productive partnerships to develop sustainable solutions to tackle the many challenges facing our communities. We are willing and able to take risk and make long-term investments for positive change. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11 |
The Form 990 and 990-T is made available to the governing body after it is reviewed by the audit committee. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c |
A conflict of interest statement is completed and submitted annually by the officers, directors and key employees for review by the CFO for potential conflicts of interest. The form must be completed and submitted prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15 |
CEO and officer's salaries are determined from research of other local area nonprofit compensation records and also from published salary survey data for human resource management purposes. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 |
The organization makes its governing documents, conflict of interest policy, and financial statements available upon request. |
The audit report is reviewed at the annual audit report review meeting as presented by the independent auditor. The process has not changed from the prior year. |